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Still in search of the perfect bottom? Oh, stop it - here's Leandra

This is less of a "why I like" and more of an "I absolutely adore" type of post, featuring the fabulous Leandra.

What do I know about Leandra? Well, like most of the girls that I talk about, not a tremendous amount. She's Dutch, and blonde. When she first appeared on Real Life Spanking she was 24 years old; by now I'd say she must be a little shy of 30.

She was, as far as I am able to check, appeared as a spanking model on just three sites; Real Life Spanking, Spanked in Uniform and Triple A Spanking.

Clearly she is Mike the Dutchman's discovery; I don't know how John Osbourne got to use her, but he's a lucky, lucky bastard. Again. Jesus. Lucky bastard squared, or some other exponential function.

What does Leandra bring to a spanking video? Three things that I find worthy of note:-

1. The most stunning bottom around. It looks spectacular in jean, leggings, panties or just as nature created it. Round, bouncy, perfectly sized and formed

2. A natural beauty; I'm not generally a particular fan of blonde ladies (with the obvious exceptions of my Cherri and Michelle Pfeifer) but Leandra is stunning enough to make me change my mind about that.

3. She has a wonderfully mischievous on screen personality; this comes across especially well in the RLS films, where basically she plays herself, as a cheeky girl who loves to see just how far she can go. I love to see her scuttling to the door, balanced on high heels and clutching a well spanked bottom, a wide grin on her face.

In fact, let's make that number four, shall we?

4. Leandra has a sunny infectious smile that makes you think she has enjoyed every stinging smack.

Hopefully you'll get the idea from these  pictures; I may have gotten carried away with these, but I can't help it - I find Leandra absolutely irresistible. I go back to watch her films time and time again.

Well, you've read enough of my waffle (unless you went straight to the pictures which, on this occasion only, I would forgive - of course if you did go straight to the pictures then you won't be reading this and my forgiveness will fall on deaf ears), and I will, for once, try to keep my comments to a minimum.

Anyway, there are too many pictures for me to say something about each of them!

Let the Leandra Love In begin!

Leandra over Mike's knee - you'll see quite a lot of this here
I love the way that she kicks
Mike's hand and Leandra's bottom - made for each other (well, my hand would be better, of course, but...)
I'm never quite sure if this is agony or ecstasy
Leandra's bottom goes nice and red too
Could those jeans be any tighter?
Let's have a close look
Leandra has probably my favourite spanky face
Those jeans even look tight when taken down
I think I may be in spanky love
Oh boy. Beautiful at both ends
As God intended - red bottomed and kicking
A sight to warm any spanko's heart
Running for safety (after the fact)
In very tight trousers
Another lovely reaction shot of the lovely Leandra
Leandra in England (well, I assume that's where John shot with her)
Just what every grown up Girl Guide needs
Good use of split-screen technology from John
Leandra looking adorable and innocent
Paddle on Leandra's lovely backside
I'd make this my desktop wallpaper, except I think my wife would leave me
John is less of an OTK guy than I am
He does do a nice job of reddening Leandra's bottom though
More of Leandra
Had enough yet? No? Good; back to Mike then
I already made the combination crack, didn't I? Crap, have to think of something else then
Mike gets rough, and Leandra stays adorable
Always worth another look at her spanky face
What could make this shot better? Well, me in Mike's place, obviously
Lovely pose and a lovely spankee
They're here again
Where better to end than with the end of a spanking?

I know that everyone has different tastes, and different turn ons, so I suppose there's a chance that some of you didn't like those pictures, or don't find Leandra attractive. Of course, you'd probably have to be reading this blog with your eyes closed, but it takes all sorts.

I know it's unlikely but if anyone reading this knows how to contact Leandra please let me know; I'd love to do an interview with her. Of course, I'd really like to spank her as well, but we all know that isn't happening.

Also if any of my kind readers are aware of any other spanking site Leandra has shot for, please post a comment; I really can't get enough of her.

Well, that's enough of this for another week. Be here tomorrow for this week's fabulous Video of the Week.

All the best


All pictures are taken from Real Life Spankings, Triple A Spanking (the ones with John in them) or Spanked in Uniform. Mike's two sites are the best European spanking sites I know of, and John's increasingly Anglo-US site is a joy.

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