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Do I not like that! The wit and wisdom of Graham Taylor (no, not really - actually how not to make a spanking video)>

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I love the use of the mirror in this shot
Oh, I know, you weren't fooled for a moment. You never really believed that I was suddenly going to make this into a footballing blog.

I suppose some explanation of the title might be useful, especially for my readers not based in the UK. Hardly seems worth wasting the words on Mr Taylor but, in the interests of sporting education, or some such crap, here we go.

Graham Taylor was a football manager of strictly average ability who somehow was appointed as manager of the English national team. His time in charge was not a great success, but, for an important qualification game (against Poland I think), he allowed himself to be miked up by a television documentary crew. England blew it, in part due to some iffy officiating (or was that in the later match against Holland?)

Anyway at one such incident Taylor muttered the now famous line "Do I not like that?"

Have I made I your life better with that anecdote? Nah, didn't think so. 

Ah well.
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A 100 hundred stroke caning; too much for me, although Pandora seems to be okay with it

And now to some actual spanking related matters; here, for you to disagree with as you will, are the things I don't wish to see in the spanking videos I enjoy. Feel free to leave comments, and complete the poll.

1. Verbal abuse of the spankee. I like to hear them confronted with their misdeeds, and told off, but a level of respect can still be maintained. I especially dislike the often used phrase "you little shot", in femdom films. I also dislike the Girls Boarding School site because of this.

2. Lingering shots of genitalia. I realise when underwear is removed shots of "naughty bits" occur, but I prefer not to be given a detailed lesson in genital anatomy. Pulling in to a tight shot of a vagina is unnecessary. 

3. Sorry but sex in spanking videos is still something I can do without. No blow jobs, anal intrusions or masturbation. If I want these things I'll seek out a different type of film.
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A lovely lady being spanked over the knee - delightful!

4. No brutality/reasonable punishment levels. This is actually a tricky one, as I'm much more willing to accept significant damage to a rear end than I used to be, and, of course, the spankees are consenting to these beatings. I have to judge this individually for each film.

5. No wheelbarrow or diaper position spankings please; for no reason at all really, I just don't like to see these. Nothing wrong with them, and most of my favourite ladies have been featured spanked in them, but I just don't care to see them.
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Amelia is always appealing, but with this expression especially so

6. Not a hard and fast rule, but I generally prefer not to see totally naked ladies being spanked. Although sometimes I do. Generally I think that this is governed by context; if the story line can support the nudity then fine. If it's just there to humiliate the spankee, then no thanks. Humiliation is not part of the reason I like spankings.

7. No inappropriate spankings. Firm Hand Spanking, for instance, have a series they entitle "Brotherly Love", in which Kyle (who isn't a spanker I particularly like in any case) spanks Sam Woodley and Kat St James, who are supposed to be his sisters. I find the idea of a brother baring his sister's bottom, and slapping it several hundred times, fucking creepy. And this leaves aside the ones where they are naked and spanked (although the story does actually justify that, as they were nude sunbathing). 
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The jodphur trilogy part 1

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Part 2 - with added bonus jodphur bottom

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Part 3 - I love to see ladies in jodphurs being punished

8. No peeing of pants please. I know it makes a good excuse for a spanking (the stunning Lola Marie seems to feature in several films like this) but honestly? Just yuck.

9. I can't specifically define this one, but I sort of dislike films that show overt paternalism, the kind where the lady is spanked just because the guy is a man, and therefore knows best. I appreciate that all of these films are fantasy, and consent is therefore a given, and still, it makes me a little uneasy. Like the dickhead who posted recently on Chross that he felt women should be spanked by men when they do wrong, and asserted he had often whacked the bottom of a woman in public if he felt they needed it, irrespective of whether he knew them or not (yes, I got a bit annoyed by that one).

Okay. Got all that? Good.
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An incredibly original film (I mean it - go check it out)

Just read them back. Christ I sound like a prissy little sod. Probably a result of my advanced age, and lower middle class upbringing.

Fuck it though. At least I'm not hiding how repressed and small minded I am.

But you know, there are exceptions to most rules. The sex thing for instance; there is a lovely film with Sarah Gregory and Kat St James (what, her again?) on, I think, Girl Spanks Girl, where they perform a lesbian librarian fantasy that is incredibly hot.
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Ah, Caroline Grey. We've seen a bit of her this week

The Institute of Discipline has what is supposed to be an audition film, of a girl who never turns up again, and clearly finds the level of punishment too much for her. The film shows her face and clasped hands a lot; she is in some distress. Oddly I love this film; perhaps because she reacts so much to what, in reality, wouldn't be an awful degree of punishment for an experienced model. Or even me.

Paternalism is a given in father/daughter spanking films, and quite often in teacher/pupil films, and I go along with this quite happily.

So these guidelines are, to say the least, flexible.

I tell you what, in the near future I'll post a list of what I want to see in the perfect spanking film, and you can all have a laugh at me for that.

Coming up in the near future; 2 site reviews, one site retrospective/update review (I don't know what the Hell to call it - maybe what's new since the last time I was here), more pictures, more opinions and, if all goes well, several model interviews.
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Is this the bottom that launched a thousand spankings?

Hurry back; you'll always find a warm welcome here.

All the best

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Token femdom picture, for those of you paying attention

All pictures are...well, I wasn't sure what to do about pictures to tell the truth. I'm reluctant to post pictures showing the stuff I don't like because, well, I don't like these things. 
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Ah yes, the well-spanked jig, with Zoe Montana looking frighteningly stern

Putting up other pictures seems to just pander to those readers who just come here to see girls being spanked. Although, of course, I love readers who come here for any reason at all. So, then, just pictures of ladies that I like being spanked, taken from Dreams of Spanking, which is a unique site in Spanking Land for having films that feature both everything I like to see and most of the things that I don't
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Zoe again. High time we had a post about her, I think.

Oh. 450,000 page views. I wasn't expecting that just yet.

So, I got Chrossed this week (thank you my friend), and I wasn't really expecting it.

I hoped to pass 450,000 page views by the end of the year, but the added boost given by Chross's recognition has hurled my numbers past that point a good bit earlier than I had anticipated.

So, I'd like to thank all of you who take the time to come and visit here, especially those who turn up on a regular basis. I'm especially grateful for those who continually give me another chance when I've disappeared for several months at a time.

I know that everyone's time is precious, so I really do appreciate you choosing to spend a few moments of it here, with me, and my opinions. And photos, stories, and other stuff.

While I'm at it, I'd also like to thank the friends I've made in Spanking Land who make the production of this blog possible, by allowing me to use their pictures, and responding to questions and interview requests. They are many, but I think I must specifically thank Pandora and Mike the Dutchman for their continuing help.

I also would like to say how generous I've found many of our Spanking Professionals are with their time, which I know is filled quite fully without me pestering them. I've recently reached out to a number of the better know spanking models, and three of these lovely ladies have agreed to complete one of the spanking superstar interviews that I occasionally post. Look for them over the next couple of months.

We all understand that the original idea of a blog was that it gave a forum to the writer in which they can expound their views, free from censorship or (quite often) any semblance of restraint. It doesn't take long though until the blogger craves the presence of others, and these page view numbers start to take on massive significance.

I am deeply honoured and quite touched that so many people, over the last couple of years, have taken the time to read my mumblings. While I love it when you leave comments, I do not hold it against anyone who doesn't; just turning up here is enough for me.

So, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. No sarcasm, no jokes. Just thanks.

I'll be back tomorrow, with more titillating words and pictures but for now, just thanks.

All the best


The thorny issue of consent

Well, for once the title actually sums this one up quite nicely; today I intend to talk about the continually difficult issue of consent here in Spanking Land.

Firstly I think that we have to acknowledge that, assuming spankings are traditionally given as a form of punishment, there isn't a lot of consent involved. The spankee is placed over the knee of the spanker, and they are not really expected to want to be there.

Even in more formal punishments, such as for instance a school six of the best, where the victim is ordered to bend over and does so, I don't think you can really say that they are consenting to the punishment; they are bound by their relationship to the person giving the caning.

When these things happen to children (or, more accurately I hope, used to happen) it was viewed as being actions taken for their own long term good, and therefore their consent was never considered. Plus, of course, minors are not generally considered to be able to make decisions in their own best interests (something else we could debate endlessly).

Anyhow, this is not a form of consent; whether compelled by being physically wrangled over the knee of the punisher, or manipulated into submitting by societal, emotional or psychological pressure, the person being beaten is not agreeing to accept discipline.

Indeed, when spanking is a punishment I'd argue that the lack of consent is often part of the point of the punishment. It's humiliating to be forced to comply against your own wishes. It puts one in their place.

A brief moment of confession; when I watch spanking videos the element of compulsion is part of the turn on. Thinking back to the mainstream films that featured spanking, which were desperately important to the way that I developed within our kink, all of the beatings were forced onto the spankees. Maureen O'Hara's character did not look delighted to be over John Wayne's knee.

This was, especially in M/F spankings, an important element in my enjoyment of the scenes.

Even now, with adult spanking videos, this is true. I know that Pandora Blake is an intelligent, independent woman, and I still get a thrill when Thomas Cameron bends her, protesting, over his knee.

Don't get me wrong; I do not, in any way whatsoever, believe that men have an innate right to punish women when they offend. I do not accept that men know best, and should therefore set the societal rules of behaviour which determine how society operates.

In fact I suspect that we would be a happier society if women bore the brunt of guiding our way forward; certainly the current fucked up state of much of the world is mainly the fault of men. 

Not that I'm calling for the establishment of a matriarchy. Even if it meant I get spanked more.

Ah. Time to lurch back to the topic.

When I watch spanking videos now, especially from the major paysites, I know that all elements of compulsion are play acted. This is fine; it certainly works for me. I would not willingly or knowingly watch a film in which the participants were acting against their own wishes.

I also find that, when I design role play scenarios for spanking play sessions, the majority of situations have an unwilling spankee. This will sometimes be me, or sometimes my partner, but only in a very few scenes will the person being spanked actually request punishment.

There may often be an element of acceptance, but that isn't the same as consent. If a careless secretary accepts a spanking in place of being sacked, she is not consenting to her punishment. She is being compelled by her need to remain in employment.

This, of course, is as true in the real world as in our delightful spanking fantasies.

I know that some of you reading this will violently disagree, but I am deeply uncomfortable about the whole domestic discipline scene, where one party to a marriage physically and psychologically dominates the other. I worry about the degree of real consent that exists where one party effectively takes responsibility for the decisions of the other, and enforces this with physical punishment.

If someone is absolutely dominated by their partner can they honestly be said to consent to anything?

While some of the same concerns exist with Spencer plan type arrangements, at least the potential exists for each party to punish the other, and an element of that system is that offences should be proscribed in advance, with fixed penalties. Or, at least, that's how I've always read it.

So then, consent. On a personal level, my wife has become less interested in spanking over the years, and now finds being spanked distasteful. I therefore do not spank her.

This has led to me playing with several professionals over the last few years. I am never in any doubt about their consent.

I actually asked my frequent play partner Cherri whether she described herself as a submissive, because, whilst she clearly loves to be spanked, she is no shrinking violet, and I cannot imagine anyone forcing her to do anything she was uncomfortable with.

Her answer was no, she's simply a lady who likes to be spanked, and to occasionally get her own back.

Although perhaps that is a discussion better saved for a post on labels.

Anyway there is clearly nothing wrong with pretending that a spankee is unwilling, provided that in reality they are.

I should also stress that, to my mind, consent is only truly given if it is obtained before a spanking. I've mentioned this in another entry, but on Chross's forum their is a post from a guy who says he believes men are entitled to spank women, to correct their faults. He also says that he has often slapped the backsides of women in bars, when he has found fault with their behaviour, and they usually take it well.

As far as I am concerned this is a deplorable attitude because, however much they may accept his action after the fact, they have not consented to it, unless they have actually asked him to do it.

There is, of course, a potential dark area here. If you threaten someone with a spanking (presumably someone you already know!) and they dare you to do it, in a flirty way, are they consenting? If you tell someone "stick your tongue out at me, and I'll spank you", only for them to blow a raspberry at you, is there implied consent?

I don't think that there is a hard and fast rule you can apply here. Knowing the person in question is important, as, hopefully, you'll know what they expect you to do. As a teenager, at a school where a bunch of us played spanking games, I wouldn't have hesitated to follow through with most of the girls that I knew.

But then I knew a girl called Catherine who would have dared you, just to be bloody minded, and then probably have decked you if you tried to smack her. She went on to join the police force.

I offer that with no comment whatsoever.

The sensible thing is obviously to err on the side of caution. If in doubt, don't spank. I suspect that most women (and I have to phrase it so, because spanking women is the limit of my experience) will find a way to make clear their desires in the matter.

This brings us to another tricky bit (I said that this was a difficult issue, didn't I?). Where do we stand on unconscious consent?

Now, bare with me. I think it's entirely possible for someone, especially if they are inexperienced in the area, to want to be spanked on a subconscious level, without actually knowing that they want to be spanked.

This, I would suggest, leads to ladies (and, I'm sure, gentlemen) appearing to lead would-be spankers on, and then protesting any attempt to follow through.

While I think that this happens, and possibly many people who end up spanked might actually enjoy it, I really don't think that a conscientious spanker could possibly go ahead, purely because you may believe that, on some level, the person in front of wants to be spanked, but you can't know it.

The abuses of this idea are obvious. It can never be enough to say that you believe a person wanted to be spanked, anymore than it is defensible in rape cases for the offender to say "I thought she wanted it". I'm sure that we all can agree on that.

I accept that many adult spankees give an overall consent to their spankers, especially in domestic situations, without necessarily consenting to each individual punishment. It is perfectly possible to agree that your partner is entitled to punish your wrongdoings, without necessarily accepting you deserve to be spanked in any particular instance.

For many I suppose the unwilling acceptance of chastisement may, once again, be a large part of why they get off on it. Which of course suggests consent.

It worries me a bit though. It is assumed that a married couple (for example) will have sex, and that, effectively both parties consent to this. However, if on a particular night the lady feels a bit below the weather, while her partner feels randy, it is still rape if he forces himself upon her. Consent must be specific to each occasion.

Is this not the case with spanking? 

Would a better analogy be where someone indulges in a rape fantasy? If this is a regular part of a couple's sex play then can one party be sure that the other is genuinely willing? Is there not a real danger of committing inadvertently an act that is, in fact, a real rape?

And doesn't the same danger exist with these domestic discipline situations?

I must also make clear that I'm not saying that spanking someone against their will is the same as raping them. Obviously there is a huge difference in degree. Rape will mentally (and perhaps physically) scar an individual, and is quite likely to have a life long effect, where being spanked against your will mostly just means a temporarily sore bottom. Although, in fairness, being compelled to do anything where you feel powerless in likely to cause mental distress, so maybe they are a bit closer together than I thought in some ways.

And then, of course, there is financial compulsion. This can definitely be said to exist in the example of the secretary that I mentioned above, but also, is it not possible that some of the ladies we see being spanked in videos are only doing so because they are desperate for the money.

This is not a concern with the regular spanking models, the ones we see time and again. I don't really think it is an issue with the ladies who offer 1 to 1 appointments (although I've seen adverts asking punters to speak to their masters, which worries me. A lot).

On occasion though you see a film with a spankee who seems inexperienced, and clearly is surprised by the sting of a spanking. This is not necessarily a problem, as everyone has to start somewhere, and I know of several respectable websites that feature films with (supposed) first time spankees. However, when they never turn up in spanking films again, it can raise the question.

Which question? If they only did the film because they were short of cash, were they effectively compelled by their circumstances to do so?

Is this any worse than being compelled to go to work in a Bank because you need the wages in order to live? I suspect that a day making two or three spanking films will pay better than the average day cashing cheques for customers, and, assuming the performer is at all into spanking, will be rather more enjoyable.

I'm nearly done, honest. I have gone on a bit, you're right, but I'd just like to raise one further issue.

If I agree to be spanked, what exactly am I agreeing to? Or, more precisely, as clearly I'm agreeing to submit to punishment, what degree of punishment am I consenting to?

It's perfectly possible to consent to taking a good sound spanking, only for the spanker to take it too far, exceeding the comfort zone of his partner. Once a punishment goes beyond a certain point (which will be different for all of us) surely it's true to say consent has been withdrawn.

This is not an issue with an experienced and respectful spanker; they will realise when limits are reached, and, while they may push them a little, they won't bound past them. In many cases the use of a safe word, provided that it is heeded, will remove the issue from consideration.

I'm not sure that this will occur in domestic discipline relationships though. If the intent is purely to punish (and whether the recipient is aroused by the process is surely irrelevant) limits are there to be exceeded. It's really not a punishment if the beating falls within the comfort zone of the sub.

In the end, for me, this comes down to what I'm comfortable with. I love spanking, and being spanked. Honestly, I obsess about it to a degree that most would consider unhealthy.

I love spanking though only in one way; as a mutual way of giving and getting pleasure. I don't care if this is physical, mental, sexual or cathartic pleasure. Just so long as you both have fun.

I do not like spanking as punishment, not in real life. I accept that this is how some people want to use it, and, well, it's no skin of my well-tanned arse what others do, but it's not my thing.

At my level of participation consent is never an issue, and I'm happy to leave things at that.

No pictures this time, as I feel that this is an important issue, not to be trivialised with sexual images. 

All the best


If you're looking for evidence of the divine...

Well, you probably won't find it here. This blog tends to lean a bit more towards the profane. Rather like myself I suppose.

Actually I often find that I am jealous of people who genuinely have faith in the existence of a Supreme Being, and an afterlife that rewards or punishes. It must be comforting when things aren't going well to believe that there is more than all this.

Sadly I've never managed to talk myself into accepting that there is more than we see. I believe that when we die it's kind of like one of those old televisions switching off; a blob of light in the middle of the screen that slowly fades to nothing.

Whatever your beliefs I guess we all find out soon enough.

Wow! Always delightful to start with a digression. What I wanted to talk about is the physical combination of this......

And this......

And this......

Leading to this......

How is it possible for evolution to have put together the hand, the lap and the bottom, all perfectly combining to lead to well spanked cheeks?

For me there is so much beauty in this:

And this....

And this....

It almost hurts to gaze longingly at it.

I love to see a female form draped over a receptive knee, long legs stretched out and bottom balancing oh, so delicately and presented awaiting loving attention.

It almost seems like it must have been planned, doesn't it? A fleshy bit, full of nerves, for punishment to be delivered to. The perfect flat surface with which to deliver punishment, versatile enough to vary the degree of pain inflicted. The perfect platform upon which to place a body to ensure that the first two things combine exactly.

Oh, and, of course, the sheer delight we find in watching and participating.

If there is someone up there planning this, they certainly did a bang up job on the spanking thing! Now, if only the rest of the world worked as well....

Three pictures of the lovely Amelia Jane Rutherford being spanked over the knee certainly can't be enough for anyone. Why don't I leave you with a few more?

What? No, of course that was rhetorical. I wasn't calling for a vote! This blog is not a democracy; I enjoy being autocratic here to make up for having no control over the rest of my life.

Oops. Bit too confessional there.

Let's move swiftly on to some more rather lovely pictures.

All the best


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A whole bunch of pictures taken, rather obviously, from Strictly English Online's series of videos focusing on Amelia

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The first of a couple taken from Northern Spankings' film "Ghastly Amelia Jane", one of my personal favourites
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Another picture from the same film
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And yet another; there isn't just one spanking in this film, you know
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From Northern Spankings film "Twins", another all time favourite. There aren't many spanking films as funny as this one.
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I might have known that Mike would get involved as well
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Yep, Mike the Dutchman, with shots from Spanked in Uniform videos
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Finishing on a lovely shot
Did you all enjoy that? I hope so. Anyway, those pictures came from videos produced by a number of our finest, so I better make sure that they are all properly attributed.

Images 1 and 6 from Dreams of Spanking
Images 2, 3, 4 and 5 are from Firm Hand Spanking (Michaela McGowan's lap, Aleesha Fox's bottom, and then Amelia, of course
Images 7 to 11 are from Strictly English Online
Images 12 to 15 are from Northern Spankings (c'mon guys, when are you going to get this site revamp done so that I can get a proper review up here?)
Images 16 to 18 from Spanked in Uniform

Alex Reynolds goes to Amsterdam

Hah hah! I bet you though I'd forgotten all about these Dutch spanking posts, didn't you?

I know that it's been a little while, but you need to have more faith. Like the song says, faith will be rewarded.

Busy day today; new cooker to buy, shopping to put away, cat to take to vets. Lots of other stuff. Oh, and Jesse Malin in Wolverhampton tonight, so I need to sort out a route to get there.

Just time though for some fun pictures, this time featuring the delightful Alex Reynolds. Alex hails from the US, and is the author of the splendid blog Alex in Spankingland, which you really need to check out. Of course, if you're here then you clearly have impeccable taste so I'm sure that you're a regular there already.

Alex has been busy recently; apart from turning up in Amsterdam with our friend Mike she's been in videos for a number of our UK producers, probably most notably at Dreams of Spanking, where she receives a very severe six of the best in Pandora's latest spanking epic (if you like schoolgirl caning you will definitely love seeing the 4 girls getting their just desserts).

But now it's picture time:-
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Alex not being spanked, as a stewardess (just in case you don't recognise her!)
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Alex definitely being spanked
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Clearly from this shot Alex's rather lovely bottom has already been spanked, quite a bit
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Mike proving there's more to him than just a hard hand
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The perils of waitressing (around Mike at least)
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Great shot of well smacked bottom
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Spanked by Caroline Grey (in this in the right folder?)
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And from another angle
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The leather paddle - ouch!
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More owies
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Red bat, red uniforms and reddening bottom
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Remember the stewardess uniform? 

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Sadly our last picture today, but hey, what a view!

Well, that's all we have time for. Or at least all I have time for. Pictures from Spanked in Uniform (plus 2 from Real Life Spanking, I think).

Trapped under the cat....sorry

No proper post today because our cat, who is generally antisocial and avoids contact with mere humans, has curled up on my left arm.

Typing one handed on a wobbily keyboard is far too much hard work for me.

And those of you yelling "bloody move her then" at your computers are clearly not cat people. Those who are understand that cats are always in charge, and we are subject to their whims.

All the best


Surely you wouldn't hit a girl with glasses on? The spanked in spectacles showcase

Well, normal service is resumed once more; our cat is trapped in the living room and kitchen, so she can't sneakily sabotage my blogging efforts.

(What do you mean, bring back the cat? Shut up, you git!)

Ahem. Bloody hecklers! they need to learn their place (which, if they are female, is across my knee, of course).

Onwards, ever onwards. Back into bed Mr Crockett (and if you understood that reference you're probably 50 years old and in the UK - it's from an old advert for something that has since jetted away from my memory).

So the topic; there's something about the spanking of girls who are wearing glasses. Spectacles seem to make them look cleverer (awful stereotype, I know), and therefore kind of less deserving of a good spanking. The two things in no way equate, but nevertheless, that's how it seems to me.

There are several models who always seem to wear glasses, and presumably need their corrective focus, and a handful who sometime wear them, in certain role plays. I've selected a few of my favourites, and present them here for your Saturday morning pleasure; please enjoy.

So for our first set of three pictures, the delightful Sophie Parker, and her ever-present glasses. First 2 pictures from the Institute of Discipline, and the last from English Spankers.

Three shots of Alisha Strauss from Firm Hand Spanking, another young lady who is always spanked in glasses. I know the second picture has no spectacles, but, hey, this is a spanking blog, and I thought you'd like to see her bottom

Yet another threesome, this time of Ashley Thomas, again from Firm Hand Spanking. The very attractive Ashley usually wears glasses, but I have seen at least one film without them.

Three pictures of one of our favourite ladies, the wonderful Molly Malone, all taken from English Spankers. The other girl in these shots is known here as Bow Jangles, but appears to be Camilla Scott from the FHS site. Molly is an occasional specs girl, and I know the first picture is a cheat, but I love to see Molly spank too.

What blog post could possibly be complete without a handful of shots of the divine Amelia, who sometimes can be seen in glasses, often when playing a researcher (as in these ones) or a secretary. These three are from a Firm Hand Spanking series

Just to finish off, a couple of ladies who only wear glasses in the odd shoot. These two pictures are of the extremely hot Lola Marie, here spanked by Thomas in a Dreams of Spanking shoot

And we finish off with a couple of pictures of our good friend Pandora being spanked by Molly; I'm sure that there are more Pandora pictures around somewhere. She looks lovely in glasses, and I rather think that she wears them in real life (sometimes anyway). These are, once again, Dreams of Spanking piccies.

That was fun, wasn't it? I'll do a follow up I think, with more shots of occasional speccies, but for a quick 20 minute trawl through the Spanking Archives (as I'm now rather pretentiously calling my hard drive) that's not a bad haul.

Right. bacon sarnie time. I'll see you lot again (I hope).

All the best


The new incarnation of adorableness - Ms Stacy Stockton

Sorry that I've been away for a few days; I'm still getting better from some major health issues, and I've had a few not so good days. Still, feeling more myself now.

One of the things that I've done to cheer myself up is to get one of my periodic memberships to Firm Hand Spanking. They post videos regularly, have some very beautiful models, and their archives are vast. I can always find something to justify the money.

This time, while checking that I had downloaded absolutely everything from absolutely every model (and I never realised that Firm Hand had a daily download quota) I found time to examine, at some length, the collected spanking videos of the totally gorgeous Stacy Stockton.

There are 32 of them on Firm Hand at present, spread across several different series, so there's quite a bit of fun spanking stuff there to wallow in.

So what do we know about the bubbly Ms Stockton? Not a lot, actually. She's American, appears to be exclusive to Firm Hand, at least as far as spanking films go, and she first appeared in 2013. She appears in several films with Jonny Stockton, who I suspect is also her husband in real life. The affection between the two of them seems entirely genuine.

What does Stacy bring to her videos? Well, first of all a sunny disposition, and bucketloads of pleasure at being spanked. Her face is lovely, and as she is spanked she purses her lips, and pulls the most appealing faces.

Her figure is delightful and her bottom juts out (just check out the shots of her in jeans being paddled). It reddens quickly and she seems able to take a fair degree of punishment.

She has bags of personality, and this comes across extremely well in her films. 

As my heading suggests, Stacy just seems infinitely adorable. I think that she is the best new American spanking model I've seen for some time, and I hope to be seeing her films for some time to come. She has just started a new series (Truly, Madly, Deeply) with Jonny, so I'm sure that we have at least a few more videos to drool over.

For now I'll just leave you with a selection of pictures of Stacy in spanking action. I trust that you'll enjoy them.

All the best


Do you think that might be enough for now? I think the pictures show most of Stacy's attributes, and illustrate quite well her pleasant happy go lucky approach.

All pictures are, of course, courtesy of Firm Hand Spanking. If you like the stills, just imagine how much more you'll like the videos that they came from. Go get a membership and have a look for yourselves.

Ta ta for now, fellow spanky fans.

“The Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014″ - a quick post

I will, in due course, post a full opinion on the attack on personal liberties and small commercial enterprises that the above-mentioned statutory incident effectively is, but for now - I'm against it, on pretty much every level.

For more information I'd urge you to follow this link:


You might also find this interesting:


If all of this moves you to want to do something to ameliorate the effect of this piece of fascist claptrap there is one obvious and immediate thing that you can do - send a complaint.

Thanks to Pandora for this link:-


If you wish for any guidance as to how to fill in the online form, please refer to Pandora's post about it.


This legislation is an attack on our personal freedoms, and we should let the Government know that we object to it.

You might also consider signing this petition:-


Please do your bit.

Best wishes


A pretty Pixie in panties - the Amber Pixie Wells trilogy part 1

Hello, good morning, and welcome. Here we are again, happy as can be, all good friends and posting kinky pics once more.

Well, sadly that last bit didn't really scan, or rhyme, or sound even vaguely decent but still - there really are pictures!

This is the first of three quick posts featuring screen captures of the lovely Pixie, all courtesy of our good friends at Punished Brats (thanks David); it gave me a splendid excuse to spend an hour or so watching videos of Pixie getting spanked, paddled and belted.

I did have to pause for...let's say breath, shall we? Once or twice.

I've been watching these little spanky films for some years now, and Pixie was one of the first ladies that caught my eye. She always looks delightfully mischievous, and can take a pretty hard spanking.

Sadly she doesn't seem to shoot spanking films any longer, or at least not as a bottom, but we have a huge archive of existing clips, and pretty much all of them are splendid.

Anyway, with no further ado, and very little in the way of commentary (I told you that this was a quick post, didn't I?) here are some pictures of Pixie, being spanked over her panties.

You want a reason? Just because, really.

Please enjoy the Pixie in Panties gallery.

There. Made it without even a single inane comment (although I nearly had to day something about the Punished Brats Purple Panties, which seem to crop up quite a bit).

Don't forget that all of these films, and many, many more, are all available at Punished Brats, and they are well worth your time and your hard earned money. (There is a full review of the site on here somewhere).

Ta ta for now

All the best


The Two Sides of Miss Lisa

Welcome to the working week. Or at least the slightly more active than I was yesterday week. Or day.

Recently we have eulogised the being spanked abilities of a couple of delightful American ladies but, you know, we don't do so badly producing spankie lasses over here either.

Today then I'd like to introduce you to Miss Lisa, an extremely proficient spanking switch, and an all round gorgeous lady.

I can't tell you very much about Lisa, other than that she is a full figured young (compared to me pretty much everyone is) lady, hailing from somewhere in South Yorkshire. She has a firm yet fleshy figure, and, of particular interest to us, a round and bouncing bottom. Plus, you know, a pretty hard spanking hand.

So, nothing too profound here, just a few pictures of Lisa spanking and being spanked. All of the pictures come from the Institute of Discipline group, specifically IoD itself, with additional pictures from The Lazy Maid, Strict Ladies and Strict Miss. I'm a far bigger fan of these sites than I'd generally care to admit, but they certainly have something that keeps bringing me back (here's a clue; it rhymes with tanking).

So, enjoy the following pictures please:-

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Looking lovely over Katie's knee
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Administering a well deserved smacking to Victoria's bottom
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Nicely reddened rear
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Doing a spot of reddening herself
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Miss Katie has a hard hand
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So does Miss Lisa, clearly
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Sophie suffers silently (I love a bit of alliteration)
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Pausing for breath (this spanking stuff can be tiring, you known)
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Shock! Tim uses spanking picture that isn't OTK
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Sophie soundly spanked again - she must really be naughty!

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Oh yeah - Lisa spanks men as well
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Things are about to get even less comfortable for Lisa

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Honestly Lisa doesn't make the best schoolgirl, but she looks great getting the plimsoll in these shorts

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I'd love to be over Lisa's knee

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Still dreaming of this
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And now the cane over those shorts - Katie does look annoyed

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I don't think that Lisa's bottom looks like this often enough, although she may disagree

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Lisa remonstrates with another naughty man

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Having said that I'd like to be over Lisa's knee, I'd really like to have her over mine

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And to finish, spanked in night attire (well, partly in PJ's. anyway)

And sadly that's your lot for today (not Pixie Lott, as she got voted off Strictly last night - I really despise Len); lots of reasons to seek out videos of Miss Lisa, an equal opportunities spanker with a naughty streak, to judge by how often she gets spanked herself.

All the best


The Mother-in-law Solution Part One - brand spanking new fiction

Morning all and welcome to the debut appearance of a new spanking tale, which I hope will meet with your approval. I quite like it, and I think that, whether you like the story or not, you'll find it well written.

So, with no further ado (oh look, there goes a fleet footed pile of ado!) let the fiction commence.

The Mother-in-law Solution

Part One

Ivy Bradshaw hummed happily to herself as she buzzed around her kitchen, rolling, kneading and shaping dough for her signature iced buns.

Life, she felt, was good. She had worried a little that the house would seem too large to her once Cheryl, her only daughter, left, but it had been nearly two months since the wedding, and the solitude still seemed like a blessing.

Of course, she rarely went even half a day without seeing one of her friends or neighbours, and the Parish Council were always delighted when she visited, carrying a large basket from which the smell of baked goods escaped. It was nice, however, to have her refuge to return to, and her own company to enjoy.

No one disrupted the gentle organisation of her life, and her kitchen reflected that. She knew just where everything was, and everything that she needed was there. It had not been like that when Cheryl had lived with her; that girl had been forever taking the last of the dried fruit to munch, or swigging away the last drop of milk, and putting the empty bottle back into the fridge.

Still, Ivy was happy that Cheryl had found a good husband; Tom was a gentle man, slow to anger and, well, steady. Ivy was sure that his influence would gradually work to settle Cheryl down.

Ivy stretched up to reach her cooling rack from off the top of the cupboard where she kept her baking tins; she stood five feet eight inches in bare feet, with her worn rubber soled slippers adding little. The women of her family has always been fairly tall, and tending towards the buxom.

No matter how many items she bought from the local supermarket, Ivy never needed any help to carry them home. She was an easily recognisable figure as she strode purposely around, her bulging bags swinging along beside her. She had an easy natural grace.

There was a knock at the back door, which stood at the end of a short passage running from the rear of the kitchen. Ivy was not given to fancy, but somehow it seemed to her to be a noise full of despondency and surrender.

She stood for a moment, head on one side as she thought about that. And who would be knocking there? Neighbours and tradesmen would come to the front door, and ring the bell. Cheryl used the back, but she would have burst in unannounced.

Ivy was puzzled. She wiped flour from her hands on the apron tied tightly around her midriff, and then reached behind her to untie it. She could never meet a visitor dressed in such a manner.

Tugging it away from her, she folded it neatly and placed it on the large wooden table that stood at the centre of the room. Her straight green skirt, falling to just below her knees, framed her well rounded bottom, and into was tucked an ivory coloured silk blouse. Ivy took pride in her appearance.

There was only one way to see who this unexpected visitor was. She set off towards the back door.

As she approached she could see the outline of a square shouldered figure through the twin frosted glass panels that occupied the upper half of the door. Instantly she had an idea as to who stood there, although surely he would have just entered once he had announced his presence?

Ivy grasped the handle, and pulled open the door. She had been right! There stood her son-in-law, Tom.

She took him in with a glance. He seemed barely himself, standing slouched, shoulders hunched and chin very nearly on his chest. There was a little light drizzle in the air, and his usually neat hair seemed lank and miserable.

Altogether he seemed desperately fed up.

Tom. Don't just stand there like a wet weekend. Get on inside, at once.”

Hello Ivy.” The words struggled to escape from lips that seemed to tremble as they moved. He took two steps into the house, and shook himself, like a sorrowful Great Dane that had chased a bouncing ball into the deeps of a duck pond in Winter.

Ivy reached out and took hold of his arm. She pulled him further into the house.

Come on. You'll catch your death out there. I'm just in the kitchen; it's lovely and warm in here.”

Tom allowed himself to be directed into the kitchen; it was like entering a new world of good cheer.

Ivy looked at him appraisingly.

Go on lad. Sit by the table. I was just making a brew. It'll be but a couple of minutes. A good cuppa can always drive the worries of the world away.”

Tom pulled out a chair that was placed at the end of the table, and sat obediently. His shoulders slumped, and his face had a rather awful blank expression. He looked, to Ivy, like a man who had given up.

She busied herself making tea. The pot had already been warming, so she emptied it and put three good big spoons of tea leaves into it, before adding just the right amount of hot water. Four firm swirls of a spoon to mix it, and then she could let the natural goodness ooze out into the liquid.

She placed the pot onto a mat, in front of where Tom sat. She brought milk from the fridge and two large solid mugs that had adorned a large wooden mug tree; Ivy had no truck with fancy little china cups when a healing measure of tea was needed.

A second solid chair stood to the left of the table, at the end by Tom. Ivy sat on it, and looked carefully into Tom's face. From the outside she seemed calm, but inside her heart raced. Had something happened to Cheryl?

None of her fear showed in her voice, which was calm and forceful.

Alright now, Tom. Tea'll be a couple of minutes. What's the matter?”

Tom shook himself again, and sighed a sigh as deep as the valleys of the Cheddar Gorge.

Oh Ivy, I don't know what to do.” His voice was a whisper of despair, the last thread from which his reason dangled.

Tom. Look at me.” Her words came a little more sharply than she had intended, but now even Ivy had been driven to the edge of panic.

Her tone rocked Tom. He sat straighter, and made eye contact with his mother-in-law for the first time.

I don't know what to do about Cheryl. I....just don't.”

Ivy relaxed a little. That didn't sound like Cheryl was hurt. Picking up a silver tea strainer she poured tea for them both while she thought about what to say next.

Tom gratefully reached for his mug, and took a large swig of the restorative fluid. Both of his parents had died six years before, within a month of each other, but he still remembered the faith that his Mom had placed in strong tea.

The beverage was still extremely hot, but Tom didn't notice the sting in his mouth and throat as he gulped it down. The heat was a comfort to him.

What's that lass done now?” Ivy, who well remembered how wilful her daughter could be, was now sure that nothing untoward had happened to her. Not just yet, at least.

I can't...She just never listens...How do I....?” Tom gabbled, his words tripping over each other as they gamboled off his tongue.

Hey!” Ivy snapped. “Calm now. Slow down. What has Cheryl done?”

Anything she bloody wants!” Tom shocked himself. He was an old fashioned lad, and not given to swearing in front of women.

Ah, that sounds like our Cheryl. What exactly has she been up to?”

She won't listen to me. She won't cook, or clean. She wants me to get a woman in. She stays up 'til all hours. She's been drinking at lunchtime. She keeps spending the housekeeping money on clothes!”

Ivy grimaced. Cheryl liked to get her own way, and it probably hadn't helped that her Dad had left when she was still a toddler. Kids learned to respect a man when they had a strong father around.

Have you told her how you feel?”

Of course I have. I don't want much; I'm happy to get someone to do the cleaning. I just want her to behave like a wife!”

Now it was Ivy's turn to sigh. It seemed to her that Cheryl was behaving like a child, suddenly given her freedom, and pushing to find the point where someone finally said no. There seemed to be one obvious answer.

She looked Tom over. He was tall and solid, a strong man in the best sense of the phrase. Ivy knew his parents, from when she first married, and she knew that they had been firm believers in discipline. That Tom had grown up so well in spite of losing them when he was only fifteen years old proved that.

Ivy hesitated. She didn't really want to condemn her twenty year old daughter to being treated like a naughty child, but she could see no other way.

Have you tried smacking her bottom?”

The words seemed to have a life of their own; they hung in the air, defying gravity, like a word bubble in a cartoon panel. Ivy felt that she could walk around them, examine them from all sides. Perhaps if she pricked them with a needle they would burst, and it would be as if she had never uttered them.

Her heart fluttered, like a trapped bird. She almost wanted to recall the words, cast out her net and drag them back before Tom could hear them.

Tom shook his head, not so much to say no but more to clear his ears; something was obviously interfering with them, as the words that slipped through made no sense to him.

His mouth flopped open, but the words he tried to form emerged merely as a series of gulps.

Well, have you?” Ivy was committed now.

What? Hit her?” Tom was astounded. How could his true love's mother suggest such a thing? He wiped his hand across his mouth, and then took a further slug of tea, as though trying to flush away an unpleasant taste. “You mean, smack her?”

Yes Tom, I mean smack her. She's acting like a spoilt child, like she has no respect for you. What would you do if she were your child? You expect to have kids?”

Well, yes, but...I dunno. Never thought about it. Ummm...”

Ivy liked Tom; she had always felt he was upright. A straight back, a rock. She had no higher praise than to think of someone as a person upon whom one could rely.

She did not feel that these were the characteristics Tom was showing at present. In fact she was becoming rather annoyed at his guppy-like expression.

It was time that he grasped the nettle.

Come on, man. It's easy enough. Open palm, swing arm, slap on bottom. Well, a lot of slaps, I suggest. Still, it's not a difficult principal.”

Eh, but..she's my wife. How could I...?”

You're not telling me your parents never tanned your backside. Are you?”

Lord, no! My Mom was a terror with a carpet slipper when I needed it.”

Well then. Do that.”

But. She's my wife.”

Who's acting like a spoilt brat. Put her over your knee and spank her bottom.”

Tom shrank back. This time the shake of his head definitely implied a negative. He folded his arms, and the back that had gradually grown straighter, began to hunch once more.

I wouldn't know how to go about it. What would I...? How would I...?”

Now Ivy really was impatient. When a task needed doing she believed in getting on and doing it. She had no time for any wishy washy doubts, any buts or maybes. When action was required, action was taken.

She stood and pushed her chair a little way back from the table.

For God's sake. It's not rocket science. They don't teach classes in it, yet parents for thousands of years have been doing it, when it's needed. Do I really have to show you how?”

This last question came probably a little too late, for Ivy had taken a step towards Tom, and leaning forward, she had grasped his earlobe between two powerful fingers.

She straightened, taking the ear with her, and, in the natural course of events, the rest of Tom followed too.

What?” The question was stretched far beyond the bounds of the four letters that made it up, and did little to mollify Ivy.

With an absolute sense of exactly where everything lay in her domain Ivy took a single step back, one to her left and then sat, her plump bottom landing squarely on the seat of her wooden chair.

The laws of physics continued to apply. Tom was dragged forwards, sidewards and then down, as Ivy guided his long frame across her lap.

The chair was quite a high one, and, placed precisely across Ivy's legs, he dangled in space, his bottom clothed in faded blue jeans facing up to the Heavens.

That's how you put a naughty child over your knee.” Ivy regarded him a little ruefully. Some of her anger had slipped away already, but she knew that she needed to pound at least a little backbone into her sorry son-in-law.

What...what...what are you doing?” It was almost a wail, and it's only effect was to stiffen Ivy's resolve. Tom looked back over his shoulder, with large bewildered eyes.

Ivy flattened her hand and waved it towards his face.

Look. Like this, see. Flat palm.”

She drew it back, and raised it high in the air. Time stood still; the movie camera swirled around, framed the shot, as the well built women in her neat skirt sat atop a tall wooden chair, a grown man balanced across her lap.

Time and sound rushed back in, as her hand fell, propelled by the full force of an arm used to wrestling with recalcitrant bread dough. Ivy had large hands; her right one smacked across the centre of Tom's upraised bottom.

Tom gave a little jolt. Words seemed to have deserted him. His head was a mess of cotton wool; his thoughts were struggling feebily to force their way through. None of this seemed even slightly real to him.

Ivy's hand fell, again, and again. It danced around the surface of his jeans, each step a heavy thumping slap, that stung his rump even through tautly pulled denim. Less of a waltz, and more of a heavy metal stomp.

Tom continued to utter largely wordless gasps, as Ivy spanked away. She felt that this was a good start, but further action was needed if Tom was to be given the necessary impetus to act.

Ivy reached down with her left arm, under Tom's chest, and tilted him back on to his feet. He stood, his face a bewildered mask; she felt sure the true and steady Tom was concealed close behind it.

We're not done. This is a job that needs doing, and it needs doing properly.”


Hush. This needs doing.”

Ivy turned slightly, and, with a firm tug, she unhooked the belt that curled around his jeans. A slight jerk, and with the eager aid of gravity his jeans slid down well muscled thighs.

Tom's bottom was guarded now only by a tight pair of black briefs, and Ivy took a moment to assess her son-in-law's frame. Briefly her eyes paused on the bulge in his pants; well, she thought, Cheryl has done very nicely there, indeed.

Snorting in amusement she shook the thought off, and, reaching for Tom once more, she pulled him back over her lap. She had expected at least a token of resistance; that he made no attempt to stop her confirmed that she still needed to impart a bit more fire.

She knew exactly where the heat would do the most good.

Ivy knew that, to drive the lesson home, she needed to spank Tom's bare bottom, and, as ever, she saw no point in delaying the inevitable. What can't be changed must always be faced.

She grabbed the waistband of his pants, and stretched them away from his body.

Hang on. Ivy. What're you...?”

You know good and well what I'm doing. Shut up and lie still.” There was a crack of authority to Ivy's voice, and, as Tom's pants slid down to lie pooled at the back of his knees, it was matched by the crack of her palm slapping down onto his smooth right cheek.

This time Tom clearly felt the sting, and Ivy added a quick flurry of half a dozen more to the same spot. Her hand was a powerful weapon, and as the white print of her fingers faded a red blush appeared..

Turning her attention to the left side of Tom's bottom she repeated the dose, each smack echoing around the tidy room, bouncing off cabinets and cooker.

Ivy's mouth was set in a firm concentrated line; she took to her task with the same dedication she brought to everything that she did. Her arm arced upwards time and again, before splatting her hand against the rapidly reddening rear.

As she spanked she kept up a commentary; her instructions to Tom.

See, this is how you do it. Full swings, open palm. One side then the next. Half a dozen here, half a dozen there. Cover the whole bottom. It's like painting – don't stop until the whole area is nice and red.”

She spoke firmly and slowly. After each word she administered another smack. The pace was relentless, and the force of her slaps didn't alter in the least.

Tom felt his head clearing, as the heat in his bottom grew. He had not been spanked for nearly ten years. On reflection perhaps it was nearer to eight; the growing pain in his rear served to concentrate his mind admirably.

Yes, that was right; his school's Headmistress had bent him over in her office, and administered 6 of the best with a heavy plimsoll. Funny but in his memory that stung rather less than Ivy's hand did.

He wriggled; oddly the surface of his bottom seemed to be growing numb, each smack instead reverberating through his entire body. Tom gasped and rocked as Ivy tattooed a further volley of smacks across the width of his behind.

Suddenly there was silence.

Ivy looked down at the glowing red rump, and felt that, as usual, she had done a good job. Or, at least, the best job she could. Now she had to gauge how Tom would react.

Lovingly she caressed the battered flesh; a gentle kiss from her hand serving to punctuate the punishment.

Ivy pulled Tom's pants back up over his bottom. He sucked in his breath as they covered the glowing fires that pulsed there.

Once again Ivy tipped Tom onto his feet, and, with no conscious thought whatsoever, his hands leapt around to clutch the burning globes of his bottom. He rubbed vigorously at them, trying to massage the fires into submission.

As Tom stood, his back pulled into a slight arch by the actions of his hands, Ivy peeked once more at his underpants. She was pleased to see that there was no evidence of arousal; she knew that some men did get turned on by being beaten.

Tom was still incapable of forming a coherent sentence. Ivy regarded him thoughtfully.

Alright Tom, pull up your trousers. Time you were on your way while that memory's fresh.” Ivy felt that it would be best if Tom confronted Cheryl whilst the sting of his punishment was still raw. She felt sure it would motivate him to be firm in his turn.

Tom was far from convinced that letting go of his bottom was a good idea. He feared that, without his hands to restrain them, his buttocks where likely to explode. The look on Ivy's face though.....Probably best to do what she suggested.

Now Tom. You know what you need to do. Go home, and tell Cheryl what you expect from her. And then show her what happens to naughty brats who won't behave like grown ups.

She's a married woman. Past time she started to act like it. Oh, I know. The idea of hurting her pains you. You love her. But a little pain, in the right place at the right time, won't harm her. It'll be a wake up call.

Just like the one I've given you.”

Tom certainly felt wide awake. And, just at present, the idea of giving his wife a good long spanking pained him rather less than his own punishment had.

Ivy took a long look at her son-in-law. He already stood straighter than when he had arrived in her kitchen, more his usual self. Looking within herself she found no regret for her actions, and no regret for what she was sure would soon happen to her daughter.

Ivy, I'm sorry about...how I was when I got here. Everything had just gotten too much for me.”

Ivy shook her head.

No, don't worry lad. This is what family's for; somewhere to go when the world is too much. Somewhere to get straightened out.”

Well, you certainly set me straight.” Tom chuckled and rubbed gently at his bottom. The sting seemed to have hardly faded at all. “I best be off. I need to talk to Cheryl.”

Ivy moved closer to him, and took hold of his arm. She raised his hand, and turned it over, palm up.

Well, that looks strong enough to do the job. Look, though, if you don't think the message is getting home, don't be afraid to use a good solid slipper as well. My Cheryl's like me; pig headed, and built solid.

I got a good tanning often enough at school, and it never did me no harm. I just laughed it off. Seems like Cheryl's the same, so make sure she can't sit comfortably when you finish.”

Alright Mom. You're the boss.” Ivy's heart glowed; she had been telling Tom to call her Mom for months, and this was the first time that he had. Ivy felt warm inside, fully content. She had done her bit to make sure her family survived.

I'll give you a call, to let you know how it goes. Well, unless Cheryl gets here first!”

I reckon you'll find that she'll be keen to be with you, once she's learned her lesson. But feel free to call me. Goodbye Tom. Good luck.”

Tom nodded his farewell, and, pulling his jacket back on, he marched down the passage, full of fire and purpose, and propelled by the burning that lurked right behind him.

Ivy stood; there was still baking that needed doing. Reaching for her apron once again, a sprightly melody came to her, and she once more began to hum happily to herself.

The End. 

Tom will be back in The Mother-in-law Solution Part 2

Well, I hope that you enjoyed that. Writing it was almost sheer pleasure, a busy 2 or 3 hours one Sunday afternoon recently.

Please comment as you feel fit.

All the best


Panties down Pixie - the Amber Pixie Wells Trilogy Part 2

Well, what could be nicer on a Friday than some pictures of Pixie's bare bottom being spanked? Very little, that I can think of.

And, of course, this post fulfills part of the promise of the title of my earlier post - trilogies require three entries and this is number two. Which you could tell from this title, I guess.

Anyway, to recap; Pixie is lovely, has a very spankable bottom, and has been spanked in lots of videos from pretty much every American site. All of these pictures are taken from the wonderful site that she co-owns, Punished Brats.

So, sit back and let me guide you, for a couple of minutes at least, through the delightful world of Pixie's bare and increasingly pink, bottom.

Oh, and stay with me until the end for an important announcement!

I was quite hoping that some witty comments might occur to me when I got around to actually writing this entry, but sadly my brain has gone into a state of premature Winter freeze, and refuses to come out with anything that isn't totally inane. I know, just like usual. 

Oh yes, and I buried the lead. So here it is:

NEWS ITEM; for those of us in the UK, BBC2 is showing the 2014 Proms version of Kiss Me Kate at 2.45 on Christmas Day, starring the rather stunning Alexandra Silber as Miss Vanessi/Kate. It's a fairly fully staged version of the play, but I don't know what they did about the spanking scene. Fingers crossed for a good one.

All the best


There's something 'bout you baby I like - analysing the appeal of a new FHS spankee

Oh dear, not off to a great start is it? Using a line from a Status Quo song, of all things!

(To digress a little, did you have the chance to see their acoustic show from The Roundhouse, shown on the Beeb a few weeks ago? I couldn't see their stuff working in a stripped down form, but it was really entertaining. A very pleasant surprise indeed!)

But back to the subject at hand. Spanking hand, presumably.

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Nothing to do with spanking, just the
same surname
Firm Hand Spanking have a new American spanking model, who goes by the slightly unpromising name of Kylee Anders. Why is this not a good name? Well, even when you spell Kylee like that it still makes one think of Kylie Minogue, and their are far too many girls of a certain age who got saddled with her moniker. Still, I like Anders. Makes me think of David Anders, the actor, who I always enjoy. I was a big fan of Alias, and I also liked him in Heroes and Once Upon a Time. And in at least a half a dozen other shows.

Hmm. Slipped off topic again there. Can we please return to the actual subject of this post?

(Like it's your fault that I have the attention span of....hang on, where was I again?)

Kylee Anders, is a rather nice looking blonde girl (much too young for me to call her a lady, I'm afraid) who has, to date, appeared in just two spanking films at Firm Hand Spanking, both of which she receives from the really incredibly lucky Jonny Stockton (see my blog post about his wife, the radiant Stacy Stockton if you don't believe me).

She has a bubbly personality and, wait, what's that important one again?

Yes, that was it. A firm, rounded spankable butt. The evidence is clear. I'm sure that you agree.

Hold on though. You think we should just check without any clothing obstructing our view? Well, old chap, that sounds eminently sensible. 

There you go. Happy now?

Kylee has a long but well built body, and, I would guess, is probably fairly new to spanking, at least at this level. Just judging by her reactions - lots of gasps and air forced through pursed lips. Her bottom grows nicely pink as Jonny spanks away at it. And she yells quite a lot.

Time for a few more pictures, I think.

What doesn't come across in the pictures is how well she role plays. At no stage do you question the authenticity of her reactions; her dialogue is real and unforced, and delivered in a realistic conversational tone. 

I really think that Kylee is one to watch for.

Now, the observant amongst you will have spotted that all of these pictures come from one video, although I mentioned that Kylee had appeared in two films. (Did you spot that? Give yourself a gold star, ten out of ten and a pat on the back).

The second film has her paddled with a table tennis bat, and, well, here are a couple of pictures of that (i'd hate for you to think that I was teasing you).

So exactly what is Kylee's appeal? She's a pretty girl, but that isn't particularly unusual, around the spanking scene. The spankings that she's taken so far haven't been particularly severe, yet clearly she feels them.

(I am a little concerned that she may only end up doing one shoot with Firm Hand).

She has a pleasantly bratty attitude, but so do any number of spanky girls.

What Kylee has, at least to me, is the undefinable "it". Some of our spanking models have it, and some don't. I'll happily watch almost any girls getting spanked, but some just have something more than an available bottom, and Kylee does. 

I want to watch her films again and again.

In fact I think that the difference comes down largely to personality, and the films where I sit and watch the whole thing, rather than just zooming to the spanking, are those featuring models whose on screen personality I find appealing.

Although, honestly, being insanely hot helps too! (Yes, I am a heterosexual male - this shit it hardwired into us, I think). 

Anyway, a last couple of pictures for your pleasure.

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...and bottom

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I just love her expression

So, that's it for another blog post. Remember that you can always comment.

All the best


PS Yes, I know, that was less analysis, and more leching, but, hey, it passed a few minutes, and I really do like Kylee. Remember, you can get her films on Firm Hand Spanking

It's Pixie's bottom - the result's show! The Amber Pixie Wells Trilogy Part 3

But before we get to the lovely shots of Pixie with a reddened rump, a couple of totally unconnected thoughts.

The ATVOD bollocks is starting to have an effect on UK spanking producers. The venerable Bars and Stripes site has been handed over to our good friend Mike the Dutchman, who is now the sole owner. As, of course, he is based in Holland this allows the site to continue to operate without fear of UK Censorship.

Whilst I've never been a member of the site I'll be interested to see what Mike does with it - his other sites Real Life Spankings and Spanked in Uniform are two of my favourites.

My mate John (the Chief) is officially relocating his always entertaining site Triple AAA Spanking to the US. In all fairness this was probably on the cards anyway, as his relationship with the stunning Miss Sarah Gregory has led him to spend more and more time over there, but as his blog makes clear the final push has been provided by this bastard legislation.

We know that Pandora has vowed to carry on with Dreams of Spanking with no changes, but it will be interesting to see what other UK spanking sites decide to do. I'm particularly keen to learn what Northern Spanking (another all time favourite) do.

Incidentally did you see Pandora on Channel 4? She was erudite, charming and intelligent, a wonderful advert for our kinky world, and all without offending anybody's sensibilities with the way that she described her website and interests.

You can find her interview and the supporting news story here:

Check it out; it's well worth a look.

And now onto the actual business of this post; the third part of the Pixie Trilogy, which ends, as all spankings should, with a nicely reddened bottom. And bottoms don't come much nicer than Pixie's!

As you will have spotted, the last couple of those don't actually show Pixie's derriere, or at least not naked, but I love to watch a well spanked young lady rubbing her rear.

Ready for as few more? Of course you are.

Hmmm. A combination of nude buttocks and some rubbing - a match made in Heaven. Or at least in my perverse imagination.

And to finish up for today, several more shots of Pixie clutching at her thoroughly spanked bottom.

Ah, I did enjoy that.

Well, that'll do for now; next time I think we might talk a little about a handful of my favourite female spankers. Will yours make the list? Tune in tomorrow (maybe) for the answer.

All the best


PS Of course, all of the lovely shots of the punished Pixie bottom come from Punished Brats, a site I'm sure that you are well aware of, and which is always worth checking out.

Oh look, it'a another paysite review - English Spankers

You know that I'm a sad spanking obsessed old git, and that I spend far too long messing about on the World Wide Web of Spanking (and let's face it, we all know that spanking was the real reason the internet was conceived).

Despite the long sweaty hours I've spent wandering around various sites, I've just realised that I missed one. And it has quite a lot of films to devour too!

Welcome then, to English Spankers. You're all bright people (I wouldn't let you visit if you weren't) - take a wild guess at where this site is based (and incidentally, given the UK population in comparison to the US one we seem to generate an inordinately large number of video spanking producers).

I must confess that I wonder how the crappy ATVOD legislation will affect them all.

Where should we start? Well, how about with their mission statement:-

English Spankers features the punishment and discipline of young girls, schoolgirls and mature ladies in video & pictures

Well, that seems pretty self explanatory, and very satisfactory.
And, of course, all models are aged eighteen or over.

Membership costs £16.61 per month at present, on the usual recurring basis with payment through CC Bill. You can pay £65.89 for 180 days on a non recurring basis instead.

So what do you get if you decide to fork over your hard earned pennies? Quite a lot of spanking, actually.

The site has apparently been running for over 10 years, and there are currently in excess of 250 videos available for download, produced during that period.

New films are uploaded on at least a weekly basis.

The films run from around 5 minutes up to, well, quite a lot longer, and they feature a wide range of spanking models, from a number of ladies that I've never seen elsewhere to several of our regular favourites. It's safe to say that Pandora, Amelia, Molly and Dani all make an appearance!

The plots of the films cover many of the old standards, including, of course, a fair number of schoolgirls receiving their just desserts. In addition there are a number of themed clips; spanked in pj's, cash strapped girls, the sexy cleaning co and audition clips.

Of these the audition clips are generally my favourites; the girls speak frankly about their experiences and interests, and then are soundly spanked. I mentioned (I think) the film that Kiki Devine did for this segment, and I think that one is almost worth the admission price alone.

One of the real strengths of English Spankers is the diversity of their spankees; whilst this is limited in a racial sense (which in the UK seems largely to be dictated by the lack of availability of ethnic spankees) they do feature all body types, and probably the widest range of ages you will see.

Perhaps it's because I'm an old fart but I do like to see a more mature lady being punished from time to time. Don't get me wrong - I love to see the young hotties with their bottoms being reddened, but it's nice to have variety, and you'll certainly find that here.

The majority of the spankings are carried out by Mr Stern, Sarah Stern and Katie Didit, with the ladies also being on the receiving end too. There are other men but I don't think that I've come across them elsewhere.

I've already commented on the mix of spankees, but it really does seem that some of these girls are actually new to spanking.

Site navigation is straightforward, if a little uninspired. Log in and you are presented with several (quite long) pages, prsenting films in date order with the most recently uploaded videos first. There is a description of each scene, and you can simply right click and download.

Whilst the films themselves generally have titles (although rather frustratingly not all parts of one film have the same title), the downloads just use a letter/number code, similar to that on Sarah Stern's own website, Spanking Sarah. In fact this site resembles Sarah's in many ways, although Ms Stern's site is a little bit more attractively presented.

The films are a mixture of lengths, with 1, 2 and 3 parters. Image quality is very nice, and they are shot using a good variety of angles. 

Most films use a fairly standard progression of implements, although there are some that just feature one; luckily (from my point of view) many of these are OTK hand spankings. I do love those.

The spankings shown range from comprehensive to fairly severe, especially when the cane is used. The vast majority are within my comfort zone though. 

What else might you want to know? This is a good website to check out, as there are masses of sample videos to download. The clips are short but give a good flavour of the longer films.

For what it's worth, my opinion is that the vast majority of the films are very enjoyable, and I'm sure that most fans of ladies being spanked will find much here that they like. The monthly cost is relatively modest, and there are a lot of films to choose from, with an enviable array of spankees.

Many of the plots of the films will be familiar to you (although that it true on virtually every site, with perhaps Dreams of Spanking and Northern Spanking being excluded) but as I'm sure most subscribers will be here for the spankings and not for the plots, this may not be much of an issue.

Is this site worth your money? I believe that it is - I was happy enough with what I got for my month's membership anyway. I suppose that a lot of viewers won't like all of the clips or spankees, but I would imagine that to be the case with all websites.

A lot of the early films start out with an on screen logo declaring them to be "A traditional spanking video", and that is the single most notable thing here; these films do exactly what they say on the tin. It's good traditional straightforward fair, with little in the way of bells or whistles, but none the worse for that.

So, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it; English Spankers. Christmas is a time for tradition, so this might be the perfect site for this time of year!

All pictures are my screen grabs from English Spankers, and any quality issues are as a result of my incompetence, rather than any defects in the films themselves.

All the best


Seasons Greetings

Just taking a few minutes from the important job of turkey roasting to wish all of my readers the very best for the Christmas season; I hope that you, and your loved ones, are all well, and have a fine day.

Just to ensure that you don't forget what this blog is all about, a favourite spanking drawing of mine to cheer you through the post Christmas dinner depression.

The picture is from Red Rump, and you really should out his blog for more wonderful pictures. just follow the handy link in his name!

I'll be back with new posts next week.

The very best of wishes to you all


I do believe it's time for another pay site review - OTK Spankings

As it turns out, I took a slightly more extended Christmas break than I intended, but, hey, I'm back now! All cheer and stomp, and march triumphantly to your computer.

I should mention that I started to write this review on New Year's Eve, and then got sidetracked, so it starts off a little strangely. I was going to alter it but then I thought, ah, I can't be bothered - it's just domestic details but let's leave them in.
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Betty spanks Lori

Accordingly you may feel inclined to skip the next 4 paragraphs or so, unless you wish to be dazzled by my scintillating prose. Or you have a high boredom threshold.

Are you sitting comfortably? Let's just pretend that it's December 31st, and proceed accordingly.

Pause whilst we travel back in time. Wooooooo!


Well, Christmas already feels like a distant memory, and New Year's Eve means pretty much nothing to me, so I'm slightly in the doldrums. Although as I've never actually used that word before, I might celebrate a first there.

To top things off, our central heating boiler broke yesterday (boo, hiss), so I'm waiting for an engineer to call (sometime this afternoon). Oh, and my football team are doing dreadfully, and sacked their manager yesterday. 

Still, I had a very nice Christmas, with lots of lovely food and drink. I cooked most of it, of course, but everyone appreciated it, and I still have a handful of lovely crispy mince pies to munch (filled with mince meat, tangerines and apple - scrumilicious, especially with a dollop of cream).
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Mr Daniels spanks Elizabeth

I'm sure that you were all fascinated by those domestic details, but now, on to the point of today's post - a spanking site review.

Now, OTK Spankings combines two of my favourite things; spanking and over the knee positioning. I guess that I've mentioned those things before? Are you sure? Yes, I thought so.

OTK Spankings is part of the Real Spankings Network, and makes good use of the fact. On which a little more later.
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The Dean spanks Jade

Some housekeeping issues to start with. The site costs an extremely reasonable US$14.95 per month (which is around £11.55 for those of us still marooned on this little island) and there is also the option of a 3 month membership for US$29.95 (which is really tremendous value). Memberships are on a recurring basis, and processed through CCBill.

Membership can also be obtained through the Real Spankings Pass, which gives membership of 8 sites for US$69.95.

The site does have a download restriction, but as this is 5gb in a six hour period few browsers will fall foul of it; file sizes aren't massive, so you'll need to make a determined effort in order to actually exceed the limit.
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Cindy spanks Brandi

Alternatively you could just be obsessive like I am! However the webmaster will quickly reset your account on receipt of an email explaining your problem.

On logging in you are confronted with a contents page, which splits the available films into those filmed exclusively for the site, and those uploaded to other RSN sites but available here as they feature OTK spankings.

The exclusive content has been a bit sparse of late, with only 7 films in 2014 (at other times there have been many more of them). However this is frankly irrelevant, because the other sites provide a slew of new material. There are 13 new videos in December alone, which compares favourably with virtually every spanking site that I know.
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Betty spanks Riley

From the homepage you have three main options; view the exclusive content, of which there is quite a lot given the site has been running for several years, go to the OTK spanking content on one of the linked sites, or use the search function. This latter option allows you to being up a chronological list of all available films from all of the sites.

You can also search specific spankees and spankers.

I suppose, for information purposes, it would be a good idea to list the sites featured. They are:-

Real Spankings
Real Spankings Institute
Spanking Teen Brandi
Spanking Teen Jessica

One small word of warning; if you've already been a member of one of these (as I have with Real Spankings) you will be double dipping on the films featured there.
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Mr Daniels and Elizabeth again

Image quality is decent, the films being offered in a choice of high or low bandwidth versions. The file size, even on the high quality versions, rarely exceeds 60 mb, and is often a lot smaller.

Each film also has a nice set of still pictures, so you cancheck out what you are getting before downloading. Or you could just get the pretty piccies, if that's your thing.

Most films are offered in two parts, one generally shot with a view including the face of the spankee, and another from a view favouring the bottom. Where there is only one film this will be a mixture of the two angles.

Will you recognise any of the models? Well, unless you regularly spend time in the RSN universe, only a handful. I've come across Kailee, Mrs Burns (also known as Veronica Daniels), Cindy Baker and Betty elsewhere, and one or two of the other girls look familiarish, but I can't actually confirm that I've seem them on other sites.

This can be a virtue or an issue, depending on your point of view. I quite like to see other girls than our standard set being spanked, and you will quickly learn which of the girls here most suit your fantasies and desires. They are pretty and quite young on the whole.

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Elizabeth and Monica

Another real positive (for me) is that most of the female spankers also feature as spankees. I know that this one of my own personal things, but even so it's nice to see it. In particular I love to see Veronica Daniels (aka Elizabeth Burns) being spanked.

Actually I really like her as a top too, and there's plenty of that here.

The films themselves are usually of around 5 minutes long. Give or take. More or less. You get the idea, I'm sure.

Whilst some feature detailed scolding, and a list of sins, most hurry along to the action. Quick chat, and then over the knee, for a comprehensive spanking.

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Kailee spanks Claire

Most films feature hand spanking, although there are quite a few with the popular OTK appropriate implements, especially hairbrushes and leather paddles.

Some films start over clothes and progress, but the majority get straight to bare bottomed chastisement. There is a fair amount of nudity too, but little overtly sexual behaviour.

As suggested above, the spankings can be quite severe, with very well reddened rumps. There is a fair amount of crying (y'know, I typed that as frying initially, which may be a Freudian slip given the amount of heat generated by some of these punishments), but not, thankfully, from the first smack.

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Mr Daniels spanks Kailee

This site is extremely upfront about what it offers: hard OTK spankings (it says "the best" in it's logo but that's really down to individual taste) and it certainly delivers. It does exactly what it says on the tin, as the rather annoying DIY advert says.

I love OTK spanking, but in one way this does highlight the site's only real problem; after a while the many spankings begin to get just a little bit repetitive. The spankings are well delivered, the tops (even the guys) are fine and the girls are lovely. Two or three (I'm thinking here of Riley and Natalie in particular) are wonderful, and I'd be happy to see them spanked anytime. However, there is a bit of a lack of variety, or imagination in the storylines.

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Miss J and Sarah

My only other criticism might be peculiar to me, and seen by other spankos as a real positive. I don't much like the splitting of perspective into separate films. Admittedly it allows you to concentrate on the angle you prefer, but it does tend to make the scenes seem a little static.

To sum up then, is this site worth your money? Well, the cost is extremely modest, and, because of the link to OTK scenes on other sites in the Network, there is an absolute mass of videos to download.

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Elizabeth spanks Riley

The spankings are very firm without being excessive, the models are attractive and believable, the female spankers are great and the male tops aren't too irritating.

If, like me, you love to see ladies being spanked over the knee, you will certainly find much to enjoy. And it doesn't matter if you prefer M/F or F/F, there's lots of both with so many films available.

Downloading is quick and the image quality is fine.

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Mr Daniels and Jasmine

As I mentioned above I have a small reservation about the lack of variety, but that may be unreasonable given the site delivers exactly what it says it does, and my personal preference for the filming angles to be mixed together more often is just that - my particular thing.

While I can't recommend the site totally without reservation, the vast majority of spanking film fans will enjoy what's on offer, and, as I keep saying, there is a hell of a lot of it, so no one can complain that they're not getting their money's worth.

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Kailee spanks Natalie

It's certainly worth spending the relatively small number of pounds (or dollars, or euros) to give it a look, and the results will keep you occupied for some time. It really is quite hard to argue with the value that this site delivers. 

And that's it for today; back soon with a Superstar spanking interview, and another site review.

Have a fine day, and spank happily (of course, I think it's impossible to spank any other way).

All the best


With a startling lack of imagination on my part, all pictures come courtesy of OTK Spankings. I bet you guessed that, didn't you?

(Just to catch up, my boiler was fixed in the afternoon, as advertised by our insurers, and my team have a new and, hopefully, more effective manager - at least we've won two matches in a row).

My dreams are fulfilled - Dana Kane gets spanked

Can you hear that pattering sound? With the occasional shuffle? The scuffing of feet on a carpeted floor?

That's the sound of me performing a really amateurish jig of delight. Who the Hell said that dreams never come true? Whoever he was, give that man a good kick in the crotch. Or maybe just direct him to Dana Kane for a sound spanking.

It's good to have dreams. It's good to have big dreams and little dreams. Oh sure, I dream of world peace, and all religions living happily together. Or at least fabulous wealth for me, so that I can be oblivious to the troubles of the world (joke, honestly. Nobody wins unless everybody wins, as Bruce used to say).

One of my smaller dreams was to see the frighteningly hot Dana Kane taken over some lucky guy's knee, and soundly spanked. 

Well, guess what?

I posted a year or so ago how much it frustrated me to see attractive ladies who only top, and Dana was one of the specific examples I mentioned (I was actually given a lead as to where I might find some old films of her being punished but sadly the site they were on had recently closed down).

I opened her blog recently to find a link to her Clips Store where resided a film of her being spanked. And still trying to top whilst over the gentleman's knee.

Sadly the clip does not appear on her members own site, the delightful Dana Kane Spanks. Of course I did the obvious thing; I emailed her to ask if she planned to upload it, as I would jump at the chance to join if it were there.

I got a very prompt and pleasant response, although Dana did say that she wouldn't post the clip because 

"Ahh, the member site is called Dana Kane Spanks, not Dana Kane Spanked, silly"

which I guess seems like a reasonable answer (although I don't have to like it). 

I don't generally buy individual spanking clips, primarily because I watch so many films that buying them that way would leave me rather short of money to do dull things such as eating, but sometimes a man of principals has to be swayed. I pride myself on being flexible (those who know me may disagree!).

I bounded over (figuratively speaking of course) and hastened to buy the clip.


Yes, worth the money. Absolutely worth the money.

I cannot, of course, share the clip with you, due to those pesky copywrite things, and, well, it's Dana's clip and I'm sure she'd be no happier to see it popping up on a blog than she was prepared to host it on her members site.

I have snagged a couple of screen shots though, just to give you a flavour.


You might want to check it out yourselves. If you're like me.

All the best


Oh, and despite the absence of this film I did decide to join Dana Kane Spanks, and, as usual, a review will follow in due course.

Superstar Spanking Interview - the delightful Fae Corbin

Well, it's been a little while since I did one of these, although as luck would have it I have two or three more in the pipeline, which will probably appear in the next month or two.

This time I've been lucky enough to get together with the spectacularly elfin Fae Corbin, a British fetish model who has been around the scene for some years, and who also does 1 to 1 sessions. She is a regular at the Central Spanking Parties held frequently in Sheffield and Nuneaton (and in fact I will be attending the February one in the Midlands, which will be my first time at such an event).

Fae very kindly took the time to answer my awkward and intrusive questions, and her responses are both thoughtful and amusing. 

If you want to know more about Fae you should check out her Spankeefinder advert (which is the linked here), and her own website, where you'll find many more pictures of her. I promise you that it's well worth a few minutes of your time!

So then, on to the interview.

1. I love your name. Where does it come from?

The name 'Corbin' means 'little raven'.  I have black hair and I'm petite....my partner came up with it and it feels like me now.

2. When did you realise that you had an interest in spanking?

In spanking?  Well, I only found out about the spanking scene when I first started doing 121s, or shortly before, so just over three years ago.  Though I knew I enjoyed being whipped, flogged, spanked etc much earlier.

In fact I think back to being a teenager and to some of the urges I had, though I didn't know about spanking OR BDSM then, I just thought I was weird!  Nowadays I know otherwise; I think it's a lot more 'normal' than we think, it's just a lot of people hide from it.

I agree entirely with Fae on this; I think a lot of people who might be interested in these games we play suppress any thoughts of it because they think it it in some way wrong. Their loss, I think.

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Bars and Stripes (with Zoe Page)

3. Please tell us a little about your spanking history

Yikes, you want me to write a novel!  Okay well I was doing a course to get into university and I was loving all the learning (yes I'm a bit of a nerd in that sense; I even get excited over essay questions!) and then the unthinkable happened and the teacher wanted me to do a presentation in front of the class.....I couldn't do it!  I was so shy......so I quit the course and everything!  (I deserve a spanking just for that, right?)

I didn't wanna do nothing and I felt silly for quitting because I was shy....so I decided to try porn as is there such thing as a shy porn star lol?  I did that for a short while and one of the shoots I got was for a spanking website.  I liked that, as I was into BDSM and so I knew I liked being whipped and spanked.  It just progressed from there really, I kept looking for more and more spanking shoots and then someone I worked with put me in touch with a guy who does spanking parties and I tried a 121 with him and then a party and here I am.  I couldn't give it up now, it's such a huge part of who I am.

Yes Fae, you certainly deserve a spanking for quitting your course, and I hope to have the opportunity to give it to you at some point in the near future. And I have to say that going into porn to cure shyness is, well, novel.

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Bars and Stripes (and the frightening Miss Page once again)

4. Could you explain a little further how you became involved in spanking parties?

I got introduced to a guy who runs them when I did a spanking shoot.  He had a 121 with me first, to vet me I guess, check I was suitable for parties.  I didn't know anything at all about 121s or parties until then.  After I did my first party, in December 2011 I think it was, I realised how into it I was and started doing more and more 121s.  Soon after I got asked to do some of the bigger parties and whilst it was truly terrifying, going into a room of people and interacting with them all it was also wicked fun.  Now I can always be found wiggling my bum at the Sheffield n Nuneaton parties, it's a really different experience to a 121 but just as fun.

As I mentioned earlier I'm attending a spanking party in Nuneaton that Fae is featured at, and I'm really looking forward to the experience.

5. I love that continue to do 1 2 1 sessions. What do you get out of these?

I'm an explorer baby!  *grins* sorry I love squeezing that phrase in when I can.  But I do love exploring....and with 121's it's a constant thing; each one is so different, I love meeting new people and exploring their fantasies and desires, what they like or don't like, it's what it's all about.

Also it's great for trying new things or ways, I've gotten a fair few people into flogging that way and also gotten new kinks of my own that way too.  It's intimate and at the end of a session it's a wicked feeling, when you have had a great session and you can see the other person has too.

6. How often do you session on average?

I used to session every day but I'm learning how to have a bit of self control these days so probably on average 4 times a week right now.  It's one of those things; the more you get, the more you want.

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Sound Punishment (with Katie Strickland)

7. You switch in sessions and on film. How do you feel about the two roles?

Wowza you do want a novel eh?  My partner used to always say I had a more dominant side and I used to deny it.  Then I tried it and now yes okay he was right, I do have a dom side. 

I love switching!   When I have someone over my knee, it's almost like unwrapping a present, when I pull their pants down to reveal their cheeks waiting for me to rosy them up haha.  I get gleeful and everything.

I have to say that the last couple of answers make a session with Fae sound incredibly appealing. 

8. You seem to be moving more into spanking videos lately. Is this a conscious thing?

I've always done spanking vids!  Maybe you just haven't been looking hard enough. Though saying that I do go and try and shoot regularly for a friend of mine, whom I like to call 'Princess Lovely'.....she is lovely but scary!  Others know her by the name Miss Hastings-Gore.  She's good with the birch and never lets me get away with excuses!

I guess my ignorance should probably earn me a spanking from Fae! I'll list some of the sites she has appeared on at the end of the interview

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Real Life Spankings (with Mike)

9. What is your best and worst experiences with making spanking films?

My best was probably when I went to work for Spanked in Uniform over in Holland. 

Lovely guy (though gosh he had a hard hand!) and I got to dress up in loads of different funky outfits and act loads of different roles.  I love trying to talk my way out of trouble, though it never usually works (luckily!). 

Worst one was I'm not saying!  Sorry 

Everyone I know who has worked with him loves Mike, and I must admit that the interview I did with him a couple of years ago was a real joy.

And the worst experience question was a bit cheeky!

10. Are you a life style spankee? Or is this all just fun and games?

Can't I be both lol?  I wouldn't do this kinda thing if I weren't into it myself...and I'm into it because it's fun and feels good! 

My partner doesn't spank me as often as he used to as he doesn't want to risk bruising me but I'm fine with that because it means he flogs my back more often and don't even get me started on the awesomeness of back flogging!

11. I notice on your website a couple of pictures that look sort of steampunky, and your Spankeefinder page uses a Dickens reference. Do you read a lot, and, if so, what kind of books do you like?

I don't read enough, these days.  But when I do read I enjoy modern fantasy stories or stories that make me wonder what the hell I've just read....oh or I love reading philosophy books, philosophy is a great love of mine! 

The steampunk thing though; isn't it great?!  It's retro-science fiction.  Victorian sci-fi.  The pics you mentioned I loved doing, I imagined I was an airship-pirate, it was massive fun!

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Sound Punishment and a sandal

12. After several years working in the spanking field, do you still get a thrill when you hear someone say the word?

Haha maaaaybe....if I see a spanking reference in the non-spanking world, or if I see an object which I think would make a great implement for spanking then yeah.  I once went to the antique shop near me and found this awesome riding crop...when I took it to the counter to buy it the lady half-jokingl. said she hoped I wouldn't use it for anything untoward, I blushed so much!  

13. Is there anyone you'd particularly like to work with in spanking videos?

I'd love to go work for Spanked In Uniform again.  Oh and Pandora Blake!  She looks fun

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Sound Punishment, Miss Strickland and a slipper

14. Just as an aside, do you regularly read spanking blogs? (and no, I'm not fishing for any compliments there).

Haha, oh yours is the bestest!  I occasionally get sent links to blogs etc that I'm mentioned in, from clients.  But generally I don't read them,  I don't get much time on the computer as you probably guessed from how long I take to respond to mails at times!  I probably deserve a spanking for that, too!

As previously suggested, I'd be more than happy to spank Fae any time.

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Sound Punishment (Fae looks lovely in jeans)

15. On your website you say that you love porn. Are spanking videos porn?

Way to put me on the spot there!  They can be....for some people.  It really depends on the person.  And on the vid. 

Porn is....a nice sight.  Attractive.  I like seeing the curve of a nice bum, being spanked, going from pale to a nice rosy colour...it is attractive...and it can be a sexual thing, which is what porn is.

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Repeat after me - Sound Punishment

16. What appeals to you about porn, if that's not too obvious?

It's porn!  It's designed to make you feel good!  I don't really do porn now but don't have a problem with it, it was a fun time.

17. There seems to be a lot of debate about this on the web. is spanking an intrinsically sexual act?

It can be!  Or it can just be an enjoyable experience.  Each to their own, live n let live and all that.  For me personally, it depends on the person and the situation but yep it can definitely be a sexual thing for me.

18. Do you think it makes you a better spankee if you've also tried topping?

Yes, in the way that it lets you understand and know what various things feel like.  There are good tops out there who have never tried being bottom themselves but I'd say in general yes, it definitely helps.

Well, I think that went splendidly. Fae seems to be a lovely person, and I really can't wait to meet her, whether it's at the party next month, or in a 1 to 1 session if we can arrange something.

I promised you a list of the sites Fae appears in videos for. Please bare in mind that this list is almost certainly incomplete as, despite the rumours that I tend to spread, I haven't actually downloaded every spanking film on the net. Just, y'know, most of them.

So here goes, in roughly alphabetical order:-

I'm fairly sure that there are more in my collection, but that'll give you enough to explore for now. And I've only listed CP sites; Fae appears on other sites too.

Well, I hope that you all enjoyed that as much as I did. Please check out Fae's appearances around the web, and if you can get to the Midlands try a 1 to 1 with her.

I'd just like to finish by thanking Fae for her time and patience, and, most of all, for her honesty and good humour. These are a lovely set of answers.

All the best


All pictures come from either Fae's own website, or else are screen captures from videos that appear on the sites listed above. 

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