Channel: Tim the Tum - A spanking good time
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A lesser known spanking scene - Negra Consentida

Just a quick post, in between bigger more significant ones - a little light old fashioned spanking to clear your palette between huge mouthfuls of site reviews and spanking star interviews.

This post relates to a Spanish film, Negra Consentida (1949), usually viewed in the US under the title My Spoiled Darling, but also known as Spoiled Brunette, apparently.

The spankee here is Meche Barba, who was 27 at the time of the film being released.

I have seen the film, but only in a Spanish language version without subtitles. Now my Spanish is a bit limited - I know about 5 words, although one of those is for spanking. Accordingly I have very little idea what is going on.

Anyway, I have here a handful of stills from the scene in question; they're my own screen captures and the image quality wasn't great, so don't expect too much. I'm sure that Chross will produce a copy of the actual clip any day now.

Here we go then:-

Before the spanking
He's starting to think about it
And over his knee she goes
First smack coming up
And there it somewhat unclearly is
Some reaction to the spank
And then the action cuts away to the nightclub we are in, with some big bruiser striding towards the dressing room in which the fun stuff is taking place.

But wait...we cut back to the spanking scene:-
Hand applied to appropriate area

Another spank in progress
As the smack lands the bruiser enters the room
And our hero starts to rise, dropping the slightly spanked lady to the floor
And all too quickly the fun is over; we see (I think) one smack initially, and then 2 more after the cut back to our scene.

Not too great, but not one I was aware of before this week.

Back after the weekend with another review and another interview.

All the best


My God!! They're coming thick and fast - website review Sound Punishment

So then, not only has normal service been resumed, but resumed with a vengeance (do you think that could be the subtitle for the next Die Hard film? Normal Service Resumed With a Vengeance? Okay then, I won't await a call from Hollywood).
Amelia longing leggy and lovely, as usual

So far since my brief hiatus I've brought you a splendid interview, a website review and some lovely pictures of Dana Kane.

To follow it up, we have another paysite review. Although, because I don't want to become predictable or anything, not the one that I promised to provide in an earlier post (yes, that will also be coming soon(ish)).

Sound Punishment is a UK based site that has been producing spanking videos for at least a couple of years (in all honesty that's a total guess, as none of the uploads are dated). The site features around 100 films, along with accompanying photosets, all in very nice quality.

Technical issues first; membership costs £17.38 per month, on a recurring basis, paid through the ever reliable CCBill. You also have the option of taking a three month membership at £45.24, which is not recurring.

The free tour provides a brief summary of each scene, although, despite the claims plastered all over the place of "free spanking movie clips" there are no video samples available - these have been removed to prevent minors from accessing them. The site needs tidying up, but nevertheless this is, particularly in the current moral environment, a sensible precaution to take.
Dani (well, of course)

It would be interesting to know if it has impacted on site membership numbers at all.

When you pay your money to join you get a user name and password provided to you; enter them and the members area awaits you.

The members index page is a little busy (in my opinion), but it does serve to guide you adequately to where you want to go.
Jasmine in shiny shorts

Videos are split into three categories; school theme, domestic theme and, very recently, spanked in uniform (there's actually only one film currently within this section). There's also a link to the comprehensive photo galleries.
When Kelly met Katie

Actually a word about the galleries; whilst all of the recent ones come from films posted, at one time or another, to the site, near the bottom of the pile are a number of galleries that don't represent videos currently available. Whether they're from older films now removed, or if they're just purpose shot images I don't know, but if they are from video shoots I'd love to see the clips.
A rare shot of Cassie Hunter being spanked - but where's the film?

There are also, by way of a bit of a bonus, several galleries of Reader's Wives pictures (quite a bit better than the average for that sort of thing), and a couple of short audio only stories.

The films provided by the site are complete in one upload, with no collecting multiple parts before enjoying the spanking action.

Plot wise the films are unoriginal, although with schoolgirl themed shoots, in particular, invention is hard to come by on pretty well all websites. There is sufficient variety that you won't be bored by the storylines, but you won't be inspired by them either.

Of course you aren't here for the stories anyway; you want hot spanking action. Does this site provide it?

Short answer; yes it does. Longer answer; there are lots of OTK spankings, usually either starting with the use of the hand, or being exclusively by hand, and quite a lot of the usual implements, including a pleasing amount of the slipper (yes, I do have a particular fetish for slippering).

The spankings are of a decent level of severity; nicely produced red marks but few bruises and no cuts. The sort of level that I appreciate, in general.

There is a very nice range of spankees, including quite a few of our old favourites (Amelia, Pandora and Dani all appear). Several of our newer favourites also feature, including Fae Corbin (go on, tell me that you read and enjoyed her interview a few days ago), Emma Brown, Caroline Grey and Maisee Dee.
Maisee Dee

There are also a number of girls I haven't seen elsewhere (of course I may just have been looking in the wrong places), such as Louise Trumble, Anastasia (who I know does 1 to 1 sessions in the West Midlands), Aimee Weston (who sessions in Manchester and Leeds) and Lucy Baxter.

I may be odd (don't all yell your agreement at once, you gits!) but I am quite keen on seeing ladies who perform 1 to 1 sessions appearing in videos. I got quite a thrill meeting Dani Hunt for the first time because I'd seen her so much on film.

The vast majority of the spankings are given by a guy I assume is the Webmaster, but I regret that I don't know his name. If anyone does please enlighten me. Anyway, he plays the role of the gruff Headmaster very well, and isn't one of those irritating spankers in other roles either.

Come on; you know how I feel about male tops. Not actually actively loathing one counts as a win for him.
Pandora (I know, you'd recognise that bottom anywhere)

Do I like the films on offer? Overwhelmingly yes. They are of the degree of severity I'm most comfortable with, the girls being spanked are attractive and the scenarios don't feature anything that repels me (I can't bring myself to like age play scenes, with women in their twenties playing young kids - just a bit too much for me).
One of the great unsung spankees - Sascha Harvey

Do I recommend the site? Yes, I do. There are a pretty good number of films on offer, and they are of good quality. It might be nice to see a more regular update schedule (actually any updates at the moment, as the last one was before Christmas, and I'm now a bit worried as to whether the site is planning to continue under the new legislation), but there's certainly enough there currently to justify at least one month's membership.
Well, we started with Amelia, so we may as well finish with her

And that's all for now; I'll be back with the heavily rumoured review of Dana Kane's site in a few days.

All the best


All pictures are taken from the photo galleries provided on Sound Punishment

Okay, so I lied. Sascha again

Superstar Spanking Interview - the fabulous Molly Malone

Well, here we are again with another fascinating interview with one of the UK's real spanking superstars - the effervescent Molly Malone!

Molly seems to have exploded onto the scene in the last two or three years, initially appearing on Pandora's Dreams of Spanking, but subsequently being in demand on a number of spanking sites. She's a tall well spoken girl who seems equally comfortable topping, as well as taking a damn good spanking!

Clearly Molly is a lady of taste and discernment, as she volunteered her time to answer some questions for me, and here they are, for your reading pleasure.

I hope you get as much fun out of them as I did.

1. On your website you say that spanking became your passion in January 2011. What was your spanking background before that?

I really didn't have one - other than perhaps in my head! I had always wanted to be spanked, but I had never wanted to ask a partner. It didn't even occur to me! I did receive some CP as a youngster, and hated it... but I do remember gleefully comparing hand prints with my sister and loving the marks! 

2. How did you decide on the name Molly Malone?

What do you mean? Are you suggesting it's a pseudonym?! 

It's such a silly story.... I was in a pub, named, you guessed it, Molly Malone's, when I got a call from Zoe Montana saying that she had my first ever session lined up for me, and I needed to choose a name, fast! I reached for a pub menu, and voila! I never thought it would stick, but it didn't take long before I knew the name had chosen me!

3. Which came first; videos or 1 2 1s?

121's. I was never that keen on the idea of filming but changed my mind when I got a chance to do my first film with Zoe and Leia for the wonderful Northern Spanking. I then ended up doing lots for Dreams of Spanking as I simply adored Pandora's idea of feminist, radical and gender bending porn. I wanted to be involved in that. 

Well, it's hard to imagine two better spanking sites to work with; you all know how much I enjoy Northern Spanking, and Pandora's work is currently the most innovative around

4. What's your personal favourite role play?

I absolutely love fucking with gender. I think my favourite role-play which I often enact, is The Schoolgirls Revenge, whereby I honey trap my old headmaster into having a spanking session, a boring old school roleplay with me as a school girl - then I turn the tables, forcing him into a school uniform and playing out the rest of the switch as the headmaster, making the 'school-girl' call me sir and being terribly pervy! 

Molly does a very entertaining version of this in one of the videos on Dreams of Spanking

5. It's interesting that you insist on 2 hour sessions. Could you explain your reasons for that please? (I know that you cover this on your site, but I thought it would interest the general reader)

It's partly because I think for a good session, including a warm up, you just need more than an hour. Especially as most of my sessions are switch. In order for us both to get a good thrashing, two hours is a minimum! 

But it is also because I like to spend some time socialising over a cup of tea or glass of vino, discussing the scene, getting excited, telling each other about how we are feeling on the day and what our desires and limits are for the session: discussing safe words, hot phrases we want to use, how we might develop the role-play if there is one, etc. Anyone who is not prepared to put that time in to make the session a sizzling one, isn't someone I particularly want to be playing with. 

6. What exactly do you get from 1 2 1's? Do you think that you'll continue with them more or less indefinitely, as quite a number of ladies seem to be dropping out just at present?

I get so so much from my 121 sessions. It's where I thrive. I am a social creature and I absolutely love bringing someone's fantasy to life. Someone described me recently as a kink chameleon... I get really excited about other people's fetishes or specific role-play ideas, and can get super into them. Plus, of course, I adore spanking and being spanked! It's not something I get at home, so 121's satiate my desire.  

7. Last question on the topic, honest. How frequently do you find that you session?

It varies a lot, and I like to take a few weeks off every few months (jammy bastard!). A busy week is 5 sessions, a quiet week is 2 

8. Do you regularly read spanking blogs or forums (not fishing for compliments for this blog, I'm just curious)?

I read a fair amount of sex ed blogs, and I love Pandora's Spanked, Not Silenced. I'm into the more political aspect of porn, sex work, sex workers rights and sex education. But if you're asking what porn I watch, now that's a different question!

Now I really wish that I had thought to ask that question! One for future interviews perhaps.

9. Is there anyone in particular in Spanking Land that you really want to work with?

I have a bit of a Ten Amorette crush but somehow miss her every time she's over! I also would love to visit the states and dive into the queer porn scene over there. 

10. What frustrates you most about the Spanking Scene (apart from how horrible that phrase is)?

This is such a droll answer, but i's the truth - my biggest gripe is the lack of a perfect venue. I dream of a place in central London that is large and spacious, with big school rooms, plus domestic living rooms and bedrooms and an office! It's wishful thinking in London. I have the perfect venue out in Surrey which I am so lucky to use. I occasionally host parties there, but it's a bit far out for a lot of people. 

11. There is often debate on the forums about the degree to which spanking is a sexual act. Where do you stand on this?

I think each individual has a different interpretation of what their spanking interest means to them, and I wouldn't dream of denying someone their own experience. For some people, the act of spanking, or being spanked, does not create that sexy feeling, or doesn't feel in the same league as other, perhaps more genital specific sex acts. 

Having said that, I think spanking, even in the most physiological sense (touching the bare skin, attracting blood to the genital area) can be arousing. It's why it is totally inappropriate to spank a child (in my opinion). Not to mention the fact that for most of us, we have eroticised the act and ritual of spanking. It's a sexual fetish, even if it doesn't revolve around traditional 'sex'. 

Personally I think spanking is sexy as fuck. 

I think that this is probably the perfect answer, by which I mean it reflects my views perfectly. Sorry but for me those who view spanking as non-sexual are kidding themselves - acts don't need to lead to intercourse, or even the desire for intercourse, to be sexual.

12. Have you ever thought about getting into the production side of spanking videos yourself?

Not spanking videos per se, but I am in talks with a co-producer and hope to be making UK queer porn by March this year. 

13. After spending several years in a lifestyle dominated by spanking, do you still get a thrill when you hear someone say the word?

Of course! Even if it makes a brief appearance in The Simpsons I squeal in delight!

I was playing with a lady the other week who commented that she had heard Katie Price say, rather contemptuously, "What are you going to do, spank me?" on some show, and she was bursting with excitement at hearing it unexpectedly on mainstream tv.

14. You seem to be in increasing demand as a spanking model (quite rightly). Do you find it at all unnerving that so many people fixate basically on one part of your body?

If I'm honest, I don't think that it's my bottom that is the fixation. I think the truth of all sex workers, is that you meet clients that you click with, and you build a rapport. You learn about each other and the chemistry and trust increases to create wonderful sessions. I get lots of bottom compliments, as I do admirers of my firm right hand!, but I think the physical attraction, or bottom appreciation isn't what keeps me busy! I do tend to throw myself into role-play (maybe a missed calling in Am-Dram!) and I think those who are into role-play, really enjoy that. 

15. You are quite unusual (in my experience at least) in being a switch from the very beginning; most of the switches I know began as either a top or bottom, and gradually found an interest in the other role. To what do you attribute your flexibility?

I am a switch in every aspect of my life, and always have been. 

I identify as gender queer, and I enjoy partners of all genders. I am an "And" person, not an "Or" person! Some people call it greedy, but I would defend myself by saying it's more about my empathy, or desire to Feel It All. When I'm on the receiving end (of almost anything) I can't wait to experience what it's like to give, and vice versa! 

Having said that, some people bring out my more submissive nature, and other people make me feel huge and I just know I could Top them perfectly. 

16. Do you find that you get different things from the two roles, and if so, what? I tend to find spanking arousing, but being spanked is cathartic.

This really depends on the person I'm playing with, our dynamic, and how we are on the day. There are partners where I have the same experience as you, and others where I experience the opposite effect. 

For me, when I get really into Topping, I feel huge: I fill the room and I feel this sense of nurturing, of being like a pine tree, of feeling all knowing. When a scene is just flying, and you are driving it, knowing exactly what to say and do, leaving a long pause between blows, knowing that your bottom is totally giving themselves over to you and awaiting your every move, trusting you completely, and know that without doubt, you are sending them into that beautiful sub-space... Its such a confidence boost. And it can really turn me on. 

Bottoming, and truly submitting is a rare chance to be held in vulnerability. To feel small. To feel totally cared for. It can feel sexy, or it can feel cathartic, but the over arching feeling is one of letting go, and knowing I'll be caught. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the most eloquent descriptions of the spanking experience that I've ever come across. Doesn't it make you want to play with Molly right now?

17. Are spanking videos pornography? Does it matter if they are?

Defining porn could be an essay in itself. Suffice to say, I love porn, I'm a porn geek, and I want to see more and more consensual, feminist porn that challenges the heteronormative matrix, and of course that includes all the wonderful ways we can express our sexuality: be that spanking, bondage, wrestling, age-play. 

I reckon if you can wank to it.....

Which is also eloquent in it's own way!

18. Do you see spanking gaining more mainstream acceptance, or is it's current vogue just a fad inspired by Fifties Shades of Grey, and it's copycats?

I think consensual spanking is an act that is far more widely enjoyed than we realise, as is bondage, and probably role-play.  If there's one good thing to come out of Those Books, it's that we have a language to discuss this stuff now. My Nan knows what being kinky means. If we can encourage people to explore their bodies and their sexualities, and start challenging the shame narrative we have all been force-fed, then we are doing Good Things.  

19. What is your one wish for the spanking world in the next couple of years?

That we come together to form a larger network, including all sex workers and allies, to fight the stigma that does so much damage. To unite in the fight for full decriminalisation and to raise awareness, and challenge whorephobia, and to put an end to the hierarchy that is so often present in our communities. 

20. Do you ever come to Birmingham? I thought I'd finish up with a totally trivial and selfish question.

I'm ashamed to say, I have never been! But you never know...

I hope you all enjoyed that (ignoring my comments of course). Molly is a delight, and fiercely intelligent. 

Please post any comments you may have about this, or any other post.

All the best


All pictures show the divine Miss Molly, of course, and they're from either Dreams of Spanking or English Spankers (via Remington Steel)

An Australian switch - a new favourite, Ms Gigli Allens

Before we begin just a quick note of thanks to everyone who's ever popped onto here for a quick peek; this blog passed 500,000 page views over the weekend.

That's not to say that I don't also appreciate the regulars; I'd buy you all a drink, except that most of you are in far flung countries (you know, mysterious and sinister places like America and Germany), and, even if you weren't, I wouldn't be able to afford it!

(Although if you happen to be around Birmingham (the original version, that is) and want to chat or whatever, drop me a line - I might actually buy you a drink!).

Anyway, I couldn't have done it without you! (well, I suppose I could, if I set the blog to register my own page views, and then I spent a lot of time looking at my own posts, but that takes masturbation to a level beyond which even I'm unwilling to go).

Anyway, as I'm sure that you know by now, I'm quite switchy, so occasionally I have a look at femdom sites; I love to see a beautiful and/or stern women giving a good spanking, especially with the flat of her hand.

This week, for the first time, I joined Clare Spanks Men, just for a change of pace. It was an interesting experience, not least because I promptly came across this:-

And this:

Oh, this too:

Fearsome and enticing at the same time. My dream of a spanker.

The gorgeous lady here is an Australian model, who goes by the name of Gigli Allens. And yes, that is pronounced "giggly", in case you were wondering.

It takes no massive leap to realise that I found her to be a delightful spanker, and, as you know, I love to see ladies that spank when they are on the receiving end. Naturally I had a look around Clare's other sites (the five site pass is wonderful value) and I was extremely pleased to find a number of other films with Gigli.

And, as I'm a kind and generous host, who is more than willing to borrow pictures from the lovely spanking sites that I join (always with links and attribution, of course) I am bubbling with bouncy bottomed joy to offer a few samples here for your consideration. 

And pleasure. Oh yes, pleasure, I'm sure.

What's that? Can you have some more, sir? No need to be so so goddamn formal. of course you can.

As you can see these are all from various of Clare Fonda's sites, so this would be a good time to urge that you go check out your favourite with all due haste.

And, while I think of it, I have to say how lovely it is to have Clare back in the spanking fold. I missed her during her self-imposed retirement to diaper land, and it's a real pleasure to see her reddening bottoms, and getting her's reddened too. (Incidentally check out the films with Gigli on Spanked Sweeties - Clare's Australian accent is awesome).

Gigli is also in films on Spanked Call Girls and Spanking Sorority Girls. Come to think of it she's also featured on Girl Spanks Girl as well. She just needs to get to My Spanking Roommate for the set!

It's nice that you come and visit these free sites, but occasionally actually supporting the producers of these, erm, entertaining films would be a worthy thing too. 

All the best


Well, hoo fliippin' ray - my first spanking party tomorrow

Yes, I'm sorry; I have been away a while. Just too many other things to do sometimes.

Anyway, just a quick post today; tomorrow afternoon I'm off to my very first spanking party, in Nuneaton, here in the (currently) sunny West Midlands.

It's one of Central Spanking Parties regular dos, and I'm primarily going because the delightful Fae Corbin (who I'm sure you all remember from her interview here) encouraged me to try one; she says she'll look after me and guide me through it, so here's hoping!

I've done quite a few one to ones (including a wonderful two hours on Monday this week) but I admit to being nervous about a group encounter. Apart from anything else I've never witnessed an adult being spanked in real life; videos don't count, and it really isn't the same when I'm doing the spanking!

So, I'm hoping for a good time, and I plan on telling you all about it - no names or anything, of course, but what happens and how it feels. 

If you happen to have read this, and attending the party, please come and say hello to the fat guy who goes by the name "Tim"; I'd hate to feel lonely or left out.

So, there you have it, and hopefully I'll be back soon to tell you how it went.

All the best 


Pictures provided by the generosity of Spanking Digital - why not have a look at them?

At Dani's request

Hello Tim, its Danielle
 I hope you are well and having a nice week.
I hope your wife and children are well and enjoying the summer.

Below is a copy of what I was thinking for a potential post on your blog. I realise it might be a bit long...and might not at all be what you feel appropriate. But if it is, I would really appreciate if you would post this.

Feel free to chop what you think best. I have also attached it as a word document just incase it doesn't all come through. I have also inserted some pictures.


Danielle’s 60 mile walk for The Brain Tumour Charity

Not that long ago, I was in so much pain that I thought I would have to chop my right leg off. One of those unbearable pains that make you wish you were dead. You must be wondering what caused this… well, here goes. On Saturday 23rd May 2015 I walked 60 miles to help raise funds for the Brain Tumour Charity.


In 2014, I happened to stumble across an advertisement in a local newspaper asking for volunteers to do a walk of either 20 miles, 30 miles or 60 miles to help raise funds for a charity of their choice. I did my first walk in June of 2014 for the Motor Neurone Disease Association {Americans will know this disease as ALS} and have never looked back. I raised just over £3000.00 walking 20 miles. This year I was determined to top that.

Despite the fact that it is now August, a whole 3 months after my 60 mile walk, I still grimace at the memory of that pain. Don’t get me wrong; as any new mother will tell you, it was all worth it! I decided to raise money for The Brain Tumour Charity for a number of reasons – namely, a relative in my family died at the age of 23 from a pituitary brain tumour. This was a long time ago, so it’s quite possible that they would have survived in today’s times with all the improvements in technology and medicine.
Either way, the fact remains the same….the biggest killer of under 25 year olds in the UK Is Brain Tumours.


As well as this, The Brain Tumour Charity is a very small charity. They aren’t large enough to have charity shops to raise funds, similarly they don’t have enough money to fund advertisement on TV. The charity receive no government funding {this is despite the fact they plug a very large gap in treatment of brain tumour sufferers}. Their work has been described as ‘a lifesaver’ by relatives of brain tumour sufferers. I cannot put into words the hole that is left in a family when a person so young dies – yes, there is a death, there is a funeral and all the other predictable happenings, but the disease spreads throughout the greater family, almost like a plague. Nothing is the same.
With all the time that has passed, it’s still hard to not be bitter. All that ‘what ifs’ and ‘the maybe’s… they’ll never go away. But the important part of raising money for charities such as this is that they are on The Front Line telling brain tumours to royally fuck off!

So there I was, back in December of 2014 and sunning myself on holiday in Brazil whilst the UK was battered with storms when I received an email from Action Challenge, the organisers of my 20 mile walk which I completed the previous June. The email invited me to join up – at a discounted rate – to a 60 mile walk that was taking place in May of 2015. Fantastic, 5 months to train – is what I thought. Conversely this is a lot longer than my relative had, it all it was 6 weeks from diagnosis through to death…{6 weeks and 3 days if we are going to get picky}.
I eagerly signed up and then went down to the beach for a cocktail, not realising that after the race I would be taking a cocktail of painkillers in order to try and get back to walking without searing pain and a limp.
I wanted to encourage as many people to sponsor me as possible. I thought up a few things as well as the traditional begging letters and texts. I advertised my walk on both www.britishspanking.comand www.itc-mag.co.uk and posted regular updates as to how my training was getting along. I organised not one but two spanking parties with the help of several other spankees. All the monies raised {which would normally be kept as profit} were given to the charity. In all, the two parties raised £1140.00. These didn’t come off without a hitch.


The parties were both well attended, which was great. Anyone who has ever ran a spanking party will know that it’s quite stressful, getting everything to happen as exactly the right time. On the morning of the first party, I received a phone call from a man who had booked to attend, sent a deposit to me confirming his place, and who has spent well over an hour talking to me on several occasions asking various questions about the party. He was ringing to say that “in his heart of hearts” he couldn’t come as it might jeopardise his relationship that he had embarked upon just two weeks before the party, as he was not sure if his new beau would think of his as a “pervert” for being into such things.
In times like this…..when you find yourself running around making sure everything is in place, everything is tidied away, all the starters are being prepared and not burnt to a crisp… phone calls such as this aren’t the most helpful. All you can do is hold back the desire to scream and swear and say “I hope you and your new girlfriend have a wonderful life together, "sans spanking” and put down the phone.
As the saying goes…"nowt as queer as folk." Sometimes I wonder if I have ‘Moron’ written across my forehead.


The theme of the parties was that some very poorly behaved girls were up before their probation officers. Josephine Scissons, Dottie, Lola, Wynter Skye and myself found ourselves facing a string of allegations, namely that whilst on probation for previous offences, we STOLE money that was donated by the public to a charity. GOOD HEAVENS!

No one could prove it obviously, but it seems that a series of expensive purchases – Christian Louboutin shoes for Josephine, an iPhone 6 for Dottie, a designer jacket for Lola, and a new car for both Wynter and myself – meant that we had come under suspicion. Of course these were all lies, though we are habitual re-offenders up before the beak, we wouldn’t stoop so low to as to steal from a charity….our charity buckets had little money in because instead of standing in the local town centre collecting money, we went to a local park and got drunk.


So it was decided unanimously by the probation officers that we HAD stolen funds meant for the charity. Shock horror! After 30 seconds of deliberation they decided that we must be punished for our crimes. It was here that I admitted that I hadn’t used any of the charity money to buy the car, I had stolen that. I thought that might make them go lighter on me…conversely I got a much harder spanking than the others.

   Josephine Scissons

Throughout my campaign to raise funds for the Brain Tumour Charity, the charity were communicating with my by email and were very helpful. I told them I was organising a fundraising party, though I neglected to tell them exactly what the party consisted of. In response to this, they sent me a ‘party pack’ which included banners, bunting, badges, stickers, t-shirts for myself and all the girls, as well as ideas for games. THE WHOLE SHEBANG.
Most importantly, they gave me wallet-sized fold out cards to hand out to the gusts, these were very informative. These concerned all sorts of topics, what are the ten most common signs of a brain tumour, 10 facts about the statistics of brain tumours, practical advice on how to support a friend of relative suffering from a brain tumour.
So the parties went well, and I was exhausted afterwards. Organising – and being spanked at – two spanking parties in two days is no easy feat! The race was still light years in the future – in my mind.
The next week passed quickly and before I knew it I was on my way to Old Deer Park in Richmond to start the race. A friend of mine came with me to be my personal cheerleader at the start; a different friend was going to meet me at the end. The weather forecast had said it was going to be cool and overcast – great, that’s just what we want! Instead it wasn’t just warm, it was hot. BUGGER!

    On the morning of.

I was making good progress, sometimes it’s hard to forget that it is not a race as such. I took an iPod with me so that I could listen to music to keep me awake {I had to wake up at 4am to get there for 7am on Saturday 23rd May}. I had to keep saying to myself MISS HUNT DON’T OVER EXERT YOURSELD NOW. REMEMBER THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE!!!!!
The hardest parts of the walk were mile 17 and mile 51 which were very steep, both upwards and downwards. Though it wasn’t raining some of the parts of the walk were just caked in mud from where all the people ahead of me had walked, in other parts the organisers had to put up rope at waist height for people to grab a hold of just in case the walkers slid. Had I encountered this on any normal walk I would have just given up and gone home, but after having heard numerous tales from several people who had sponsored me, about their friends and relatives who had had brain tumours, giving up was not an option!


A very amusing point I should make is that admiring women’s bottoms is not hard in events like this… a lot of them are wearing spandex!

At events such as this, you meet lots of nice people, all of whom are very friendly and very eager to offer support and blister plaster if you need one. Later on in the walk, at mile 42, I happened to come upon some other people raising funds for The Brain Tumour Charity. This to most people might seem like a casual meeting, but it was anything but. Events such as this are dominated by people raising funds for MacMillan, Cancer Research, Help for Heroes and other very well-known charities….. but here we were, somewhere in Sussex. By now we were into day 2, it was 4 am on Sunday and the rest of the country was asleep {quite rightly} and here we are walking through some nameless forest. 
I remember the exact moment {I had slowed down a lot due to the branches on the ground, I saw a girl take a very nasty fall UP a curb around midnight and was wanting to keep my bones un-broken!} that I chanced upon them. I can only describe it as meeting a long lost sibling. There was an instant connection of sorts, here we were, fighting for the same cause, quite literally Fighting The Good Fight, a thin blue line, going off to war. Ignoring our war wounds to grab brain tumours by the balls and not stop squeezing until they DIEEEEEEEEEEE . By this time, I was sporting a very badly sprained right ankle.


My right ankle, and then my right knee were in a lot of pain. For the last 15 miles I was hobbling more so than walking. Putting any weight on my foot was agonising. I was mixing painkillers with pro-plus in order to keep awake. I felt awful. Exhausted and weary, the heat was a bit too much towards the end. Other unusual things I saw whilst doing the last 30 miles include watching a deer knock itself unconscious on a wooden fence after being chased by a dog. Dum dum dum. I also met a rather friendly pony and several cats. Several people driving by in cars beeped their horns and cheered us along. Meanwhile I was wondering if it was possible to have a foot transplant.

FUCKING hell this is harder than being spanked by Dallas Spanks Hard!

I was really wearing in my new walking boots which I had received as a gift from a friend of mine for Christmas. They were from Millets, but had become my everyday-shoes over the previous few months. When talking with other walkers – after discussing out various war wounds – talk then moved onto how much walking everyone had done. In the early days after signing up, I did my walking religiously, even walking 8-9 miles at night to get my body prepared for that, but in the weeks coming up to the race I had let this slip somewhat – for a good reason of course – I was busy advertising for donations and replying to people etc etc.

  No heels for a while!!!

Ironically the finish line seemed further away at mile 50 {with only ten miles left} than it did at the start. When I did finally cross the finish line at Brighton Racecourse, I felt like Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon. I simply couldn’t believe I had done it. It had taken me a lot longer than I had expected, but that was because I had to spend so much poking and prodding my foot into moving. The only thing I could think about was where the nearest hospital was….

My medal was put around my neck by a man with a microphone who asked me my name and what charity I had raised money for. I felt like grabbing the microphone and asking if there were any doctors present. I was given a glass of champagne – plastic – as we wouldn’t want any further injuries. My friend who came to meet me presented me with a balloon which said Well Done Danielle on it. All these niceties were really by the by, all I wanted was a sit down.

  Thank fuck that's over!

Some people wrongly assume that because I can take the cane {and enjoy doing so}, I have a high pain threshold on other parts of my body, such as my foot….if only.

My body clock was a bit out of whack, but almost 35 hours after starting I had finished. Yes, DANIELLE HUNT HAD WALKED ALL OVER BRAIN TUMOURS. Beside the racecourse the organisers had set up a marquee which had food, drinks and medical professionals. That is where I got the bad news. I hobbled in, despite having a medal around my neck no one offered to lift me up to save my very painful leg. A female doctor checked me over, after seeing that my right foot was twice the size of my left and then hearing me show just how common I was by saying every swear word under the sun when she poked and prodded at said ankle, I was diagnosed as having a sprained ankle with some tendon damage on the upper part of my right food.


As they say, if somethings worth doing, its worth doing well and I truly had done this very well. It’s a good job I hadn’t planned much for the week ahead because I wouldn’t be going anywhere. I was told to rest my foot at an elevated position until the worst of the pain passes. Its advice like this that makes you think that doctors aren’t in touch with modern living……

That said, I am sure the diaper position for spanking would suffice
Spanked by the Amsterdam Authoritarian on www.spanked-in-uniform.com

Hobbling over to my friend’s car was a big pain and getting into the car was a big pain and slight movements were an even bigger pain. In the end I took so many painkillers that I started having stomach problems, this is what happens when you take on a bunch of cancerous cells the size of your fingernail…. It turns people like me who are 5’5’’ into wailing babies. Oh I did have a good old cry in the car.


But it was all over. I had my medal and a picture of me at the race line. I then went about telling ANYONE and EVERYONE and EVERYONE’S COUSIN. Bow down to me, I injured myself in the name of a good cause… well not quite like that. The emails and phone calls I got {some whilst I was walking as well} were very kind and I am truly thankful, they really did help me carry on when I just wanted to give up.

The Brain Tumour Charity is now £5800.00 better off due to my efforts, and that amount is going up as I am still accepting donations which I am passing onto the charity. To know I have made a difference is very rewarding. All I can hope is that this money will help the charity conduct further research and produce medicines which will mean that having a brain tumour is no longer a death sentence.
My foot is on the mend and I am no longer screaming when I put any pressure on it.
Finally, though its just over a year away and though this year’s 60 mile challenge almost killed me, I have signed up to another next year where I will be raising funds for a charity which supports Prostate Cancer sufferers.

Finally back to 'normal'

Danielle Hunt
07763 870 589

Action Challenge Event Organisershttp://www.actionchallenge.com/
London to Brighton Event
The Brain Tumour Charity
The Brain Tumour Charity Registered office: Hartshead House, 61-65 Victoria Road, Farnborough, England GU14 7PA.
Registered Charity No. 1150054 (England and Wales), SC045081 (Scotland}

Just Catching Up a Bit...

Whew! Well, it has been a long time, hasn't it? I know, I don't call, I don't write, and I certainly don't blog.

I really must do something about that.

I'm not sure why I lost interest in this blog, but for a while there I certainly did. If you want to pin the blame for it restarting on anyone, pick on Dani Hunt. Whilst talking to her recently she asked why I had stopped, and I didn't have a good answer.

If Dani missed reading this stuff then I can only assume that a few more of you might welcome some new posts, so here is the first.

How has the wonderful world of spanking changed whilst I've been away? Mostly, just in the ways that it always changes of time, with comings and goings. Mostly goings where picture blogs on Tumblr are concerned; I've lost count of the number of them I've added to my daily surf list, only to find them gone moments later.

I'm starting to feel a bit like an albatross (for lunch, that is, deep fried after being dipped in savory spices, with some coleslaw and spicy beans on the side).

We seem to have lost Amber Pixie Wells from our little Universe; her blog was taken down on short notice, with an unhelpful note about changes in her life. Of course she is entitled to drop out whenever she wishes to, but I crave more information.

The UK video spanking industry continues to migrate abroad, following the draconian and ill considered new legislation; most sites now have either been transferred to overseas ownership (Triple AAA, Northern Spanking, Bars and Stripes) or their owners no longer list the UK as their country of residence.

Of course, Pandora tried to stand up to the authorities, and briefly became the public face of fetish, before being targeted by the petty minded little bastard bureaucrats. Her site, Dreams of Spanking, is currently suspended pending her appeal against the decision that she was in breach of the law, and this is likely to take 12 months or more. I'm sure that all of our thoughts are with her.

Happily, video filming in the UK is still legal, and clearly is going on, although I'd be curious to learn whether the lovely ladies who feature in these films are still finding as much work.

So, what do I have coming up? The much delayed party review (for all of those thinking about attending a spanking party), a look at some tumblr blogs which I believe are worth following, perhaps the odd story or two, and at least a couple of reviews.

Hopefully once I get back into the swing of things I'll contact a few notable spanky folks and get a couple of interviews going.

To those of you who have hung around checking back occasionally, I'd just like to say thank you for your loyalty; I'll try my hardest to make it worth your while.

If you haven't been popping back here, well, you haven't missed anything.

Ta ta for now; I'll catch you again later in the week.

Best wishes


All pictures are borrowed from the delightful Hand Spanking site, which I believe I gave a very positive review to a couple of years ago.

Well then, are spanking parties for you?


Back before the dawn of time, or earlier this year if you prefer, I promised to tell you of my adventures at my first spanking party. I hope that you haven't been dangling on tenterhooks ever since - I suspect that might be a tad uncomfortable.

Anyway, better late than never. Ah, I love a good platitude.

What I'll do is tell you the tale of my party adventure, and then make a few comments about what I liked, and what I didn't. If you're thinking of dipping your toe there might be some information that you find useful. 

So then, I enrolled to attend a Central Spanking party, in the Midlands. The company also run parties in Sheffield, and have been doing so for a good few years.

The immediate impetus for going was the wonderful Fae Corbin, whose interview here you may recall. She mentioned that she was a regular at these things, and suggested that I might like to come along.

I paid my deposit, and got directions to the venue, which was above a pub just outside of Nuneaton Town Centre; Martin, the organiser, provided good directions, and said that he would be lurking in the pub from 12.00 onwards.

I arrived in good time (yes, alright, I was about an hour early; I can't help being compulsively overpunctual) and hung around until about 12.15. At that point I entered the pub, and looked around.  

There was a group of maybe 3 guys and a couple of ladies (one of whom reminded me of Sam Johnson), which I assumed was my party but, being shy and retiring, I bought a pint and took a seat, to see what might happen. Several more guys joined the group, and then Fae arrived and headed for them.

Using Sherlockian deductive abilities I reasoned that this was the Spanking Party, and headed over. 

I introduced myself and was soon chatting with the group. The lady who looked like the delightful Sam actually was her! I was suitably wowed by this guest spankee.

At 1.00 we headed up to the room. It was a large space, used for bands, with a raised stage at one end, a bar to one side and a horseshoe arrangement of around 20 chairs. Over the next few minutes these were filled by sundry gents, mainly in advanced middle age or older. In fact, I reckoned that I was the youngest attendee bar one.

A form was passed around, allowing you to book a short private one to one with the terrifying Ms Hastings-Gore. You could also request your level of punishment. I went for the light end of the spectrum.

After a brief while the girls paraded out, dressed in skimpy skirts. There were five in all; Fae and Sam, the spanking twins, Chloe and Candy, and a returning girl, who I think was called Sophie (come on, give me a break - this was months ago!).

Each of the girls was allocated to a gentleman, and a few minutes spanking ensued. Then each girl moved to the next gent in the seating area, for more spanking.

This continued until each girl had been spanked by each guy, which took close on an hour, I think.

It was then time to break for food, and the bar got quite a bit of custom. The girls joined in the noshing, and chatted pleasantly with anyone who approached them.

After this it was implement and switch time; 3 girls bent over for each guy to give her six strokes with his choice of a huge array of spanking toys, such as floggers, paddles, slippers and hairbrushes.

The other 2 girls invited any guys who wished to switch to an area behind the seats, where they went across the lady's knee for a few minutes of punishment.

Whilst this was going on Ms Hastings-Gore was taking the opportunity to take various victims away to a little room, so that she could administer her thrashings in peace. The distance from the main hall did a little to suppress the screams she elicited (okay, yes, I do exaggerate. Whilst firm she adhered to everyone's limits).

The afternoon finished off with mass canings, organised in a similar fashion to the earlier implements round, and once again any gent who wished to switch could move to the back of the room to experience the cane.

All in all the meeting lasted around somewhere in excess of 4 hours, including the break for food. The bar was open throughout, with two barmaids who were fascinated by what was going on. Unsuccessful efforts were made to get them to join in with the fun.

And that's just the facts, ma'am. 

Of course, this leaves us with how much I enjoyed the experience. I tell you what - I'll list the things I liked, and the bits that didn't thrill me quite so much.

Lets start with positives.

1. Lovely to meet a group of people who share an interest thats hugely important to me.

2. I got to spank 5 girls who were new to me, including two (Fae and Sam) who I have watched, and adored, in various spanking videos.

3. The girls themselves were the major plus; all of them were lovely, spankable and clearly into the whole thing. I'm sure that after all of that spanking, paddling and caning they went away with very sore bottoms.

4. I got spanked by the fearsome Ms Hastings-Gore, an experience that I recommend to anyone who likes to switch

There were a few negatives;

1. The whole thing is a bit like a cattle market; large hall, lots of guys all around, and absolutely no intimacy at all

2. I'm not wild about being spanked in public

3. It's difficult to make a connection with any of the girls in little 5 minute slots, in a crowded room

Having said all of that, I'm glad that I had the experience, and I loved meeting and spanking all of the girls. I would certainly have preferred to do that in a more private environment, but that really isn't practical with the numbers the party caters to.

I should also say that, whatever reservations I may have, the majority of the guys were frequent repeat customers, some attending every party both in the Midlands and Sheffield.

The question of whether I'd want to go again is a little harder. My initial thought was that I would, and in fact I did pay a deposit for the next time (at a discounted rate), but health issues have prevented me pursuing this.

Dani Hunt has been chasing me to attend one of her house based parties, and, from what she says, that may be more to my taste, I guess we'll find out when my financial situation improves, and I can afford to book with her. You'll read about it here when it happens.

Would I recommend trying one of Central Spankings parties? Extremely nice of you to ask.

It depends very much what you get out of spanking. If you find it to be primarily a physical experience then I suspect that you'll love one of them; the chance to spank a group of gorgeous and charming girls is a real temptation.

If you lean as much towards the psychological aspects of our hobby as the physical then you are likely to find the parties a bit frustrating. There's no real room for role play, there's no build up and the process is just a little impersonal.

But then there are the girls. 

If you sense that I'm still kind of on the fence, then give that man a big fat cigar - I'm still ambivalent about the experience. No, that's not true. I am genuinely pleased I gave the party a whirl, but I am unsure whether I'd care to repeat the experience.

There you go. As clear as six inch thick mud!

Oh, and while I think about it, SamFae and, more recently, Chloe all offer one to one sessions, and I think you'd have a great time with any of them - they're good people and great fun spanking gals.
Look 'em at the links provided.

I'll be back soon.

Best wishes


PS photos are grabbed from the websites of the various Parties and girls mentioned.

Do you think that spanking really is a deterrent?

I have a particular spanking friend, and we get together every now and then to play out a few spanking scenarios; we both switch, although I get to spank her around 60 percent of the time.

We've been discussing a Dennis the Menace scene. I should mention that, as we are both Brits, the Dennis we know is the often spanked naughty boy who appeared in 1 or 2 page strips in The Beano comic, rather than the US incarnation.

The scene would feature me, as Dennis, getting into trouble at home and at school, during the course of the day. Each infraction would result in corporal punishment; a spanking, slippering or caning, mostly over clothing and each fairly brief.

None of that is important however, except that I was doing some research about Dennis, and I came across a Yahoo group which had a lot of spanking scenes from British comics.

What struck me about them was the matter of fact way in which the naughty children accepted their punishments, as simply the cost of doing mischievous business. No bawling, no running away, and little in the way of protests. Just over father or mother's knee, or across the desk at school. and let the whacking begin.

Of course these strips were produced by adults, but for years they were massively popular in the UK, so it reasonable to assume they, at least in part, reflected the world view of their readers.

Back in the real world I attended school in the days when the threat of the cane or slipper, or, for younger children, the palm of teacher's hand, were very real. Of course, I was fairly well behaved so my encounters with these disciplinary methods was fairly limited, but I did have friends who were much better acquainted with them.

I was always amazed by the casual way they treated the ever present and, to me, rather overpowering fear of the cane. In fact, they showed no fear at all; if they were caned it was merely a few painful minutes, followed by a few hours of uncomfortable sitting.

I don't think that knowing they were likely to end up bent over their Housemaster's desk, with a stingy rod whacking across their tight trouser seats, ever stopped them from misbehaving.

I have one more example; in the 1970's there was a British children's TV show called The Tomorrow People (the inspiration for the recent failed US reboot). There was one story which introduced Liz, a young black secondary school teacher (at a time when having a black actor portraying a major part on a kid's show was unusual enough to be noteworthy) who turned out to have telepathic abilities.

She had a discussion with several boys in her class, after she threatened to send them to the Head. They told her that they were frightened of the Head, because he used a cane, but the knowledge of this did nothing to change their behaviour.

I've commented before that I think the corporal punishment of kids is little more than bullying, however much the adult inflicting it may believe it's for the good of the child. At the end of the day it's just proof that the physically stronger adult can get away with dealing violently with a smaller weaker adversary.

I'm pretty sure that constitutes bullying.

All of the evidence that I've seen suggests that kids don't really think of the consequences when they misbehave, whether they are physical or not. At the end of the day naughty children don't really expect to get caught; hell, we all think we'll get away with it some of the time!

Whatever it might be. This theory has, of course, ended many marriages.

Another aspect of this is that kids live in the moment, far more than adults do (or realistically can, when the end of each month just brings more bills). Because of this they are far more likely to dismiss the transient nature of a sore bottom than an adult would be.

This should not be seen as me arguing for adult corporal discipline. I'm fine with those couples who do practise it (although when only one party is liable to be spanked I wonder about the strength of the relationship) but for me spanking is a consensual and fun way to spend time.

It does perhaps mean that adults consider the threat of a well smacked bottom to be more fearsome than the children threatened with it do. I dunno; it's too long ago for me, and I didn't really get spanked, other than by girls my own age in play.

As I understand it, the rational for spanking children is two pronged; either they are too young to realise that they shouldn't do something, in which case a quick slap and a brief pain will give them a reason to behave (and I must say that, for very young kids this kind of makes sense to me) or they are old enough to understand that actions have consequences, and therefore attaching an unpleasant consequence to any particular action makes it less likely the child will undertake it.

Now I think about it, that's pretty much one reason expressed in two different ways.

Let's sum it up in one little, but oh so large word, fear. 

All punishment is based on fear, whether of being fined, jailed, executed or spanked. Difference is a matter of degree only.

The real reason that most parents smack their children is anger, plain and simple. Humankind has not advanced beyond the impulse to strike out when confronted, and a sharp smack is easier than explaining why something is wrong.

Of course, some children are naturally naughty, however they have been brought up. And some people are naturally dishonest too. For them no amount of threats or actual punishments will work.

Whew. Hey look, I've rambled on, once again.

This is a lot of words to say that, in my opinion, corporal punishment is a poor and ineffective tool in child rearing. We've never spanked our two kids, and they turned out well.

Maybe we're just lucky.

And, of course, none of this stops me using parental and educational authority figures in role plays; it's not real but it is just plain fun. For consenting adults.

Best wishes


Pictures used are either extremely appropriate or the total reverse; those ladies are only for the entertainment of adult spanking enthusiasts!

A Day in the Spanking Life......

Well, howdy. How are y'all?

Okay, I'll come clean; I've been watching Nashville on Amazon Prime and, after two seasons of backstabbing, lying, cheating, drinking and some pretty good music, I'm feeling a little hooked.

And, of course, this post is absolutely nothing to do with that.

I don't sleep much. I'm up most days by 4.30, after about 4 or 5 hours sleep. It's nice then, deep and quiet, and I can kid myself that the whole world belongs just to me.

It's also a fine time to stroll around the Internet, without any worries as to what prying eyes or interested ears might get to see or hear. I have a daily routine of internet sites that I visit. For a change of pace I thought that I'd tell you about them - well, as they are now, 'cos I often chop and change.
Public Spanking from Someone's Gonna Get It

I have a list in my bookmarks, under the heading of "Stuff" and I pretty much just follow the order in which they appear. so then, to launch right in, we start with British Spanking Community.

This is a bit of a throwback really, as I was a regular there a few years ago. Still, I arranged my very first spanking session through it's forum, and there often some nice pictures posted there, so it's worth a couple of minutes of my time.

Next we move on to the one and only Chross, and I'm sure that you all know why. Chross is the single most useful spanking resource currently on the Web, particularly for those fans of mainstream spanking. There tend to be posts several times a week, including the entirely invaluable Spankings of the Week that turns up most Saturdays.
Kiki gets spanked on Institute of Discipline

My next port of call is ITC Spanking which is a great place to find professional spankers and spankees in the UK, along with a forum where registered users can post on topics of interest. These are reviews of the various ladies themselves, matters of general spanking interest and other fun stuff. It does get a bit heated from time to time.

Where now? Oh yes, Richard Windors's Spanking Blog. This isn't a blog that sees daily updates, but most of the time it gets 2 or 3 each week, and of particular interest are the pictures of spankings from school and amateur productions of mainstream plays. Sadly Richard has recently suffered a bereavement (and I'm sure that all of our thoughts are with him) so posts have been somewhat sporadic, but we can hope for this to change in the near future.

For now, if you haven't looked around, I guarantee you'll find enough to keep you busy for an hour or so. The folders of on stage spankings are well worth seeking out.

Another click takes us to Spankeefinder, a UK based site that provides free page hosting for professional and semi-professional lady spankees. Even if you're not looking to arrange a paid session this site is well worth a look, as many ladies provide photos on their page, along with details of their services and/or spanking philosophy.
Ladies Who Spank (sometimes other ladies!)

Of course, it is only updated when a new spankee is available, so you never know when to visit; hence the daily check up.

To follow up this delight we have a site I suspect many of you will already visit; the splendid Spanking Tube. For those of you who don't know this is a free site that hosts spanking videos. Many of these are clips from professionally produced films, presented for promotional purposes, although a number of amateur films are uploaded too.

This leads nicely into The Spanking Bloggers Network, and if you're reading this the chances are that you are already familiar with this site. I like to glance down the list of updates, but usually I'm looking for 2 particular blogs that I follow religiously.

The first is Consensual Spankings, which focuses on a mutual spanking relationship, but adds lots of general spanking stuff, and, in particular, a lot of pictures. I don't altogether agree with the blogger's politics, but they don't infringe often, and the site itself is a lot of fun.

The other blog worth a daily look, and it really is updated each and every day, is Old Fashion Girl Spanking, written and staring the rather wonderful Veronica. She is in a spanking marriage, and posts lots of pictures of her frequent punishments, along with a number of other features, such as Saturday cartoons, Friday Spankables and much more.
Veronica where she often finds herself

Veronica herself is lovely, and always willing to chat by email. Plus, y'know, she reads my blog sometimes, and has commented here. She's basically perfect.

I follow this with a glance at Spanked Ass, which is the update page for the Institute of Discipline and it's stablemates. The site has an update most days, and features some lovely clear pictures of ladies and gents getting spanked, strapped and caned. The majority of pictures feature the guys on the receiving end, as much of the group is made up of femme domme sites.
Across my lap, young lady

I then have a look at a couple of Tumblr sites that have, so far. managed to survive the periodic purges of spanking related materials; the first of these is Ladies Spank, which is self explanatory, and Who's Sorry Now, which is too really.

Neither of these update terribly often, and both mostly feature men getting spanked, but they have some great pictures.
Who's Sorry Now (this guy, I'm guessing)

Not long to go now, only a handful more places to check out. Next we have another Tumblr photo blog, but this one does get one new picture every day, and it's Across My Lap, Young Lady. The pictures are generally very good, although not all of them show OTK spankings, despite the title.

Just two more, and they've both been around for quite some time. Firstly there's Someone's Gonna Get It, a great site with daily updates that cover more or less the whole world of spanking, leaning heavily towards pictures, usually in themed groups of six. These notably include public spankings, and there are lots of them throughout the site.

To finish my daily routine there's Spanking Minnesota, which again has more or less daily updates, on all sorts of spanking topics, and profusely illustrated with splendid pictures.
Richard Windsor's blog (on stage school spanking)

I also have a couple of sites I look at two or three times each week, which are worth mentioning. Cutiepie's Sexy Spankings features picture sets from professionally produced videos, especially from Punished Brats, Triple AAA Spanking and Clare Fonda's stable.

Chicago Spanking Review gets a visit every Friday morning, because that's when their new spanking comic panels appear.
The wonderful Snow Mercy spanks, from Vanilla Spanking

Lastly, one of my favourite blogs of all time, Vanilla Spanking, which features entirely mainstream spanking stuff, with several themed posts each week. These include Photographer of the Week (pictures from professional photographers who occasionally show a spanking in their work), On Stage Spankings (indepth reports on spanking scenes in mainstream plays, extremely well researched and often with masses of photos) and articles about general spanking concerns, such as, this week, spanking references used for political ends.

All of this takes me around 30 minutes each day, and it's time well spent. Some days I find more treasures than others, some days the pickings are slim, but there always seems to be something to pique my spanking tastes.

What sites do you look at? Any comments or suggestions would be welcome.

Best wishes


All pictures come from sites mentioned in this article, and I've (I hope) labelled them all correctly. Check 'em out, why don't you.

The Cane Mutiny - a new story!

Well, it's been quite a while since I did this, but I have a new story for you; freshly written and never before published.

I saw a reference to the Caine Mutiny, Herman Wouk's splendid World War Two novel, filmed with Humphrey Bogart, and I just thought, well, that would make for a good spanking story title.

Three hours at the keyboard and the following emerged.

I hope that you enjoy it; I admit that writing it was a pleasure, so there may be more to come soon.

The Cane Mutiny

Waiting was always the worst thing about a visit to the Headmaster's Study; well, at least until he passed sentence on you for your sins.

Thea, Laurel and Sara sat on the hard, wood seated chairs in his reception area, trying to imagine a positive outcome for the forthcoming interview. The three Sixth Form girls had been overheard rubbishing Miss Haverlock, the Economics teacher, and they all knew that the Head took a very dim view on a lack of respect towards any member of his staff.

The fact that they had a plan did nothing to lift the mists of terror that swam around them. No plan ever survived contact with the enemy.

As they had arrived they had witnessed a reluctant Fifth Year being lead into the Study; she walked with head down, and dragged her feet at every step, as she followed Miss Bates, the Head's secretary, into the room.

Miss Bates swiftly exited, and, bidding the three girls sit, she herself sank into the much more comfortable looking chair that dominated the area behind her desk. She was smartly dressed, and confident, and, of course, she was not due to have an extremely uncomfortable interview with the Head.

Right” she said, consulting briefly a diary that lay open upon her desk. “You three are next. Shouldn't be too long, I would think.”

Thea felt inclined to inform her that a wait of several hours would have been fine with them, but good sense prevailed.

The door to the Study was a sturdy affair of well varnished oak, the product of an earlier time when costs were not so closely watched. Even so, occasional murmurs did escape it's grasp, and the girls could tell that the earlier meeting was going as they expected.

The girl who had been so unwilling to enter the Study had been Nyssa, a frequent troublemaker in the Fifth, and this would not be her first exposure to the Head's less than tender mercies.

Mr Queen, the long established Head of St Jospeh's, rarely prolonged disciplinary discussions. He recited the details of the crime, asked the girl before him is she had anything to say, and then pronounced sentence. He was a firm believer in the benefits of corporal punishment, so this would usually be a dose of either slipper or cane.

The girl would bend, skirt raised, and the appropriate prescription administered with little further ceremony. At the cessation of celebrations the punished pupil would be promptly ejected, to rub her sore posterior in the corridor, often accompanying the action with a little dance.

The Head had a heavy hand and laid on firmly; on occasion he would take a junior girl over his knee and administer her punishment in the form of a spanking from his large and very stiff hand, and this was known to hurt almost as much as a slippering.

Bend over.” These words emerged clearly from beyond the wooden guardian, and the three waiting supplicants imagined Nyssa placing her body against the edge of his shiny old desk, and laying herself across it.

The sharpness of the swish of a well aimed cane came quite clearly, as did the answering schoolgirl squeal. A few seconds pause, doubtless whilst the Head took further aim, and the sequence was repeated.

In all the sound of 6 firm whacks, and 6 increasingly uncomfortable cries, were heard. Within a matter of minutes Nyssa emerged, tears rolling down her cheeks, and hands clutching frantically at her seat.

Ooh” she sobbed “He's in fine form today!” Her tears overtook her, and, still rubbing at her chastised rear, she minced her way down the corridor, desperately trying not to let her buttocks touch each other.

Won't be long now girls.” Miss Bates piped up helpfully. “Just take a minute to write up the Punishment Book.”

Thea gulped. She was having second thoughts about this whole idea. In fact she was some way past second thoughts, having been tossing the idea back and forth within her head ever since the summons to visit the Head had been received.

She had talked it over with Laurel and Sara, and, whilst none of them had much confidence in Thea's plan, they didn't think that it would make matters worse. It was worth a shot, at least.

Mr Queen's head emerged from behind the door to his Study, quite round and surprisingly jolly, unencumbered by much in the way of hair, and with large piercingly blue eyes.

His look grew harder as he regarded them. Perhaps he was already deciding on their painful future.

Right. You Three. Get in here.”

He disappeared back into the warmth of his room, and the three girls rose to follow him. They passed beyond the safe haven of his reception area, into his rather comfortable looking study, and Miss Bates promptly closed the door behind them.

The study was well appointed, with thick ruby red carpet and leather settees lying along each wall. At one end, nearest the door, was a roaring log fire, which served to keep at bay the Winter chill that ruled outside, and also to cast rather threatening shadows.

At the far end of the room was his old ship's desk, imposing and clearly of some age, but varnished to a glittering sheen. In front of it were arrayed three chairs, similar to the ones that the girls had occupied in his reception area, and behind it was a lovely leather chair that rose above and enfolded him.

Mr Queen sat, and nodded the three girls towards the wooden chairs. He glanced at a note before him in the desk, and folding his hands together before him, he leaned against the desk.

This, I must say, is rather disappointing. Three of my senior girls, all prefects, I think? Yes, that's so, and all eighteen years old, but all caught gossiping about one of their teachers. Behind her back.”

He fixed them with his steely glare.

I assume that you know how seriously I feel about a lack of respect, from any of my girls.” This was clearly not a question that he expected them to answer. “When it is more mature young ladies, I can only consider the matter to be far more serious.

You are supposed to set a positive example for your peers, and for the younger girls, and if I do not punish you most severely I will be setting a poor example that only compounds your own.

Well, do any of you have anything to say?”

To Mr Queen's mind this too was obviously rhetorical. There could be no disputing their guilt, and no explanation could command clemency. He intended to make an example of them, and, mentally, he was already choosing the cane that he would use to reinforce the lesson.

Thea coughed nervously. This had been her idea, and she had been nominated as the group's spokesperson. She hoped that her voice wouldn't tremble, and that her throat would not close and hide the words away forever.

She took the deepest breath that she could, and let it sigh out from between her lips. She felt a hand pat her back, and squinting sideways she realised that Sara had offered a gesture of support.

Thea nodded to herself, and pushed forward to the very edge of her seat.

Actually Mr Queen, I would like to say something. On behalf of all of us.”

The Head sat back, a puzzled expression on his face. This was unusual, to say the least. Occasionally a junior girl might try to excuse her crime, but no one who had been at the school for any time laboured under the misapprehension that they could escape their fate at this late juncture.

Mr Queen cleared his throat, and thought about this. Clearly he had to hear the girl out. He was, however, offended that she should seek to evade her well deserved punishment.

He rubbed his hand over his mouth; the roughness of newly grown bristles reminded him that it was late afternoon, and he had other things to do once this task had been completed.

Well, go on then. Let's get this over with.” Thea felt a little intimidated by the negative energy that he exuded. This was going to be an uphill struggle!

Firstly, I would just like to apologise on behalf of all of us. And we'd like to apologise face to face to Miss Haverlock too. We were out of order, and you are right to be angry at us.

What we said was inappropriate for any pupil here, and, as you said, as senior girls we are supposed to set a good example. We let you and the school down. We are genuinely sorry.”

The Head's voice rumbled. “Well, that's a nice apology. And I appreciate it, as, I'm sure, will Miss Haverlock. It does not, however, make me any the less willing to punish you.”

No.” said Thea, her voice stronger as she went on. “We never supposed that it would. And, of course, we admit that we deserve to be punished. An example must be set.”

Mr Queen tilted his head to the left, and regarded the tall, dark haired girl who sat before him. Initially she had seemed shrunken, but now she was upright, even leaning towards him as she stated her case. He sensed that he was no longer entirely in control of this meeting.

May I ask? You intend to cane us?”

Yes of course I do.” Mr Queen snapped. Perhaps they were just wasting his time for some stupid reason. “I always take disrespect seriously, and, as you acknowledge, an example must be set.” He felt mildly pleased with himself; parroting back Thea's words seemed almost poetic.

It's just that, you see, we feel that caning three senior girls, three actual adults, sets a bad example.”

Ah, you do? I see. What do you suggest then? I can't imagine that you would be more inclined to take a long slippering instead. As responsible adults.”

Well, we strongly feel that corporal punishment is inappropriate for everyone, but, in particular, us. We're grown women; making us bend over and lifting our skirts for you to whack a stick against our bottoms is, well, just wrong. It's humiliating; you shouldn't be doing it.”

Mr Queen sighed tiredly. So, it was another cane mutiny. Every year or two, some girl decided that she was too old to be caned.

It was his job to teach them that they were wrong.

Let me ask you something, Thea. Uh, you other ladies can answer this as well, if you like. Actually it's a series of questions.

First of all, did you know that what you were doing was wrong?”

The three girls looked at each other. They had no choice; they had already admitted this. Facing the Head they nodded in unison.

Good, good. I admire your honesty. If not your good sense. Now, second question; did you realise that you would be punished if you were caught?”

Once more the three girls thought about this, but could see no way out. They all nodded again.

Right. One more routine question and then we'll get to the heart of matters. So, you were all aware that this school employs corporal punishment for all serious offences?”

The three girls were in their seventh year at St Joseph's. All had, on one or more occasion, been placed over their Housemistress's knee, or bent over for her slipper. Both Sara and Thea had actually been caned by the Head as Fifth Years when they were caught out of bounds one Saturday evening.

It would have been impossible to deny that they were aware of the consequences of getting caught. Like nodding dogs on a bumpy road they signalled their assent.

Fine. Oh, one more routine one, I think? You did realise how seriously I view disrespect for my staff? You haven't just learned of it in this office today?”

There was no need for consultation. The three nodded once again.

Right. Good. Here's a question that you might want to think about for a moment. I assume that you all know of other girls who have been caned, or slippered, or spanked?” The little group nodded yet again; surely this wasn't the difficult question? “Well then, did you ever feel an urge to protest the use of corporal punishment in their cases?”

Thea pursed her mouth. Glancing to her right she could see Laurel biting her lower lip, and from her left came the sound of Sara shuffling uncomfortably in her seat.

It was a good question, and the answer was apparent.

Thea spoke up, although her spirits were plunging. Her confidence in her plan, which was never exactly high, was spiralling into the dust.

Ah but, they weren't senior girls, were they? Caning kids is different; we're adults now.”

Mr Queen had been prepared for this objection; it was not an unusual thought, although, to his mind, it lacked merit.

Well, there are two things about that. The first is that, despite being legally adults, whilst you remain at this school we remain technically in loco parentis, and as you choose to stay you also choose to be treated as our other pupils are.

But more directly relevant to this discussion is this; you know Felicity Steel, and Lyla Brin? You do, yes? Both 18 years old, both girls that you know, and both girls that I had to cane last week.

I can't recall receiving you protesting delegation then. Or a signed statement of disapproval. A petition even. Could it be that your objection to the cane is unique to yourselves?”

Thea began to splutter a defence, but nothing other than odd words emerged. The Head had seen to the heart of the matter.

He let them sit for a moment in silence, and watched with approval as their cheeks flushed with embarrassment at their transparency.

Mr Queen sighed, with just a hint of satisfaction. Although he had cause to use it fairly frequently, he did not actually enjoy punishing his girls, as a rule. Of course, rules are made to be broken, and in this case he believed that administering effective discipline might actually make his heart beat a little lighter.

He stood, and looked down at the broken students before him. Leaning forward he placed his hands flat on the desk, and fixed them with a glare.

You will not be surprised to learn that I intend to cane each of you. Six with the senior cane. This was to be your punishment before your rather spurious and self serving display. And of course details will be placed on the School Notice Board, as a lesson to others.

I think that your attempts to escape a just punishment merit a further sanction. In fact, I think that they effectively were an additional show of disrespect to Miss Haverlock. In view of this, you will return here tomorrow afternoon, and offer your apologies to her face, as you proposed.

After which, she will adminster a dozen slaps with the heaviest plimsoll I can find. Just to make the punishment a little more personal. Any objections?”

The girls certainly did object; when overheard they had been discussing Miss Haverlock's physique, and how it rather resembled a bull elephant. Or a boy elephant, as Thea had quipped, giggling at her cleverness.

The damage that Miss Haverlock would do to bottoms already suffering the after effects of Mr Queen's cane did not bare thinking about. They did not, however, have a compelling argument to make.

The Head observed the ashen faces of the girl with a little sadistic pleasure. He had genuinely been offended by their words, and a chance to include Miss Haverlock in their punishment suited him very well.

He strolled across to the cupboard that stood in the corner behind his desk, and opened it to reveal a selection of canes dangling from a rail, hanging by their crooks. He considered them for a moment, and then selected one. He pointed it towards the ceiling, in a type of salute, and then thrashed it through the air.

It was around three feet long, and horrifyingly thick to the eyes of the three girls. When swished it barely bent. Mr Queen turned to look, once more, at his prospective victims, and he was very pleased to see how little they were looking forward to their coming ordeal.

Right then, stand up. Sara and Laurel; take the chairs and stack them over there.” He pointed to a bare section of wall, just beyond the sofa to his right. “Then sit over there while I deal with Thea.”

Turning to the ringleader, he pointed at his desk with the tip of the cane.

No point in prolonging matters, is there? Bend flat over the edge of my desk please, and raise your skirt.”

Thea did as he bid, flipping the pleated uniform skirt up to her waist. She had prepared for this outcome by wearing the thickest cotton knickers that she owned, but leaning in place the cool draft as the Head passed behind her showed just how little protection they would provide.

Mr Queen stood to her left, the cane in his right hand. He placed the bamboo stick against the point at which Thea's cheeks poked out most prominently, and paused a moment.

With gentle flicks of his wrist he tapped the cane on it's target, like a golfer addressing the ball with his driver. Breathing in he withdrew the cane; as his breath whooshed out the cane whacked down, landing exactly were it had lain.

Having little flexibility it pounded into the two mounds of flesh, bruising the area around it's arrival point. Thea gurgled; words were well beyond her. The single stroke hurt more than six strokes had before.

The Head placed the cane against Thea's bottom once again, an inch lower than previously. He paused once more, to ensure that the sting of the first stroke had been absorbed, before deftly adding the second.

Thea offered a stifled squeal. It was prevented from being a full blown squeal by the force with which her lips had been pursed together as the cane fell.

Mr Queen observed the results of his work; two parallel lines that glowed an aching red, peeping beyond the edges of Thea's regulation Winter underwear. Aiming slightly above the first stroke he promptly despatched a third.

Tears rolled uncontrolled down Thea's face, and she sobbed against the desktop. She felt drained by the punishment, as though she would never move again. The fourth whack descending against her bottom changed her mind about that, as she jolted against the desk, and tried vainly to crawl across it.

Mr Queen watched as Thea's outstretched hands made claws that tried to haul her away. He placed a steadying hand against the small of her back and, not unkindly, he offered “Just two left.”

Not giving the sobbing young woman any more chance to think about it, the fifth stroke fell. Thea still had the energy to scream, although her head remained resting on the wooden surface.

Mr Queen studied her bottom one final time. Usually he gave the final stroke a little extra vim, to drive home the point, but he felt that such an action would be gratuitous in this instance. In truth he rather regretted using such a heavy cane, but he clearly couldn't treat the other two girls any differently than he had Thea.

Straightening his posture Mr Queen raised the cane again, and drove home the final punishing blow, going rather more easily on the howling girl than he had previously.

He became aware of a noise behind him, and turned to see both Sara and Laurel sobbing themselves. How much, he wondered, was that for their friend, and how much in fear for their own soon to be stinging bottoms?

Moving closer he reached out and flipped Thea's skirt back over her throbbing bottom. Then he took her shaking shoulders and, almost tenderly, helped her to stand.

Wordlessly he guided her over to the settee where her friends were waiting; he took a large soft cushion and placed it on one of the seats, before lowering Thea on to it. She winced as her bottom took the weight of her body, but otherwise she just continued to cry, now silently.

Mr Queen turned to Sara, and gestured that she should stand.

Your turn, young lady.”

Sara shook her head, not so much in refusal but more to clear some of the tears from her eye. She knew that there was no point in trying to avoid her fate, and, almost automatically, she walked slowly and steadily towards the desk.

Mr Queen repeated the ritual; gestured to her position, told her to bend, and waited whilst she raised her skirt. Reluctantly he noted that she had not thought to wear her thickest underpants; perhaps she had more confidence in the argument that they had suggested.

Whatever the reason, he decided to go a little easier on the remaining two girls; after all Thea had clearly been the impetus behind the tiny rebellion, and she deserved a slightly greater punishment.

Despite this undertaking, each slashing blow of the cane provoked a howl and further tears from the shaking girl, as she rocked from side to side in response to her punishment. Each time a brief steadying hand on her back stilled her frame, to allow for the next whack.

Very soon Sara's immediate ordeal was over, and she too was escorted to a well cushioned seat. Mr Queen was pleased to note that Thea's tears had subsided into a mere trickle, and she was breathing steadily. That was what people always forgot; the pain of the cane was instant, and awful, but soon faded to a bruised ache that was unpleasant, but could be borne.

He was quite impressed to see that, in comforting her friend, Laurel had forgotten to continue her own crying, and she rose of her own accord, stepping towards the desk without being told to.

Laurel was a tall girl, leggy and impressively slim, so lying across the desk she could actually grip the far side. The lifting of her skirt revealed knickers that would not usually be considered regulation, high cut on her thighs and rather silky, but the Head did not intend to make an issue of it.

He dealt with her precisely as he had Sara, and, despite her bravery, she too was in gales of tears once he had finished. He placed her on the sofa, and told the girls they could have ten minutes to recover themselves before they had to leave.

Unusually he decided on a little lecture before they left.

Well, I'm sure that was a most unpleasant ordeal for each of you. And equally, I'm sure that you each know that you only have yourselves to blame.

Girls who do not misbehave do not find themselves lying across my desk, and they do not suffer what I am sure are extremely sore bottoms.

I was very disappointed in your initial lack of respect, and your ludicrous attempt to argue that you should not be caned only annoyed me further. I am sure that you would not advise anyone else to try a similar approach to my disciplinary methods.

Still, one of the benefits of corporal punishment is that, once it has been handed out, we can put the issues that occasioned it behind us. In this spirit I will suspend the slippering from Miss Haverlock that I proposed, although make no mistake; I will certainly revisit the issue if I hear of even the smallest hint of disrespect from you. To anyone.”

The girls looked up as one, their spirits rather buoyed by this act of mercy to such an extent that, briefly, they forgot the pain that still radiated out from their wounded buttocks.

Seeing that, for now at least, the tears of the three young ladies had ceased, he bade them stand. Telling them finally that he did not expect to see them in his study again, he ushered them out into reception, where Miss Bates was waiting.

She noticed how subdued the girls were, and how stiffly they were walking. She also noted their tear stained faces, and quickly passed them moistened tissues, so that they could tidy up their faces.

Judging that she had done enough, Miss Bates strolled into the study, to check if the Head needed anything further from her.

The chastened trio trudged down the corridor, barely speaking. Each of them still wanted to clutch their thoroughly caned bottoms, but felt that it would be too undignified to do so, in view of anyone that they might pass.

By unspoken agreement they headed straight for the small room that they shared, to examine each other's battle wounds. This was clearly an encounter that they had lost, in the war between educator and student.

And, for now at least, the Cane Mutiny was no more.

The End.

And that's our story folks I hope that you enjoyed it, at least a little. Next time I'll try for something a little bit more lighthearted. Perhaps.

Best wishes


All pictures have been proudly borrowed from the Institute of Discipline, purely because they tend to make my favourite school girl caning videos (other spanking video producers are available). Check them out though - these shots are just a taste of what they offer.

My New Favourite Video - Vengeful Parent Spanks Teacher (Strictly English)


I watch what many people would consider to be an obsessively large amount of spanking videos; hey, every growing boy needs a hobby, and mine involves masses of kinky films.

Everyone now and then I come across a film that just presses my buttons, and leaves me gasping for more. These usually aren't videos with the hardest spanking, or the most complex plots, or even with the most gorgeous spankees. They're just films that enter my psyche and won't leave.

I've recently returned to Strictly English CP, a site that I reviewed in pretty glowing terms about 2 years ago. The site has changed quite a bit (a full review will follow soon), but the films are still just as enjoyable as ever.

The film in question, Vengeful Parent Spanks Teacher has a very simple plot, and indeed could well be the sort of story you might use as a role play scenario.

Mr Paul Jones visits his son's Maths teacher. She, Miss Amanda Ackroyd, has spanked him for misbehaving in class, and Mr Jones is not happy. They discuss the legality of spanking, and Mr Jones proposes that Miss Ackroyd should sample what she handed out; being rather an Alpha Female she is unwilling to back down, and takes the punishment.

Nothing new or unusual there at all. Simple linear storytelling, and a clear reason for the spanking to take place.

Paul Jones is a spanker I have only seen on this site, and he isn't a favourite of mine, primarily because he spends so much time rubbing the bottoms of the girls that he spanks. Yes, they have lovely bottoms, and I can understand the impulse to run your hand over their silky smooth flesh, but this is supposed to be discipline, damn it! Just spank them already!

Quick rant there folks, This rubbing, especially at the start of the spanking, is the only negative thing that I have to say about this film.

I haven't encountered Amanda Ackroyd anywhere else either, which is a shame because she is quite stunning. She appears in a lot of films on the site, both as spanker and spankee, and she is brilliant as either.

She has a no nonsense approach as a spanker, and a stern voice that rises easily. Physically she is entirely convincing as she beats her victim's bottom bright red.

Amanda has a full figure, with a gloriously rounded bottom (of course you will see that for yourself further on), and she genuinely seems to love spanking. She is a very good actress, and improvises well. 

I've never seen her listed anywhere, so I imagine that she doesn't do one to one sessions, which is a real shame as she would undoubtedly be brilliant as a switchy partner.

I think it is Amanda who makes this film for me; she looks stunning in that red dress, and I'd love to see her put some poor lucky guy over her knee in it. Or some girl, come to that.

I tell you what. Let's break away from my endless whaffling and look at a whole bunch of screen captures from the film. That's why you're here, after all. Not that I blame you.

Mr Dean arrives
Discussion ensues
Miss Ackroyd is not impressed
Still not impressed
Miss Ackroyd demonstrates inappropriate underwear selection
"Over here"
Delightful in red
"Get on with it then!"
Still spanking after all these minutes
A nice shade of pink
Still stoic while spanked
Sometimes a hand is not enough
Plimsolls are not just for feet
A healthy glow
What? More of the hand?
Well, he may have made an impression but....

I'm sure that you enjoyed that lovely selection of pictures, all taken from the Strictly English CP video Vengeful Parent Spanks Teacher; the site is well worth a look around, and I think it's money well spent if you join for a month or so.

Go on, tell them Tim sent you. It won't get you anything, or me, come to that, but it's nice to be acknowledged.

Best wishes


Quick shout out.

You know that some of my posts seem a bit aimless; like I'm just writing them to be writing something?

Well, obviously that's never true, as I have a fine, beautifully formed and carefully polished reason for each of them. Sometimes the reason might be a bit less clear than others. To me, as well.

This one is really straightforward. I'd just like to say hello to one of my readers, a gentleman I like to refer to as Spanish Charles. Hello my friend, and I'd just like to say that I hope you had a wonderful time with our pal Cherri on Saturday.

I should also just say that Cherri is the best spanking babe in the entire West Midlands. I may, of course, be a little biased as she's my friend.

Because I can't let a post go by without at least one picture, here's one of a bit of Cherri (if you want more details have a look at her Spankeefinder page).

Best wishes


The joys of OTK spanking - Bad Tushy

I am a massive fan of over the knee spankings. I don't think that there is a prettier sight than an attractive woman dangling over the lap of either a man or a woman.

I like this so much that I thought I might start a new series, taking OTK shots from the videos produced by one spanking site at a time.

At the very least it will give me an excuse to spend a few happy minutes each week trawling through a bunch of spanky films, looking for exciting and arousing screenshots to grab. Eh, it's a dirty job but some one has to do it.

What's that? No one really has to do it? Well, no, they don't, but for the benefit of my readers I'm going to take it on anyway.

How many other bloggers are so devoted to their reader's happiness? Oh yeah, I know - I'm one of a kind. Tee hee.

So this week I'm happy to present a selection of spanky goodness all snatched from Bad Tushy films. As far as I know this website is still defunct (although I wouldn't entirely swear to it), but there's some nice stuff to have a look at on their preview pages.

So, away we go.
A rarity - spanked by a man
Spanked on sexy shorts
Well filled jeans
Slightly inelegant pose from spanker
Belted bottom
Oh alright, a bare bottomed shot
I love to see a woman in red spanked
The delightful Kat St James
Spanked on tights
Well supported spanking
Jailhouse spanking - watch her bum rock
 Well, some one's having fun
Very short shorts - wow!
Sexy girl in glasses spanked
This doesn't need a caption, does it?
Spanked on a throne?
The end (about time too!)

Well, was that fun or what? I certainly had a good old spanky time. In fact, so much so that I think we'll go the whole thing again next week, with the OTK joys of another site featured.

At a quick glance across my hard drive (no, not a euphemism) I have about 30 different sites I could use - lot's of choice there then. If anyone out there has a particular site they'd like to see featured let me know, and, if I can, I'll put up some piccies.

But surely that's enough for now? Okay, I'm off to get my morning coffee going.

Best wishes


Top Stuff - Katie Stricktland

If you've been a reader of this site for a long while, you may recall that I have issues with some of the spankers that are featured in our spanky little scenes.

I dislike abusive spankers, arrogant spankers, unpleasant spankers, hypocritical spankers, most male spankers and women spankers who never get spanked themselves.

That's not an exhaustive list; really just the highlights. And it's not even always true. The beautiful Miss Zoe Page has never properly been spanked on film (although there is an extremely sexy film that shows her waiting, bent over, to be punished), but I still adore her.

I felt much better about admiring Cassie Hunter and Dana Kane when I came across a couple of films of each of them across a knee, for a well deserved bottom smacking.

But the thing is, I hate to be negative, so I thought it might be fun to do a couple of posts that feature spankers I do like; I'll tell you what I see in them, and I'll post a couple of pictures of then in action, especially for those of you who venture over here just for the fun piccies.

How about if I start with the wonderful Katie Stricktland, star of many Institute of Discipline clips, and her own site hosted by the same group?

What can I say about her? She's a wonderfully thorough spanker, with a hard hand and a well muscled arm to swing it. She's left handed (like my wife), a more mature lady who plays both Headmistress and auntie beautifully.

You want more? She spanks both men and women, and loves the slipper and cane as well as her hand. She also seems to be a big fan of OTK spankings.

And, as you may have guessed in view of my comments above, she has been known to be naughty enough to deserve a good spanking of her own.

I believe in show, don't tell (actually that's bollocks - I'm a writer, so I'm always more than happy to tell you, but I'm also bloody lazy, and pictures are quicker), so here are a few more action shots that I've grabbed from Katie's films.

Please sit back and enjoy. 

A strict aunty
Katie spanks Trisha
Katie canes the wonderful Amy Hunter
Poor guy! (Lucky guy?)
Checking out Kami's bottom
Katie and her slipper
Nurse spanks naughty nurse (Vicki Carter)
Very naughty Simpson
Got to finish with Katie in jodphurs

Hurry back next week for another exciting installment in this new series!

Best wishes


All pictures are my own screen grabs (which explains any fuzziness - the videos are crystal clear) from the following websites, all of which are worth checking out:-
Miss Stricktland - entirely F/M
Institute of Discipline - mostly F/F, with some M/F
The Lazy Maid - mostly F/F, with some M/F

Video of the Week - Twins (Northern Spanking)

I really enjoyed the little feature I did on my new favourite video, and it seems like a few of you did too.

I have many favourite videos; I think that this speaks to my breadth of taste, although my wife says it's because I actually have no taste at all. If I wasn't so scared of her I'd spank her for that! 

Anyway, this being my blog an' all, I have decided to start a new weekly series of posts, in which I will highlight various films that I have particularly enjoyed. With lots of those screen grabs that so many of you seem to enjoy.

Pride of place goes to a film that I'm certain I have mentioned, at least in passing, in an earlier post; the film is an old one from Northern Spanking, and it's called Twins.

The film stars the ever gorgeous, willowy Amelia Jane Rutherford, and the now sadly retired Lucy McLean, as identical twin sisters. Now, you and I know that these two ladies do not look in the least bit alike, but they are apparently similar enough to fool their Headmaster, played by Stephen Lewis.

They've fooled their teachers too. And playing pranks on them using their stunningly similar looks is what has led to their current predicament.

The plot of this rather funny film revolves around Mr Lewis's mistaken belief that Amelia is actually both sisters, and is trying to get away without being punished. Of course this means that she receives both her own spankings and those due to Lucy.

After each punishment he either turns away, or leaves the room, and then thinks that the girl he grabs is Lucy. She is visibly amused at the way poor Amelia keeps getting beaten in her place.

It's all very light hearted, and works particularly well because of the acting skills of the three performers, especially the divine Miss Rutherford.

Would you like to see a few screen grabs from it? I bloody well hope so, because otherwise I've just watched it for no good reason (apart from the bulge in my trousers that it provoked - oops, is that a little indelicate?).

I hope these prompt a similar reaction in you, dear reader. Erm, except for you ladies, of course, whom I hope are stimulated in your own way.

Identical twins awaiting the Headmaster's arrival
And here he is
He's going to spank Amelia first
Over his knee she goes
Lucy isn't impressed
Neither is Amelia!
Is this Lucy or Amelia?
Amelia's bare and beautiful bottom
A closer view
A dose of the slipper
A rather red bottom
Taking Lucy's knickers down (really?)
Unmoved by Amelia's protests
All's well that ends well (for Lucy anyway)

This film is huge fun, and it's hard to not like a film that has Amelia being spanked, especially over the knee. Lucy is very funny, and the contrast between her Scottish accent and Amelia's very English one is a delight.

Stephen is great as the entirely unaware Headmaster, and he always delivers a good spanking.

Northern Spanking are still the best value UK originated site around (although ownership is now US based with Alex Reynolds thanks to that fucking stupid video law), with a huge archive of often very original films. 

I'd love to write a proper full review of them, but when I mentioned it before Paul Kennedy asked that I wait until the site had been revamped (it is a bit long in the tooth), and I'm still waiting for that to happen.

If you have a few quid spare Northern Spanking is well worth checking out; there's something for every lover of ladies being spanked, with their huge range, and most of the models you can think of feature at some stage (the UK based ones anyway).

And that'll do me until next time, I think.

Best wishes


Another new story - The Benefits of Hindsight

Well, here we are back again with another story; it's not quite as intense as the last one, having a first person narrative from a rather unrepentant school girl.

I hope you like it; once again pictures come from various Institute of Discipline videos, all of which feature splendid school girl slipperings (try saying that ten times, fast!). Why not check them out?

And now, today's story.

The Benefits of Hindsight

Faced with Miss Bishop and that bloody big plimsoll, it did occur to me that calling Miss Cannell a bitch might have been a mistake. Just one of those things that you wouldn't do a second time, given the chance.

Miss Bishop was huge; not fat, but six feet or so tall, and solid; she was a PE teacher, and by God she looked like one. She wore her hair short, and her skirt down to just above her chunky knees, and her legs looked like they could have held three of her.

To be honest, Miss Bishop scared the Hell out of me. Her arms were of similar proportions to her legs, and she was the weapon of choice for most of the teachers when they felt offended by our behaviour.

I knew those legs were strong because I had found myself lying across them, on more than one occasion, and her beefy arms certainly propelled her large unfeminine hands with some force when she spanked them across your bottom.

She prided herself on being able to deliver a thorough and very sound spanking with either hand; she was a very balanced spanker, I suppose.

The sole of the plimsoll looked harder than her hand did. And certainly heavier.

Oh come one! It's not my fault that Miss Cannell is a bitch. I thought teachers liked it when their girls told the truth. That's all I was doing.

I didn't think that Miss Bishop would be very much moved by that explanation though.

At least we were in her office, in the gym block. She could have chosen to bend me over a horse in the middle of the gym itself, where any passing busybody could see her do her work. And see the seat of my knickers as she beat every trace of dust off of them.

I found the vague smile of satisfaction she pointed at me to be a little bit disconcerting. The solid thud that the plimsoll made against the palm of her hand as she tapped it was altogether scarier.

My besty has been spanked, and slippered, and even caned, by pretty much every teacher who cares to use corporal punishment, and I've never seen her much moved by the experience, until a few weeks ago when she accidentally tripped the class shit up, and she fell against, and broke, a large window.

When I say she accidentally tripped her, that really isn't true. She meant to leave her sprawled on the floor, but the daft cow was off balance, and fell sideways, and, well, you know, crash. And smash.

She wasn't hurt, but of course she sat there blubbing, and the first teacher along was Miss Bishop. She listened to both sides of the story, just barely, and then whisked Ann away to her office.

I followed along, at a safe distance, and was outside the office when the interview became heated. Actually it wasn't the interview that got heated so much as Ann's bottom.

The thump of the plimsoll against her knickers could be heard very clearly, and so could her squeals. Miss Bishop gave her 12 very meaty whacks, and Ann emerged, hands clutching her bottom as though it might fall off, and tears dribbling down her face.

God, I'm an idiot. Fancy setting myself up for a visit to Miss Bishop, just for a few fleeting moments of satisfaction. The look on Miss Cannell's face was worth it at the time. Not so much now.

Miss Bishop sort of resembled a savage beast; a lion about to pounce maybe. Although her features reminded me much more of a jackal; sharp and mouth slightly open in a silly grin. I think that suited her personality more too.

Her gaze made me uncomfortable. I really wanted to be somewhere else, even if it meant that I had to hurry her through the next few minutes.

My hands crept around behind me, and gave my bottom a rub. I snatched them away; time enough for that once there was a sting that needed to be rubbed away.

Miss Bishop had caught the movement, and gave a nasty triumphant smile. Surely she realised how the girls all feared her? Surely she revelled in it?

She took a deep breath and pointed the plimsoll at me; I've never been held at gunpoint, but I'm sure the sensation is similar.

Well, young lady, you've really dropped yourself in it this time.” Yeah, no escaping it; she was much too bloody pleased to see me here.

Come on Linda. You always have something to say for yourself. Cat got your tongue, has it? Bit too late to hold shtum now, don't you think?”

I really couldn't think of a single thing to say. Well, I could scream out “Die you bloody bitch!” and launch, hands first, at her throat, but, well, I'd just bounce off anyway. There should be a law against breeding teachers like her.

I mean, I assume you're happy for me to deal with you? If you like I could ask for the Head's input, although I rather think that would involve expulsion. Would you like to explain calling Miss Cannell a, well, what was it?”

I kept quiet. She was right really; it was much too late.

What did you call her?” Miss Bishop snapped. Oops. Not a rhetorical question then. I mumbled an answer.

Ah, not so proud if it now, are you? Speak up girl. What did you call Miss Cannell?”

Sigh. Nothing for it. You can't ignore Miss Bishop when she wants something.

I called her a bitch, Miss.”

Yes, you did, didn't you. How spectacularly stupid. Did you imagine that you'd somehow get away with that? Perhaps Miss Cannell has hearing issues? Or her ears are full of cotton wool? Any other theories?”

I fucking hate sarcastic bloody teachers.

I thought she was too bloody meek to do anything about it!” Oh shit. Oops again. Really didn't mean to say that. Too late to change it now though.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up time travel.

Miss Bishop chuckled. It sounded like a lizard coughing. My skin crawled. Wow. Genuinely creepy.

She waited a moment before speaking again; milking the moment I suppose.

Yes, she is quite quiet. A little bit shy. But it is her first year as a fully fledged teacher. And unpleasant brats like you do not help her to settle in, do you? You are nothing but a bully.”

I gave that a little thought. It was kind of bullying, I suppose. Like picking on a kitten. Well, if kittens weren't cute.

Oh, but to Hell with that. I didn't feel guilty. Teachers were supposed to be able to stand up for themselves; they'd get eaten alive otherwise. I'd only called the blubbing little bitch a bitch because she was one.

I think I stood a little straighter. I'm sure that there was a defiant glint in my eye. For a moment I forgot what the future held, proud of my commitment to the cause.

Miss Bishop stood up straighter too. She towered over me, and that damn plimsoll was patting her hand more urgently.

I can see that you do not feel even the slightest bit of remorse, do you girl? Perhaps my little friend here and I can make you reconsider.”

I was puzzled for a second. Little friend? Then, of course, I realised that she meant the plimsoll. Little friend, my arse. A bloody size 12 at least, if I was any judge.

I tried to shrink back; Miss Bishop was invading my personal space as surely as her slipper would invade my backside's comfort zone. The wall got in my way.

She came closer, and I could smell her breath; minty fresh, with a hint of coffee. Her skin smelt of soap; clean and slightly sickening.

I think 12 would be a good start. As I'm not allowed to give you more. But don't you worry; after six or so your bottom will sting so much that you'll lose count. I think you'll take tea standing up this evening, young lady.”

Well, that was about what I expected. I couldn't find it within me to be pleased at getting it right though.

Mr Bishop grasped my ear lobe, and pulled me across the room. Oh God, she pinched! Surely that was unnecessary? It wasn't like I could get away from the mad cow!

I walked in a kind of hunched over crab scuttle as she led me to her desk, and guided me down across it. The desk was fairly low and not too wide, so in effect I lay on it, my bottom presented to her.

You might want to grab the other side of the desk.” she said, in a voice that oozed menace. “If you reach back and block my aim I'll take that swing again.”

I was wearing the standard school uniform, having been ejected from Miss Cannell's class after my indiscretion, and Miss Bishop wasted no time in flipping the knee length skirt up, leaving my panties exposed to her glare.

Miss Bishop moved to one side, and I felt her place the weighty weapon against my bottom. God, it really was huge! Lying there it covered the entire width of my bottom, and I imagined it burning against my flesh.

Maybe she was a witch! It was a demonic plimsoll, burning with hellfire! Surely she wasn't allowed to spank me with a slipper that actually was on fire?

The plimsoll lifted away from my bottom; squinting sideways I could see Miss Bishop's arm rising, and she was concentrating her vision on her target. Oh shit, that was me!

The noise as it fell was odd; canes make a distinctive swish, but slippers don't cut through the air. They batter it out of the way, and as it thumped across my bum cheeks there was a mighty thwack!

My first thought, as the plimsoll bounced back into the air, was that, hey, that wasn't too bad. The impact had jolted me forward but it didn't hurt much.

As Miss Bishop shifted her aim, and raised the slipper once more, the numbness abated, and every nerve in both buttocks screamed in protest. I gasped. Oh my God! This was what fire on your bottom really felt like!

The plimsoll pummelled my poor bottom again, this time just against the left hand side. Of course this meant that it walloped against some flesh that had already been abused, and the pain was instant.

I know that I cried out, but I have no idea what I said, or even if words were involved.

THWACK! Smack number three, to the other side of my bottom, with similar effects.

I knew that I had only been bent over the desk for a minute or so, but it seemed like my bottom had hurt forever; it was a new part of me that bore a grudge against the rest, and took it's revenge by just bloody hurting so much!

Miss Bishop wielded the plimsoll with power and purpose; she returned to the scene of her first crime, and thumped the rubber sole back across the centre of my bottom again.

With what seemed like barely a second's pause the plimsoll feel twice more, repeating it's hellish pattern.

I'm not ashamed to say that I was sobbing by this time; my cheeks dripped with burning tears.

My other cheeks just burned. And throbbed. And pulsated. I was a little surprised that my pants were still able to hold in my expanding bottom; ah, the miracles of modern elastic.

Miss Bishop took a step back, and folded her arms, the plimsoll lying across one heaving breast. She looked like she'd been running a cross country course; I was a little bit pleased that she had needed to use so much energy to punish me.

How are you feeling now, eh? Any smart arse comments you'd like to make?”

I just shook my head.

I'm talking to you, girl! I expect a proper answer.”

Bloody teachers.

No, Miss.”

I could hear her pacing about behind me, like a hungry tiger about to pounce on it's prey. Well, I certainly wished that she'd piss off back to the jungle, and leave me alone.

She bent down, so that her face, slightly grimy with sweat, was level with mine, and, as though telling me a great secret she whispered into my ear.

Only half way through, you know.”

Her usually pale cheeks were flushed; I think that the malicious bitch was excited by my punishment. So nice to see someone happy in her work. Not.

Miss Bishop stood, and tapped the plimsoll against my bottom. She lifted it and moved away. I tensed for a smack that didn't come. Glancing to my side I saw her leaning against the wall, watching me.

She approached me again, and there were another couple of taps, before the slipper lifted. Then nothing again.

Bloody hell! Now she was a tiger playing with it's food!

I relaxed against the desk a little, my right cheek resting on it's cool surface, as the tears that had come so readily began to dry. God, I must have looked a sight.

With no warning the plimsoll thumped across my bottom again. I yelped, a mixture of surprise and reawakened pain.

She rested the implement there for a moment, and then, in one flowing moment, threw it into the air, to fall, jet propelled, against one side of my bottom, and then the other.

It seemed like each blow echoed throughout my entire body; I was a giant cave, waves of sound bouncing against my walls. It just didn't seem right that smacks sounding so loud didn't bring the whole school running.

I started to lift my right arm, to reach back and check that my bottom hadn't been replaced by a huge cavern, spanked into my flesh by the unfeasibly heavy plimsoll.

No, no. Hand back on the table.” Miss Bishop was watching keenly.

For a moment I left my hand dangling in the air; a brief act of defiance. Then I returned it to it's place; there was no need to get my fingers crushed as well as my bum.

Miss Bishop had gone back to her pacing; ratcheting up the tension probably. To be honest I was past caring. She'd get around to me again, I was pretty damn sure.

She did. This time I howled. Well, it seemed loud to me, but my ears were still ringing from the sound of rubber on flesh. My flesh. Ah, crap.

Perhaps Miss Bishop was getting bored. The last two whacks rocked my body, but came quickly. I bet I was quivering like a plate of rubbery jelly.

I lay there. Moving seemed too much trouble, although the idea of rubbing my inflamed rear end was quite appealing.

Well, get up girl! Or were you planning on staying there all day? I could give you a few more whacks, if you like?”

Sighing, I hauled myself upright. The tears had started again, and I left a puddle on the desk where my head had rested. I felt unsteady, a bit light headed, and very heavy bottomed. I think my rump would have dragged me backwards onto the floor if I hadn't been so scared of the idea of sitting on it.

Are you waiting for applause?” Miss Bishop continued the ominous drum beat of plimsoll on hand. Jesus, you'd think she'd had enough by now.

She gestured to the door with her empty hand; a contemptuous flick of her wrist.

Go on, back to class. And I expect to hear that you delivered a very sincere apology to Miss Cannell.”

I shuffled towards the door. Reluctantly I removed one of the hands that had involuntarily grasped my bottom, in order to open the door.

As I exited I had a moment of temporary insanity, considering slamming the door shut behind me. The huge throbbing in my behind convinced me not to.

Despite the pain in my bottom, and the thought of 2 more hours of classes sitting on it, the worst thing was the idea of apologising to that whining bitch.



I hope that you enjoyed that.

All the best


OTK Spanking - Firm Hand Spanking Part 1

Roll up, roll up, and welcome to my Circus of Spanking. I suppose you might just call it my blog.

Last week I did my first in this series, featuring Bad Tushy, and quite a few of you seemed to like it. That being the case I will now barrel head first into the second entry, in which we will cast our spotlight on a number of delightful spankings from the US site Firm Hand Spanking.

I have so many entries in their folder that one post couldn't possibly hope to contain them all. This, then, is Part One. Part Two (and possibly a couple more after that) will follow when I feel like it.

Oh yes, I am MAAAAAAD! with power.

Well, if you're still here after that, I suppose you want to see some pretty girl's getting spanked. It just so happens that I can provide exactly what you want. Isn't that a lucky coincidence?

Yes, I thought so too.


The lovely Abigail Whittaker
A rarity - Amelia spanks (Aleesha Fox, as it happens)
Abigail spanks Alison Miller
Slippering Belinda Lawson
Kayla Apple, front....
Oh, and back too
Lizzie Madison spanks Michaela
Sam spanks Lizzie
Earl Grey spanks Sam
The lovely and sadly retired Valerie Bryant
Tanya spanks Jennifer Torrance
Amelia spanked
Amelia from the front
Another view of Amelia
Sasha Harding spanked
The wonderful Alaura Shane spanks Corinne
An old favourite - Stacy Stockton, as a schoolgirl
Whew! That was a fairly exhausting selection, and there are lots more where they came from.

Firm Hand Spanking has a huge archive of brilliant spanking films, and I'd urge you to check them out. All of our spanking sites need support, especially those that offer you so many spankings for your kinky buck, so have a look, and tell 'em Tim sent you.

I'll be back next week with another set of OTK screen grabs from a different spanking video producer. Until then, savour these, why don't you?

Best wishes


Top Stuff - Michelle Monroe

Welcome back. You are a regular aren't you? Yes, I thought you had that look, my kinky friend.

Well, we'll all a bit off here, so you'll fit right in, first or fiftieth visit. Tell your friends to pop in too - well, those that it won't scar mentally for life anyway. Hell, I'm easy; tell your family too!

Well, not that I want to be a page view whore (I don't want to be - I just am, damnit!) but the first Top Stuff post seemed to go quite well, so here's another one, just for you. 

Michelle Monroe was a professional domme based in the North of England, and she had her own paysite, Strict English CP, for which she filmed a large number of videos. She also appeared quite frequently on the various Institute of Discipline websites.

All of this seems to be past tense, as I believe Miss Monroe has retired from active service; Strict English no longer links to her spanking services site, and she hasn't appeared in any new films for around 12 months. I know she's still involved in the behind the scenes side of video production, so I assume she's healthy and happy.

Anyway, why do I like Michelle? She's a great improviser, and I love the no nonsense Northern accent. She's full figured, gorgeous, and entirely convincing as a spanker. In fact her style is worth noting; the way she starts a spanking with a flurry of spanks, arm falling from shoulder height, with such concentration.

There are a fair number of films with her taking a very decent spanking too, and she has a lovely rounded bottom. The films in jodphurs are a continual delight to me, as are many of the ones in sexy fifties style lingerie.

After all of that build up what can I do other than present some piccies to support my case? No, I can't think of anything else either, so, well, here we go!

Miss Monroe spanks a naughty schoolboy
Michelle gets spanked
And again; do we have a theme here?
Michelle spanks Amanda - ah, bliss!
Miss Monroe and her cane
Naughty Michelle again
Isn't this post called "Top" stuff?
Oh yeah, so it is
Definitely back on topic now
She's a spanking queen
Well, I suppose one more of Michelle being spanked can't hurt
Michelle spanks my good friend Dani
Michelle gets the cane
A rather threatening hairbrush
Spanking Amanda again - such a naughty girl
Amanda's revenge
Down in Jodphurland - apologies to Bruce fans (hey, that's me!)
Three of my favourite things; Michelle, jodphurs and rubbing a spanked bottom
Jodphurs again
More well rubbed jodphurs
I might just be slightly obsessed
Same bottom, different jodphurs
Ah, Hell, one last jodphur shot
Spanking Amanda again; normal service is resumed
Michelle's hand, and Amanda's bottom

I think that went well; I enjoyed it anyway. Of course, there were rather more pictures of Michelle being spanked than you might expect in a post allegedly about a Top, but that's the way my preference goes.

And the diversion into Jodphurland was unforgiveable, I know. Still, who doesn't like a nice bottom in very tight jods? Well, sure, there's bound to be someone, but I'm sure that everyone reading this blog has much better taste.

Picture sources:-
Strict English CP for everything except the jodphur shots (well, they provided the first one of those too)
Institute of Discipline for the other jodphur shots

I strongly recommend that you give both of these fine sites the courtesy of at least a look around; they are both worthy ways to spend your valuable spanking funds.

More next time

Best wishes


Video of the Week - Chatty Juliet (Punished Brats)

How's the weather where you are? It's damp, cold and miserable here, but then, this is England, after all.

Still, I have a nice warm spanky glow from watching the video we are about to discuss. Are you sitting comfortably? Yes, me too. What a shame, eh? Onwards, then, ever onwards.

This week's film is an oldie from the delightful Punished Brats. See that fuzziness in the pictures? For once that has more to do with the lo fi video image than my inept screen grabbing. It's an old film, and hi definition or HD imaging was a thing of the future when this came out.

Never mind the image quality though (and it is perfectly watchable); what's important is how entertaining this video is.

The cast is limited to two performers; the spanker is the venerable David Pierson, and, if I'm right, he doesn't have a line of dialogue throughout the whole video.

All of the narration, and explanation, and much, much more is delivered by the gorgeous Juliet Valentina, one of my top two or three all time spanking favourites. She is stunning looking, she had a wonderfully bubbly on screen persona, she has one of the cutest bottoms you will ever see, and, on top of that, she is genuinely a very fine actress.

Sadly it seems Juliet retired a few years ago; about 3 years ago I spoke to David Pierson about her, and he had lost touch with her, believing she no longer performed in spanking films. As she ever only shot for Punished Brats (I believe), then this is a pretty strong clue that she has left Spanky Land, for other climes.

For now though, there are, at my count, 33 films on Punished Brats in which she got spanked, and they are all worth watching. Again and again.

Chatty Juliet features a young lady who has acted poorly, and who can't stop talking. She gabbles away, in a very amusing fashion, for the entire length of the film. She discusses what her punishment should be, how it's going, and much more.

I'm not sure that a bunch of pictures can really do justice to this one, but as that's all I can offer you, they'll have to do for here and now. You could rush off and join Punished Brats, which remains one of the cheapest sites around, especially when you consider how many hundreds of clips they offer.

Anyway, some pictures, along with my inane comments - you can always just focus on the images.

"Oh, hi Dad!"
"You look angry"
"Oh, a spanking. I'd have gone another way"
"Perhaps a few good whacks are just what I need"
Most definitely ow!
The firm hand of parental authority
"What are you doing?"
"Well, I probably deserve a bare bottom spanking"
"Just a few whacks!"
David provides a few whacks
And a few more 
Just a few more
Juliet gets wriggly
"I'll wait here until you get me"
"Thanks, Dad"
The end

I've just sat and watched the film again; it's quite short. For me, the film works extremely well for a handful of reasons:-

1. Juliet is wonderful, convincing and funny
2. David not engaging with her conversational efforts is funny and effective
3. It's a very nice spanking, thorough without being over the top
4. It's really very simple, as a plot. We don't even learn what Juliet has done wrong

At the end of the day this is just a quality film produced by a very professional company, who clearly love their spanking; David is one of the best male spankers around (in my opinion), and, well, Juliet is Juliet.

Anyway, please consider checking out Punished Brats and their masses of quality spanking films; the latest ones with Briar Rose, Audrey and Joelle are all particularly hot.

I'm off to do something dull now (by which I mean, of course, not spanking related).

Best wishes


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