Channel: Tim the Tum - A spanking good time
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Video of the Week - Messin' About in the Principal's Office (Firm Hand Spanking)

If you turn up here on a regular basis (and if you do, many thanks for your support) you'll probably have noticed that I have a routine for my posts at the moment.

I'll summarize, shall I? Just in case you're blonde (joking, honest!)

Monday - a new story
Tuesday - nothing, unless I have something unusual
Wednesday - OTK Files
Thursday - Top Stuff
Friday - Video of the Week
Weekends will usually be free from my posts.

The feature that seems to be most popular (aside from stuff that gets Chrossed) is the Video of the Week. That's almost certainly down to my impeccable taste, and spectacularly good selection of delightful films to share with you.

I'm sure that's it. Otherwise it would have to be the pretty pictures, and I know that no one is here for them. 


This week's video selection is from Firm Hand Spanking, and stars the wonderful duo of Jennifer Torrance and Tanya Carter. I've called it "Messin' About in the Principal's Office" because FHS don't give names to individual films; in fact this one is two films that follow on from each other, and that they list as CGD BJ and CGD BK.

The plot revolves around our two lovely lasses turning up at the principal's office, only to find that he isn't there. They look around a bit, searching his jacket and desk, where they find his punishment book.

This, and the presence of a large table tennis style paddle inspires them to play around a bit. Tanya does a frankly deadly impression of the principal, and puts Jennifer over her knee for a spanking with her hand over her panties. They come down soon, and after a few more with the hand, the paddle comes into play.

Jennifer has a truly epic backside, and the film is worth while just to watch it bounce as Tanya gets more serious with her spanks. She finishes up by administering a few whacks with Jennifer bent over the desk, after which we are able to watch, mouthes open with awe, as Jennifer tries to rub away the sting.

Naturally enough, Jennifer wants some payback, and so, leggings and shirt removed, Tanya finds herself across her friend's knee, as her hand falls onto another splendid bottom.

Pants come down again, and then the paddle swings into action, initially whilst Tanya remains over Jennifer's knee, but then as she too is bent over the desk.

Punishment administered, she stands and dresses. She's just in time; the principal returns, and lectures the two young ladies.

It's a simple enough story, which works primarily because of the interaction of the two young actresses; they mug for the camera, they provide intentionally poor impressions of their principal, and they are clearly having a great time. The fact that they both have particularly fine bottoms doesn't hurt either.

If you want to see your spankees wriggling around in agony then this film won't do it for you. The spankings are pretty mild, but it is really good fun.

Remember the title of this blog? A spanking good time? Yep, that's what these two linked films provide.

So, here are a hell of a lot of pictures, illustrating our story; please enjoy them, and remember, the films that they come from are even better, so please give some thought to checking them out on Firm Hand Spanking - you know it makes sense.

Which is more than I do, most of the time.

Let the pictures begin!

Wot, no principal?
Tut, tut. Naughty girls!
Hey, what's this?
Have paddle, will spank
You want to spank me?
Over goes Jennifer
This will hurt, young lady!
A hand spanking first, I think
Tanya's quite enthusiastic
Knickers down
If you bare it, they will spank
It's paddle time!
Ouch! Not the most original thought, I know
Over the desk time
Well worth rubbing
Not my turn, surely?
An appropriate position
First the lecture...
And then the spanking
The spanking goes on (of course)
Picture of the week, do you think?
Spanking the other cheek
Not sure this is as much fun as I imagined
Of course Tanya gets paddled too
Handily placed over the desk
That paddle is a nice size, isn't it?
A whack in close up
Great expression
Oops! Did you hear him come in?
A lecture from the principal

Wow. That took a long while to upload; I may have over done the pictures, just a tad. Still, there are a lot of very nice images there, as I hope you'll agree.

Check out Firm Hand Spanking for the actual films, why don't you, old chap?

All the best


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