Oh, yes, honestly every day has it's pleasures; I have a comfortable home life, a loving family who all still talk to me (usually when I'm trying to watch the TV, but so what?), books, films and music to entertain me, a lovely bottle of Glenlivet Founders Reserve in the pantry (yes, and I have an actual pantry) and a spanking obsession that warms my cockles.
Today is especially good for two reasons though.
Yesterday I got to spend some time with my wonderful spanking sweetie, the glorious and gorgeous Cherri. It was just 90 minutes or so, but on a cold and wet Monday afternoon it cheered us both.
I got a good sound spanking on arrival, with Cherri wearing my favourite jodphurs. If you've been around here much you'll know I adore women in jods, and Cherri fills her's out wonderfully. We managed to wear out one pair that she'd had for years, and these new ones are very traditional and spanky.
After my bottom was glowing I gave Cherri her birthday hug, and a good birthday spanking. I lost count at one point, and Cherri insisted I had to start again from the beginning. The only sensible course really.
Under her jods Cherri was wearing shiny black silky pants; another of my favourite things. I had nearly emailed her asking for these, but fate, and our similar thought processes, brought them anyway.
After a cup of tea and a chat we did a long role play, where Cherri was my horse mad wife. I had walked through the stables, and noticed we seemed to have gained a couple of horses.
When confronted Cherri initially denied the whole thing, and then said she was looking after them for a friend. Whose name she kept changing.
Over my knee she went, while we continued the conversation. After admitting to buying the horses, which she said were cheap at £5000, she also admitted to using the money we'd put aside to rebuild the conservatory to purchase them.
I spanked her in jods, panties and bare bottomed, before adding a leather paddle, a slipper, her riding crop and a table tennis bat. There may have been a couple of other things too.
This went on for some time, as you might imagine, before Cherri turned the whole thing around, angry at my jokes about using the horses for cat food, and spanked me again.
To finish out we played with a few implements (well, I did, with the eager aid of Cherri's bottom), before Cherri decided that she needed her birthday spanking again. A couple of times, finishing with a run through on her bare and rather red bottom.
I was ready to head for home, but Cherri felt that, as I'd given her so many birthday spankings, she should give me one. Or two. Or three, actually.
I've played with Cherri on near enough twenty occasions now, and this was just so relaxed and easy; great fun, great company, great spanking and a decent, strong cup of tea.
I don't normally talk about Cherri on here, as I don't want to share her, but I felt so carefree after yesterday that I couldn't resist trying to give you a flavour of my time with her.
If you're in the area, and feel moved to visit her yourself, details can be found at Spankeefinder. You can tell her Tim sent you!
So I was still feeling pretty good when I got up this morning (White rabbits!) and checked my email. In my inbox I found a new notification of a comment, on last week's highlighted video, from one of it's stars, the great John Osbourne.
Just hearing from him would have been a buzz of itself, but he also told me that this blog (Yes, this one here!) has been nominated for Best Creative Blog in the annual spanking awards that are hosted on his blog (which you should really check out, although I imagine many of you do already).
I'm particularly pleased to be nominated because it never occurred to me that I would be; this is totally out of the blue. And, to anyone who did nominate me, I offer my sincere thanks.
The list of nominated blogs is really impressive, and includes several of my favourites. I honestly feel honoured to be included with them (and I never usually believe it when people say that, but it's true).
These annual awards are great fun, and a brilliant way of promoting the various corners of our Spanking Universe, so please have a look at John's blog, and vote in the various categories as they become available. I won't be offended if you decide to vote for my blog, of course.
So, with a song in my heart (admittedly it's Down in the Tube Station at Midnight, which has some pretty grim subject matter, but it is a favourite of mine) I shall float off into the day, untouched by rain, and glowing with a happy inner warmth.
And tomorrow, I will return to our regularly scheduled posts.
All the best
The handful of pictures scattered around are of my spanky pal Cherri
Today is especially good for two reasons though.
Yesterday I got to spend some time with my wonderful spanking sweetie, the glorious and gorgeous Cherri. It was just 90 minutes or so, but on a cold and wet Monday afternoon it cheered us both.
I got a good sound spanking on arrival, with Cherri wearing my favourite jodphurs. If you've been around here much you'll know I adore women in jods, and Cherri fills her's out wonderfully. We managed to wear out one pair that she'd had for years, and these new ones are very traditional and spanky.
After my bottom was glowing I gave Cherri her birthday hug, and a good birthday spanking. I lost count at one point, and Cherri insisted I had to start again from the beginning. The only sensible course really.
Under her jods Cherri was wearing shiny black silky pants; another of my favourite things. I had nearly emailed her asking for these, but fate, and our similar thought processes, brought them anyway.
After a cup of tea and a chat we did a long role play, where Cherri was my horse mad wife. I had walked through the stables, and noticed we seemed to have gained a couple of horses.
When confronted Cherri initially denied the whole thing, and then said she was looking after them for a friend. Whose name she kept changing.
Over my knee she went, while we continued the conversation. After admitting to buying the horses, which she said were cheap at £5000, she also admitted to using the money we'd put aside to rebuild the conservatory to purchase them.
I spanked her in jods, panties and bare bottomed, before adding a leather paddle, a slipper, her riding crop and a table tennis bat. There may have been a couple of other things too.
This went on for some time, as you might imagine, before Cherri turned the whole thing around, angry at my jokes about using the horses for cat food, and spanked me again.
To finish out we played with a few implements (well, I did, with the eager aid of Cherri's bottom), before Cherri decided that she needed her birthday spanking again. A couple of times, finishing with a run through on her bare and rather red bottom.
I was ready to head for home, but Cherri felt that, as I'd given her so many birthday spankings, she should give me one. Or two. Or three, actually.
I've played with Cherri on near enough twenty occasions now, and this was just so relaxed and easy; great fun, great company, great spanking and a decent, strong cup of tea.
I don't normally talk about Cherri on here, as I don't want to share her, but I felt so carefree after yesterday that I couldn't resist trying to give you a flavour of my time with her.
If you're in the area, and feel moved to visit her yourself, details can be found at Spankeefinder. You can tell her Tim sent you!
So I was still feeling pretty good when I got up this morning (White rabbits!) and checked my email. In my inbox I found a new notification of a comment, on last week's highlighted video, from one of it's stars, the great John Osbourne.
Just hearing from him would have been a buzz of itself, but he also told me that this blog (Yes, this one here!) has been nominated for Best Creative Blog in the annual spanking awards that are hosted on his blog (which you should really check out, although I imagine many of you do already).
I'm particularly pleased to be nominated because it never occurred to me that I would be; this is totally out of the blue. And, to anyone who did nominate me, I offer my sincere thanks.
The list of nominated blogs is really impressive, and includes several of my favourites. I honestly feel honoured to be included with them (and I never usually believe it when people say that, but it's true).
These annual awards are great fun, and a brilliant way of promoting the various corners of our Spanking Universe, so please have a look at John's blog, and vote in the various categories as they become available. I won't be offended if you decide to vote for my blog, of course.
So, with a song in my heart (admittedly it's Down in the Tube Station at Midnight, which has some pretty grim subject matter, but it is a favourite of mine) I shall float off into the day, untouched by rain, and glowing with a happy inner warmth.
And tomorrow, I will return to our regularly scheduled posts.
All the best
The handful of pictures scattered around are of my spanky pal Cherri