Back before the dawn of time, or earlier this year if you prefer, I promised to tell you of my adventures at my first spanking party. I hope that you haven't been dangling on tenterhooks ever since - I suspect that might be a tad uncomfortable.
Anyway, better late than never. Ah, I love a good platitude.
What I'll do is tell you the tale of my party adventure, and then make a few comments about what I liked, and what I didn't. If you're thinking of dipping your toe there might be some information that you find useful.
So then, I enrolled to attend a Central Spanking party, in the Midlands. The company also run parties in Sheffield, and have been doing so for a good few years.
The immediate impetus for going was the wonderful Fae Corbin, whose interview here you may recall. She mentioned that she was a regular at these things, and suggested that I might like to come along.
I paid my deposit, and got directions to the venue, which was above a pub just outside of Nuneaton Town Centre; Martin, the organiser, provided good directions, and said that he would be lurking in the pub from 12.00 onwards.
I arrived in good time (yes, alright, I was about an hour early; I can't help being compulsively overpunctual) and hung around until about 12.15. At that point I entered the pub, and looked around.
There was a group of maybe 3 guys and a couple of ladies (one of whom reminded me of Sam Johnson), which I assumed was my party but, being shy and retiring, I bought a pint and took a seat, to see what might happen. Several more guys joined the group, and then Fae arrived and headed for them.
Using Sherlockian deductive abilities I reasoned that this was the Spanking Party, and headed over.
I introduced myself and was soon chatting with the group. The lady who looked like the delightful Sam actually was her! I was suitably wowed by this guest spankee.
At 1.00 we headed up to the room. It was a large space, used for bands, with a raised stage at one end, a bar to one side and a horseshoe arrangement of around 20 chairs. Over the next few minutes these were filled by sundry gents, mainly in advanced middle age or older. In fact, I reckoned that I was the youngest attendee bar one.
A form was passed around, allowing you to book a short private one to one with the terrifying Ms Hastings-Gore. You could also request your level of punishment. I went for the light end of the spectrum.
After a brief while the girls paraded out, dressed in skimpy skirts. There were five in all; Fae and Sam, the spanking twins, Chloe and Candy, and a returning girl, who I think was called Sophie (come on, give me a break - this was months ago!).
Each of the girls was allocated to a gentleman, and a few minutes spanking ensued. Then each girl moved to the next gent in the seating area, for more spanking.
This continued until each girl had been spanked by each guy, which took close on an hour, I think.
It was then time to break for food, and the bar got quite a bit of custom. The girls joined in the noshing, and chatted pleasantly with anyone who approached them.
After this it was implement and switch time; 3 girls bent over for each guy to give her six strokes with his choice of a huge array of spanking toys, such as floggers, paddles, slippers and hairbrushes.
The other 2 girls invited any guys who wished to switch to an area behind the seats, where they went across the lady's knee for a few minutes of punishment.
Whilst this was going on Ms Hastings-Gore was taking the opportunity to take various victims away to a little room, so that she could administer her thrashings in peace. The distance from the main hall did a little to suppress the screams she elicited (okay, yes, I do exaggerate. Whilst firm she adhered to everyone's limits).
The afternoon finished off with mass canings, organised in a similar fashion to the earlier implements round, and once again any gent who wished to switch could move to the back of the room to experience the cane.
All in all the meeting lasted around somewhere in excess of 4 hours, including the break for food. The bar was open throughout, with two barmaids who were fascinated by what was going on. Unsuccessful efforts were made to get them to join in with the fun.
And that's just the facts, ma'am.
Of course, this leaves us with how much I enjoyed the experience. I tell you what - I'll list the things I liked, and the bits that didn't thrill me quite so much.
Lets start with positives.
1. Lovely to meet a group of people who share an interest thats hugely important to me.
2. I got to spank 5 girls who were new to me, including two (Fae and Sam) who I have watched, and adored, in various spanking videos.
3. The girls themselves were the major plus; all of them were lovely, spankable and clearly into the whole thing. I'm sure that after all of that spanking, paddling and caning they went away with very sore bottoms.
4. I got spanked by the fearsome Ms Hastings-Gore, an experience that I recommend to anyone who likes to switch
There were a few negatives;
1. The whole thing is a bit like a cattle market; large hall, lots of guys all around, and absolutely no intimacy at all
2. I'm not wild about being spanked in public
3. It's difficult to make a connection with any of the girls in little 5 minute slots, in a crowded room
Having said all of that, I'm glad that I had the experience, and I loved meeting and spanking all of the girls. I would certainly have preferred to do that in a more private environment, but that really isn't practical with the numbers the party caters to.
I should also say that, whatever reservations I may have, the majority of the guys were frequent repeat customers, some attending every party both in the Midlands and Sheffield.
The question of whether I'd want to go again is a little harder. My initial thought was that I would, and in fact I did pay a deposit for the next time (at a discounted rate), but health issues have prevented me pursuing this.
Dani Hunt has been chasing me to attend one of her house based parties, and, from what she says, that may be more to my taste, I guess we'll find out when my financial situation improves, and I can afford to book with her. You'll read about it here when it happens.
Would I recommend trying one of Central Spankings parties? Extremely nice of you to ask.
It depends very much what you get out of spanking. If you find it to be primarily a physical experience then I suspect that you'll love one of them; the chance to spank a group of gorgeous and charming girls is a real temptation.
If you lean as much towards the psychological aspects of our hobby as the physical then you are likely to find the parties a bit frustrating. There's no real room for role play, there's no build up and the process is just a little impersonal.
But then there are the girls.
If you sense that I'm still kind of on the fence, then give that man a big fat cigar - I'm still ambivalent about the experience. No, that's not true. I am genuinely pleased I gave the party a whirl, but I am unsure whether I'd care to repeat the experience.
There you go. As clear as six inch thick mud!
Oh, and while I think about it, Sam, Fae and, more recently, Chloe all offer one to one sessions, and I think you'd have a great time with any of them - they're good people and great fun spanking gals.
Look 'em at the links provided.
I'll be back soon.
Best wishes
PS photos are grabbed from the websites of the various Parties and girls mentioned.