Before we begin just a quick note of thanks to everyone who's ever popped onto here for a quick peek; this blog passed 500,000 page views over the weekend.
That's not to say that I don't also appreciate the regulars; I'd buy you all a drink, except that most of you are in far flung countries (you know, mysterious and sinister places like America and Germany), and, even if you weren't, I wouldn't be able to afford it!
(Although if you happen to be around Birmingham (the original version, that is) and want to chat or whatever, drop me a line - I might actually buy you a drink!).
Anyway, I couldn't have done it without you! (well, I suppose I could, if I set the blog to register my own page views, and then I spent a lot of time looking at my own posts, but that takes masturbation to a level beyond which even I'm unwilling to go).
Anyway, as I'm sure that you know by now, I'm quite switchy, so occasionally I have a look at femdom sites; I love to see a beautiful and/or stern women giving a good spanking, especially with the flat of her hand.
This week, for the first time, I joined Clare Spanks Men, just for a change of pace. It was an interesting experience, not least because I promptly came across this:-
And this:
Oh, this too:
Fearsome and enticing at the same time. My dream of a spanker.
The gorgeous lady here is an Australian model, who goes by the name of Gigli Allens. And yes, that is pronounced "giggly", in case you were wondering.
It takes no massive leap to realise that I found her to be a delightful spanker, and, as you know, I love to see ladies that spank when they are on the receiving end. Naturally I had a look around Clare's other sites (the five site pass is wonderful value) and I was extremely pleased to find a number of other films with Gigli.
And, as I'm a kind and generous host, who is more than willing to borrow pictures from the lovely spanking sites that I join (always with links and attribution, of course) I am bubbling with bouncy bottomed joy to offer a few samples here for your consideration.
And pleasure. Oh yes, pleasure, I'm sure.
What's that? Can you have some more, sir? No need to be so so goddamn formal. of course you can.
As you can see these are all from various of Clare Fonda's sites, so this would be a good time to urge that you go check out your favourite with all due haste.
And, while I think of it, I have to say how lovely it is to have Clare back in the spanking fold. I missed her during her self-imposed retirement to diaper land, and it's a real pleasure to see her reddening bottoms, and getting her's reddened too. (Incidentally check out the films with Gigli on Spanked Sweeties - Clare's Australian accent is awesome).
Gigli is also in films on Spanked Call Girls and Spanking Sorority Girls. Come to think of it she's also featured on Girl Spanks Girl as well. She just needs to get to My Spanking Roommate for the set!
It's nice that you come and visit these free sites, but occasionally actually supporting the producers of these, erm, entertaining films would be a worthy thing too.
All the best