Can you hear that pattering sound? With the occasional shuffle? The scuffing of feet on a carpeted floor?
That's the sound of me performing a really amateurish jig of delight. Who the Hell said that dreams never come true? Whoever he was, give that man a good kick in the crotch. Or maybe just direct him to Dana Kane for a sound spanking.
It's good to have dreams. It's good to have big dreams and little dreams. Oh sure, I dream of world peace, and all religions living happily together. Or at least fabulous wealth for me, so that I can be oblivious to the troubles of the world (joke, honestly. Nobody wins unless everybody wins, as Bruce used to say).
One of my smaller dreams was to see the frighteningly hot Dana Kane taken over some lucky guy's knee, and soundly spanked.
Well, guess what?
I posted a year or so ago how much it frustrated me to see attractive ladies who only top, and Dana was one of the specific examples I mentioned (I was actually given a lead as to where I might find some old films of her being punished but sadly the site they were on had recently closed down).
I opened her blog recently to find a link to her Clips Store where resided a film of her being spanked. And still trying to top whilst over the gentleman's knee.
Sadly the clip does not appear on her members own site, the delightful Dana Kane Spanks. Of course I did the obvious thing; I emailed her to ask if she planned to upload it, as I would jump at the chance to join if it were there.
I got a very prompt and pleasant response, although Dana did say that she wouldn't post the clip because
"Ahh, the member site is called Dana Kane Spanks, not Dana Kane Spanked, silly"
which I guess seems like a reasonable answer (although I don't have to like it).
I don't generally buy individual spanking clips, primarily because I watch so many films that buying them that way would leave me rather short of money to do dull things such as eating, but sometimes a man of principals has to be swayed. I pride myself on being flexible (those who know me may disagree!).
I bounded over (figuratively speaking of course) and hastened to buy the clip.
Yes, worth the money. Absolutely worth the money.
I cannot, of course, share the clip with you, due to those pesky copywrite things, and, well, it's Dana's clip and I'm sure she'd be no happier to see it popping up on a blog than she was prepared to host it on her members site.
I have snagged a couple of screen shots though, just to give you a flavour.
You might want to check it out yourselves. If you're like me.
All the best
Oh, and despite the absence of this film I did decide to join Dana Kane Spanks, and, as usual, a review will follow in due course.
That's the sound of me performing a really amateurish jig of delight. Who the Hell said that dreams never come true? Whoever he was, give that man a good kick in the crotch. Or maybe just direct him to Dana Kane for a sound spanking.
It's good to have dreams. It's good to have big dreams and little dreams. Oh sure, I dream of world peace, and all religions living happily together. Or at least fabulous wealth for me, so that I can be oblivious to the troubles of the world (joke, honestly. Nobody wins unless everybody wins, as Bruce used to say).
One of my smaller dreams was to see the frighteningly hot Dana Kane taken over some lucky guy's knee, and soundly spanked.
Well, guess what?
I posted a year or so ago how much it frustrated me to see attractive ladies who only top, and Dana was one of the specific examples I mentioned (I was actually given a lead as to where I might find some old films of her being punished but sadly the site they were on had recently closed down).
I opened her blog recently to find a link to her Clips Store where resided a film of her being spanked. And still trying to top whilst over the gentleman's knee.
Sadly the clip does not appear on her members own site, the delightful Dana Kane Spanks. Of course I did the obvious thing; I emailed her to ask if she planned to upload it, as I would jump at the chance to join if it were there.
I got a very prompt and pleasant response, although Dana did say that she wouldn't post the clip because
"Ahh, the member site is called Dana Kane Spanks, not Dana Kane Spanked, silly"
which I guess seems like a reasonable answer (although I don't have to like it).
I don't generally buy individual spanking clips, primarily because I watch so many films that buying them that way would leave me rather short of money to do dull things such as eating, but sometimes a man of principals has to be swayed. I pride myself on being flexible (those who know me may disagree!).
I bounded over (figuratively speaking of course) and hastened to buy the clip.
Yes, worth the money. Absolutely worth the money.
I cannot, of course, share the clip with you, due to those pesky copywrite things, and, well, it's Dana's clip and I'm sure she'd be no happier to see it popping up on a blog than she was prepared to host it on her members site.
I have snagged a couple of screen shots though, just to give you a flavour.
You might want to check it out yourselves. If you're like me.
All the best
Oh, and despite the absence of this film I did decide to join Dana Kane Spanks, and, as usual, a review will follow in due course.