Well, normal service is resumed once more; our cat is trapped in the living room and kitchen, so she can't sneakily sabotage my blogging efforts.
(What do you mean, bring back the cat? Shut up, you git!)
Ahem. Bloody hecklers! they need to learn their place (which, if they are female, is across my knee, of course).
Onwards, ever onwards. Back into bed Mr Crockett (and if you understood that reference you're probably 50 years old and in the UK - it's from an old advert for something that has since jetted away from my memory).
So the topic; there's something about the spanking of girls who are wearing glasses. Spectacles seem to make them look cleverer (awful stereotype, I know), and therefore kind of less deserving of a good spanking. The two things in no way equate, but nevertheless, that's how it seems to me.
There are several models who always seem to wear glasses, and presumably need their corrective focus, and a handful who sometime wear them, in certain role plays. I've selected a few of my favourites, and present them here for your Saturday morning pleasure; please enjoy.
So for our first set of three pictures, the delightful Sophie Parker, and her ever-present glasses. First 2 pictures from the Institute of Discipline, and the last from English Spankers.
Three shots of Alisha Strauss from Firm Hand Spanking, another young lady who is always spanked in glasses. I know the second picture has no spectacles, but, hey, this is a spanking blog, and I thought you'd like to see her bottom
Yet another threesome, this time of Ashley Thomas, again from Firm Hand Spanking. The very attractive Ashley usually wears glasses, but I have seen at least one film without them.
Three pictures of one of our favourite ladies, the wonderful Molly Malone, all taken from English Spankers. The other girl in these shots is known here as Bow Jangles, but appears to be Camilla Scott from the FHS site. Molly is an occasional specs girl, and I know the first picture is a cheat, but I love to see Molly spank too.
What blog post could possibly be complete without a handful of shots of the divine Amelia, who sometimes can be seen in glasses, often when playing a researcher (as in these ones) or a secretary. These three are from a Firm Hand Spanking series
Just to finish off, a couple of ladies who only wear glasses in the odd shoot. These two pictures are of the extremely hot Lola Marie, here spanked by Thomas in a Dreams of Spanking shoot
And we finish off with a couple of pictures of our good friend Pandora being spanked by Molly; I'm sure that there are more Pandora pictures around somewhere. She looks lovely in glasses, and I rather think that she wears them in real life (sometimes anyway). These are, once again, Dreams of Spanking piccies.
That was fun, wasn't it? I'll do a follow up I think, with more shots of occasional speccies, but for a quick 20 minute trawl through the Spanking Archives (as I'm now rather pretentiously calling my hard drive) that's not a bad haul.
Right. bacon sarnie time. I'll see you lot again (I hope).
All the best
(What do you mean, bring back the cat? Shut up, you git!)
Ahem. Bloody hecklers! they need to learn their place (which, if they are female, is across my knee, of course).
Onwards, ever onwards. Back into bed Mr Crockett (and if you understood that reference you're probably 50 years old and in the UK - it's from an old advert for something that has since jetted away from my memory).
So the topic; there's something about the spanking of girls who are wearing glasses. Spectacles seem to make them look cleverer (awful stereotype, I know), and therefore kind of less deserving of a good spanking. The two things in no way equate, but nevertheless, that's how it seems to me.
There are several models who always seem to wear glasses, and presumably need their corrective focus, and a handful who sometime wear them, in certain role plays. I've selected a few of my favourites, and present them here for your Saturday morning pleasure; please enjoy.
So for our first set of three pictures, the delightful Sophie Parker, and her ever-present glasses. First 2 pictures from the Institute of Discipline, and the last from English Spankers.
Three shots of Alisha Strauss from Firm Hand Spanking, another young lady who is always spanked in glasses. I know the second picture has no spectacles, but, hey, this is a spanking blog, and I thought you'd like to see her bottom
Yet another threesome, this time of Ashley Thomas, again from Firm Hand Spanking. The very attractive Ashley usually wears glasses, but I have seen at least one film without them.
Three pictures of one of our favourite ladies, the wonderful Molly Malone, all taken from English Spankers. The other girl in these shots is known here as Bow Jangles, but appears to be Camilla Scott from the FHS site. Molly is an occasional specs girl, and I know the first picture is a cheat, but I love to see Molly spank too.
What blog post could possibly be complete without a handful of shots of the divine Amelia, who sometimes can be seen in glasses, often when playing a researcher (as in these ones) or a secretary. These three are from a Firm Hand Spanking series
Just to finish off, a couple of ladies who only wear glasses in the odd shoot. These two pictures are of the extremely hot Lola Marie, here spanked by Thomas in a Dreams of Spanking shoot
And we finish off with a couple of pictures of our good friend Pandora being spanked by Molly; I'm sure that there are more Pandora pictures around somewhere. She looks lovely in glasses, and I rather think that she wears them in real life (sometimes anyway). These are, once again, Dreams of Spanking piccies.
That was fun, wasn't it? I'll do a follow up I think, with more shots of occasional speccies, but for a quick 20 minute trawl through the Spanking Archives (as I'm now rather pretentiously calling my hard drive) that's not a bad haul.
Right. bacon sarnie time. I'll see you lot again (I hope).
All the best